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  • Hunting Location
    zone 3H
  • Hunting Gun
    20 ga slug barrel dog gun / .270 rem deer & bear

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  1. I'm right there with you, I would love to have taken a bear. I watched how to field dress a bear on YouTube all day Friday at work.
  2. soo i had this guy follow me. I found the foot prints, im not sure what is is though. Bear or bob cat? i cant decide if ithas 4 or 5 toes. Check it out. i took these pics from my phone.
  3. i swear this is the worst year yet. I watched a 4 pointer stroll through acting liek a tough guy. 5 mins later i think my neighbor shot him... weather wasn't bad. I had one 8/10 on my cam but he showed up nocturnal. im back home.. hopefully Friday morning ill have better luck
  4. who knew the weather would switch up from opening day to Thursday when you have to set up your stand. Im driving up from NJ tonight after work to check my cams. If you need help setting up tonight i can give you a hand. Lmk.
  5. Yes correct. 209 south is 3h 208 north is 3m. Danny's restaurant is 3m. The Stewart's gas station across the street is the beginning of 3h. I hunt abt 5 minutes from there. I'll be up opening day. Btw. Its saying 4+ inches of snow!
  6. Here are some photos from my cam I pulled them this weekend. Unfortunately there are no bucks. The camera wasn't positioned high enough so I only have deer legs . I do have these guys tho, enjoy. Pics are from near the southern tip of 3H near Rt 209.
  7. saw a nice buck with a nice basket on the southern tip of 3H. Nice size too. I loaded my memory card and fresh batteries that same day. ill post if any big boys show up.
  8. I'm posted. Heard 1 shot at 620. Quiet here.
  9. Im in the rt 209 border in wurtsboro... i have a lot of BIG bucks on my cam. When I get to my laptop ill load them. 1 9pt and hand full of 8's... im not used to it in my area. From 2 weeks ago I have pics of bucks locked up fighting.. never had pics that early.
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