This is the first time I have been hunting in about 15 years. I gave it up for some time because hunting areas were scarce when I moved down state. I have since returned home and have begun hunting some property of mine in the state park up in Herkimer County (North Lake Road). All Spring and Summer there were tracks galore all over the place.. It was not that uncommon for me to be stumbling around the woods wreaking havoc while cutting brush, trees, etc., to only find myself all of a sudden in the middle of a herd of does who would then frantically jump away.
I must say though, this is been the most frustrating season I have had in some time.
Now I am willing to accept that maybe I have forgotten how to hunt in the last 15 years but I find it hard to believe. I have exercised pretty strict odor and UV control, remained motionless for hours under heavy cover, and have sat over obvious trails and rubs. I have gone out about 8 times in the last two weeks, a couple of those times being all day trips. Not only have I not seen any bucks, but no does, and no sign of does. I have tried several different spots that usually yield results for everyone, every year.
To make it worse, nobody else in the surrounding camps have fared any better. Most of these people are from out of state or live far away so they only get up sporadically, but they have seen NOTHING. One of them saw a bear eating their garbage but that is it.
Anyone else up in this area experiencing the same thing? Is there something else I should be trying? It has been rather warm for this time of year, which is the only thing giving me hope, that perhaps, just perhaps, they are not moving through my area yet.. Thoughts?