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Everything posted by Mr VJP
Bloomberg Lying Again!
Mr VJP replied to Mr VJP's topic in Gun and Hunting Laws and Politics Discussions
No, but these guys, would sure as hell, love to take all of your guns away! : I love the article about wanting Albany to pass the micro stamping legislation. To give the police a new tool to combat crime. HA HA HA HA HA HAAAA........ How many reports, and how much data, do these fools need to understand it doesn't work?? But what it would do is outlaw the possession of any handgun in NY that doesn't have it. Guess what? No pistol maker is going to make one. So where are you going to get one? See the ban here? -
Bloomberg Lying Again!
Mr VJP replied to Mr VJP's topic in Gun and Hunting Laws and Politics Discussions
Neither the Virginia Tech shooter, or the Tuscon shooter were denied a gun when they had NICS checks run on them. They did not buy a gun at a gun show. You may not think it is a band idea now, but when YOU get denied the first time, after the initial shock, you will be angry. Happens all the time right now. Somebody who is buying guns all the time suddenly gets denied and has to spend lots of time trying to fix it through the lengthy appeal process that is set up for it. i think they do this just hoping some people will just give up trying. They are also constantly adding new reasons for rejection to the list. I don't expect they will stop adding to it when you have to have a check. The only thing that keeps the fed from going crazy with the NICS check is the exemption in the law for selling guns between private sellers. Once they can get that changed, they will clamp down hard. I guarantee it. Here's my idea of compromise. I'll submit to a NICS check once. Then I get a Firearms card for life, unless it is revoked by a Judge in a court of law with due process. This way the system isn't as over burdened as it currently is and I don't have to be checked every time I buy a gun. That seems like a good compromise. Why won't the anti-gun crowd accept that? If you don't know why, read the paragraph right above this one. -
$4 per gallon gasoline
Mr VJP replied to Mr VJP's topic in Gun and Hunting Laws and Politics Discussions
If the price hits $4 per gallon soon, you will see the start of Great Depression II. Prices of everything rise when fuel cost go up. This economy could not handle those fuel prices. It's scary we have a useless tool for President right now, who has no idea how to prevent the coming economic disaster, or provide any leadership. -
Time for National Carry Laws Editor's Note: Today's feature comes to us from Alan Korwin, author of "Gun Laws of America". Recent events have made it painfully obvious that murderous trouble can erupt at any time and in any place. It is a clear and present danger. We can no longer afford to pretend such dangers do not exist. It is irresponsible to continue to imagine that police can be everywhere, or that they can respond with sufficient speed to prevent a homicidal rampage. Police are second responders. The first responders are always we, the people, on the scene as events unfold. The time has come to insist upon robust restoration of our right to defend ourselves, to keep and bear arms when and where arms might be needed in public places, to forestall these serious known threats to our safety. It is time to press forward for nationally recognized right to carry. It is time to honor and respect the plain meaning of the Second Amendment. The forces aligned against our civil right to arms are disgracefully using an assassin's heinous crime to foment hatred and attack us. They are plotting in secret to diminish and impair our cherished rights. Now is not the time to simply rebut their power-hungry vitriol and ignorance. Now is the time to advance a vigorous pro-rights agenda, because it is the righteous response to the problems their anti-freedom efforts have helped to create. We must at last free people from the governmental chains that bind them, and replace those chains with the fullest expression of rights that are so fundamental to the American way of life. An uninfringed right to keep and bear arms is the moral high ground. Efforts to ban or infringe on these precious rights in any way is both immoral and dangerously reckless, putting innocent people in harm's way. Remove the obstacles to the constitutionally guaranteed right to defend innocent life against whatever evil may confront us. It is time to secure national carry rights for all law-abiding adult Americans. National carry must be accompanied by a reinvigorated private effort to educate our children and ourselves in the social utility of firearms, and their safe and legal uses. The purposes and constitutional roots of this most fundamental right must be reintroduced into the nation's classrooms. Incentives must be brought forth to rebirth a culture of marksmanship, and to once again become the nation of marksmen the Founders envisioned. It is not enough to simply argue back against those who would deny or restrict our rights with their many and nefarious schemes. It is time for national carry rights for all law-abiding adult Americans. --Alan Korwin, Author, Gun Laws of America www.gunlaws.com Editor's Note: See Korwin's model legislation at: http://www.gunlaws.com/ModelLegislation.htm
Welcome. Are you talking about north of Camden, NJ?? ???
At the Pump. The price of gasoline in the U.S. is gradually climbing and could rise to uncomfortably high levels, largely due to inflated crude oil prices in the face of strong demand for gasoline. Recent turmoil in Egypt could increase that upward pressure on crude oil prices if it causes shipment disruptions through the Suez Canal. Increasing access to oil reserves in the U.S., both onshore and offshore, would not only help offset rising demand but also increase jobs and stimulate the economy. A Heritage Foundation analysis found that increasing domestic supply by 1 million barrels per day would create an additional 128,000 jobs and generate $7.7 billion in economic activity.[4] The U.S. currently produces 5.3 million barrels of crude oil per day, so producing an additional 1 million barrels per day would be a nearly 20 percent increase.
Bloomberg Lying Again!
Mr VJP replied to Mr VJP's topic in Gun and Hunting Laws and Politics Discussions
If they wanted you to be able to do background checks on buyers you would already be able to do so. All a dealer does is a phone call. I have a phone. Why do I need to be a dealer to do a check? For that matter, if anyone could do a NICS check why do we need to do a transfer through an FFL? This is just a liar's way of saying, "I can't control crime in my city, but I can blame others for it!" The Tuscon shooter actually bought his gun, magazines and bullets at a retail store and passed a NICS check. None of what Blowberg is doing has any relevence to that shooting what so ever! I notice he fails to mention any NY gun owner can sell long guns to any other NY resident without a NICS check too. How come he doesn't call that a loophole? If I have a Firearms I.D. card, meaning I went through an extensive check to get it, then apply for a pistol permit and go through even more checking to get that, why do I need to have a NICS check done on the same day when I go to the gun store for a purchase within hours of getting the pistol permit? It is pretty obvious that if he got his way and NICS was mandatory for all gun sales, he would not be happy and stop attacking gun owners. This is just a step towards eliminating private gun ownership. If this passes, it opens up a whole new area of infringement for anti gun folks to abuse and exploit. Anti-gun people like him are not going to be satisfied until all gun ownership is outlawed and he has actually said this in the past. The man is playing a chess game with our rights. One move at a time until the game is over. Check Mate! To call this scheme common sense is deluding one's self. He is also lying about guns from the US in Mexico. If you read the original post I think you can see that. "CNN's online reports highlighted the Bloomberg story with a "new" fact that "87% of guns seized by Mexican authorities and traced in the last 5 years originated in the US." Sorry, CNN, but that's just not true. Only a fraction of the guns seized by Mexican authorities originated in the United States. The majority were purchased and smuggled in from other countries or stolen from Mexican police and military bases. The drug wars aren't being fought with semiautomatic pistols, they're being fought with military-issued fully-automatic weapons. The small number of guns which could be traced did, in fact, originate in the United States. But...the majority of those had been reported stolen or sold in secondary purchases, not purchased directly from unscrupulous dealers along the borders." The man is lying, period. A question also arises. How do NYC taxpayers like the idea of their mayor spending NYPD funds on a witch hunt in Arizona? The city is broke and they are looking at police layoffs soon, but they can spend money on scams in Arizona that have no benefit to NYC at all? -
Bloomberg Lying Again!
Mr VJP replied to Mr VJP's topic in Gun and Hunting Laws and Politics Discussions
Almost forgot, once NICS checks are mandated for all gun sales, lots of things will become reasons to deny you. Got a DUI conviction, no guns. Got a phony domestic charge in a divorce, no guns. Etc., etc,.... -
Bloomberg Lying Again!
Mr VJP replied to Mr VJP's topic in Gun and Hunting Laws and Politics Discussions
Are you advocating NICS checks for all firearms transfers, including private sales and gifts from father to son? Do you realize once that becomes law, an FFL transfer will be required? How much do you think you will have to pay the FFL to do your transfers when he is your only option? Some FFL's in states like NJ already charge $100 to do a transfer. In NYC it can be even higher. If you are thinking the state will ever allow individuals to do their own NICS checks over the phone or on the internet, ask yourself this, why can't you do it now? Only a licensed FFL is allowed to do a NICS check. Do you think that will change? I don't. I don't think the law abiding gun owner should have to suffer for the crimes of others, but that's just me. If you have some data that proves any significant amount of guns in criminal hands were bought at gun shows from private sellers, please post it for us to see. The data must be there if what you say is true because it can easily be traced to the private seller in a trace. Seems to me Bloomberg is doing a great job educating criminals how to go about getting a gun. Many dopey crooks probably had no idea prior to his charades. -
Bloomberg Operating Outside NYC-Again Seems New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg doesn't much care where he sends his officers outside their jurisdiction if it advances his anti-gun agenda. And it seems federal authorities have very little interest in slamming him for activities that would land a mere mortal in a federal penitentiary for being an accessory in a felonious act. Yesterday morning, the New York Times reported that Bloomberg had apparently sent undercover investigators to the January 23 Crossroads of the West Gun Show held in Phoenix, Arizona. Then, at a press conference, Bloomberg showed undercover videotape of three purchases reportedly made at the Crossroads of the West Show. Among those purchases, a "Glock pistol and two high-capacity magazines -like the ones used in the Tucson shooting." No reference was made to the fact that the Glock model is among the world's most popular pistols -or that magazine capacities vary according to either regulation, or user tastes. According to Bloomberg, investigators bought guns in private transactions despite their having alluded to their being unable to pass a background check. Private sales between individuals are not subject to background checks- but private sellers are not supposed to make sales to individuals who might not otherwise be able to pass background checks. That makes the seller - and the purchaser - guilty of a felony. Anyone party to those illegal purchases (as in the mayor who sent them undercover with the intent to make an illegal purchase) an accessory. A fact that seemed to escape the reporters in attendance. We're not even going to go into the entrapment discussion - the investigators were slightly out of their jurisdiction, and no word -yet- on their having checked in with local authorities before staging their allegedly illicit purchases. During his photo-op, Bloomberg told reporters that he and the eldest son of Martin Luther King Jr. had tried to convince President Obama to raise the issue of tighter gun controls in his state of the union address. He didn't, and Bloomberg called that a "missed opportunity" although he said he was "encouraged" that some members of the president's staff assured him Mr. Obama would "take the matter up separately." Bloomberg's a determined advocate for tighter gun controls- and is absolutely willing to do whatever he thinks necessary to crack down on firearms ownership. And, it seems, he has a willing accomplice in the mainstream media. CNN's online reports highlighted the Bloomberg story with a "new" fact that "87% of guns seized by Mexican authorities and traced in the last 5 years originated in the US." Sorry, CNN, but that's just not true. Only a fraction of the guns seized by Mexican authorities originated in the United States. The majority were purchased and smuggled in from other countries or stolen from Mexican police and military bases. The drug wars aren't being fought with semiautomatic pistols, they're being fought with military-issued fully-automatic weapons. The small number of guns which could be traced did, in fact, originate in the United States. But...the majority of those had been reported stolen or sold in secondary purchases, not purchased directly from unscrupulous dealers along the borders. For all intents and purposes, most tracking of firearms ends with a legitimate sale to an individual purchaser. That purchaser was subject to a NICS background checks and the requisite federal form (4473) on which the purchaser states that he or she understands any lies on that form are federal offenses, and they are legally entitled to purchase a firearm. From that point, the firearm is generally traced from owner-to-owner by old-fashioned police work. Many times, that trail goes cold with a theft report. Again, it's a case of a lack of familiarity with the facts - or an unwillingness to challenge any anti-gun rhetoric. The half-truths are then quoted as irrefutable fact by reporters who more than likely generally don't have any knowledge of firearms - or firearms regulations. To many reporters, every gun - regardless of its capabilities- is an "assault weapon". But ignorance is absolutely no excuse for lazy reporting. Even in New York City, there are experts on firearms that can help a reporter, producer or associate producer do some basic fact-checking. Regurgitation of supplied statistics and "facts" without a basic questioning of their validity is one of the myriad of reasons that CNN is now nowhere near the top of an industry it founded. But CNN's not alone in the intellectual laziness, virtually all the "mainstream" media has accepted Bloomberg's half-truths with absolutely no question. Maybe that's why the "mainstream" is no longer the public's primary source for news and unbiased information.
Did you know payng taxes is voluntary??
Mr VJP replied to nyantler's topic in Gun and Hunting Laws and Politics Discussions
Harry can really play games with the English language. This is why everyone hates to hear a politician speak. They abuse words regularly. So much so, they don't even have shame about it any more. "Pay your taxes voluntarily, OR ELSE!" See, voluntary taxes. Right Harry? -
Is the NRA giving us a con-job ???
Mr VJP replied to fasteddie's topic in Gun and Hunting Laws and Politics Discussions
Some gun owners won't join the NRA because the NRA won't compromise. Some groups, like the NAGR, constantly say the NRA is too soft and needs to be more aggressive. Gun owners run the spectrum from hard right wing, to far left wing. So how does one decide which pro gun group is defending our 2nd Amendment rights? Easy. Study the 2nd Amendment thoroughly, including all of the documents by the founders regarding that amendment, and learn exactly what right is protected by that amendment in the Bill of Rights. It isn't about hunting, target shooting or "need"! Once you know why that amendment was put into the Bill of Rights, and 2nd in importance at that, then you will start to understand why the NRA is doing it right and knows what it is doing. -
Got a link to the article?
Looks like the NRA can lose.
Mr VJP replied to jimbodwb's topic in Gun and Hunting Laws and Politics Discussions
I have to laugh at people who think the things I say are just my imagination. I'm 55 now and the things I post are from past experience. I remember 1967, prior to the gun control act of 1968, and how much freedom everyone had back then. I've watched, as little by little the encroachments have been imposed and have seen good, hard working people get entangled with the law and abused to no end because of it. People who don't see what has happened, is happening, and is about to happen, are not keeping themselves informed. There is a huge difference between living in fear and being vigilant, so as to prevent further encroachment. What amazes me is that people either don't know gun law history, don't care, or don't understand. Like they say, ignorance is bliss. : -
Looks like the NRA can lose.
Mr VJP replied to jimbodwb's topic in Gun and Hunting Laws and Politics Discussions
My last post was not a joke, boy's. Give the government the ability to use that as a tool against gun owners and they will take full advantage of it. One call to the authorities from an enemy of your's and you can be ordered by a judge to be evaluated. As a gun owner, there is a good chance you will be declared "mentally unstable" and all of your gun rights removed. Happens quite often in divorce cases already actually. And no ones cares, because it is an isolated case, not the whole population. If a judge says you are nuts, you must be nuts, right? But then, some people are OK with these types of infringements on the 2nd Amendment because they believe the government would never do something like that. The government is your friend. : -
Looks like the NRA can lose.
Mr VJP replied to jimbodwb's topic in Gun and Hunting Laws and Politics Discussions
I love how non, and anti-NRA people think it is the NRA that threatens their gun rights. That "mentally unstable" clause in this proposed legislation should have them worried. -
Looks like the NRA can lose.
Mr VJP replied to jimbodwb's topic in Gun and Hunting Laws and Politics Discussions
Not really. Ever been in a gun shop that wasn't an NRA member? I wonder if the anti-NRA gun owners ever noticed that. Do you think they understand why these gun shops are members? I doubt it. The fastest way for gun shops to go out of business is loss of gun rights. The best way to insure gun rights is to be NRA. I can't wait to see what Obama and his Democrat friends have in store for gun owners within the next couple of weeks. I'm sure you will see a big increase in NRA membership because of it though. People always start to join in droves when they start to see they were wrong about the security of their rights. -
In a practical sense, can you have a hunter in the field 24/7 doing the job on a farm? That's expensive. Besides there is the issue of scent, movement, weather, etc. Lets face it, technology can do things manual labor can not. There is no sporting purpose for such a set up, but I'm sure a lot of farmers with wild hog, fox, coyote and deer issues can see the benefit. I believe this article actually stated it was set up to control hogs. Anyone object to the military use of armed predator drones in Afghanistan to kill terrorists? There are similarities here.
Looks like the NRA can lose.
Mr VJP replied to jimbodwb's topic in Gun and Hunting Laws and Politics Discussions
It would be very easy to sign up for membership on the spot. I think of the NRA as an exclusive club. If you are not a member, go somewhere else to hunt, or buy your stuff. Not saying you can't hunt or shoot. Just saying not with NRA members. It forces you to declare to our face that you are anti-NRA, and that gives an NRA member the right to say I do not wish to associate with you. That also happens to be a Constitutional right. Associating with a non, or anti-NRA sportsmen, is like giving aid and comfort to the enemy. As far as voting goes, the politicians stand on gun rights is really the best way to tell how they will vote on most issues. If they are anti-gun, they have the wrong attitude about freedom and your rights. That attitude carries through to every vote they cast. As far as Democrats go, most are anti-gun because their party is. -
That's got to be a private deer herd on a fenced property. It's obvious they are feeding on something that's been placed there in a straight line.
On second thought, I'm not sure I would object to this when used to kill hogs in areas where they do a lot of damage. As long as it's private land, heavily posted and properly regulated, it might have a huge impact on reducing the population of these destructive critters. Even for use as a deer deprivation tool on private farms might not be a bad idea. It might not be wise to throw out the idea completely for the above uses. We can't use poison or traps because they are arbitrary. This set up has a human online behind the trigger making a decision to shoot.
I'm looking for a slug barrel, fully rifled in matte finish with sights, not cantilever, for a Remington 870 Express 12 gauge pump. Any one have one to sell?