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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Mr VJP

  1. I give up. Seems for some folks, density is their destiny. :
  2. Mr VJP

    NJ Bear

    If anyone is interested, the work is being handled by Spring Valley Sportsman - 485 Spring Valley Road - outside of Delhi. (607) 746-7500 Ask for Patty and tell her Vince, the Bear Guy, referred you. P.S. They specialize in archery equipment and have a great indoor 3D range to shoot on.
  3. Try going back and reading the posts again. You can be fined for not wearing it, period. You did nothing wrong except forget to wear a back tag and you have to fork over cash? How is that justified? There is no logic to it unless you are on the side of the authorities. It benefits them, not the hunters. It's the law, so they have the upper hand. And that hand, in most cases, is reaching for your wallet.
  4. JESUS AND THE DEMOCRAT (I don't care what party you like, this one's funny!!) A Republican, in a wheelchair, entered a restaurant one afternoon and asked the waitress for a cup of coffee. The Republican looked across the restaurant and asked, "Is that Jesus sitting over there?" The waitress nodded "yes," so the Republican requested that she give Jesus a cup of coffee, on him. The next patron to come in was a Libertarian, with a hunched back. He shuffled over to a booth, painfully sat down, and asked the waitress for a cup of hot tea. He also glanced across the restaurant and asked, "Is that Jesus, over there?" The waitress nodded, so the Libertarian asked her to give Jesus a cup of hot tea, "My treat." The third patron to come into the restaurant was a Democrat on crutches. He hobbled over to a booth, sat down and hollered, "Hey there honey! How's about getting me a cold mug of Miller Light?" He too looked across the restaurant and asked, "Isn't that God's boy over there? The waitress nodded, so the Democrat directed her to give Jesus a cold beer. "On my bill," he said loudly. As Jesus got up to leave, he passed by the Republican, touched him and said, "For your kindness, you are healed." The Republican felt the strength come back into his legs, got up, and danced a jig out the door. Jesus passed by the Libertarian, touched him and said, "For your kindness, you are healed." The Libertarian felt his back straightening up and he raised his hands, praised the Lord, and did a series of back flips out the door. Then, Jesus walked towards the Democrat, just smiling. The Democrat jumped up and yelled, "Don't touch me ... I'm collecting disability." No offense meant to anyone who is legitimately on disability.
  5. Mr VJP

    NJ Bear

    $125 a foot from the tip of the nose to the tip of the tail + $100 for an open mouth. I think the bear is 5 feet from nose to tail. That's $725 for the rug. I went $100 for the skull in the bug box and I think the skinning and butchering will be $125. So that's $950 total. I prefer not to total it and think about it too much. ???
  6. It is, believe it or not. Someone said we all get painted with the same brush when one of us does something wrong. Seems to me that's why we have Blaze Orange laws and back tag laws in some states. The authorities have decided we are all stupid and shoot at anything that moves, so we must wear B/O as a signal we are not a deer. Damn we all dumb! (Now idiots just shoot at things moving when they are not wearing b/o). That accounts for why more people get shot who are not wearing it, but can anyone tell me if the percentage of people getting shot is higher than it was prior to the b/o laws? I strongly suspect b/o causes some of the victims to get shot because the shooter assumes if the target were human it would be wearing orange. Back tags are required because we are all assumed to be law breakers. It makes it easy for authorities to nail you when, not if, you violate a law. Trouble is I doubt one person on this board could read the current NY state hunting license unless it was in your hands and within 2 feet of your eyes. Too many dumb laws are a sign of a very dumb electorate!
  7. Thanks! P.S. I took off the blaze orange vest and hat prior to the pictures because it was warm. :-\
  8. Mr VJP

    NJ Bear

    I'm going up to the Catskill place this weekend. Maybe I can bag another one in NY with a Muzzle Loader. ;D I don't think my wallet could bear it! P.S. I took off the blaze orange cap and vest prior to the pictures because it was warm. :-\
  9. I never said I don't believe in any laws. Who ever said I do, makes me believe some people respond without reading posts, or don't comprehend what they read. I said, If the law doesn't do anything but harass law abiding citizens, I'm against it and want it repealed as soon as possible. I have never been given a summons for not wearing it, but don't like the idea that I could be. In the Catskill Park I don't have to wear it anyway. If you think you are abiding by all the games laws when you hunt, wait until you get written up for something you didn't even know you were doing wrong. There are so many regs on the books now, you need to be a lawyer, or hire one, to make sure you are in compliance with all of them from the moment you step into the field. I've never been written up for anything, but have seen peers chastised by officers for violating rules I never knew existed and find to be unjust. And the intimidation attitude these guys can adopt pisses me off as well. They work for the people, they are not above them! Call me what ever you like, but I cherish my freedom and am old enough to remember when I had a lot more of it. And as the government gets closer to bankruptcy, watch your azz, because they start to see these laws as ways to increase revenue, at your expense! It's a way to tax you without calling it a tax. And you can't complain because you violated a law. Even if that law says you can't shoot a deer and chew gum at the same time. I love the one that says if you have a loaded firearm LEANING against your vehicle, you can be charged with having a loaded firearm IN your vehicle. How in Hades did we ever allow that piece of dictatorial dung to become a law?? I guess you guys are OK with Red Light cameras or speed cameras or any of the other money making devices the states are setting up now too. A device that is installed on the sole premise of increasing revenue. Only thing is they are often wrong, but you have to pay the fine and take the points anyway, because the courts believe they are infallible, when much evidence shows they are not. Question authority and stand up for your freedom and your rights when they are attacked. For all those who trust the government totally, I pray you wake up before it is too late.
  10. That would not be a very well thought out assumption Doc. My answer is No. I make sure I protest and notify the authorities of my displeasure with the laws that are unjust. I follow them all, no matter how much they disgust me. I am well aware of the consequences of not doing so, ergo my anger, but I fight to repeal as many as I can. If the law doesn't do anything but harass law abiding citizens and hunters, I'm against it and want it repealed as soon as possible. I also vote against any elected officials that were responsible for enacting the laws. Trouble is, many times these laws come from appointed hacks, who don't get elected. So you have to go through the elected officials they report to. Then you find these elected folks are so far removed from the hack's decision making, they don't even know the law has been imposed. Unless enough people protest, nothing changes. That's why the apathy from those affected by oppressive legislation annoys me. Too many people roll over and allow our freedoms to be chiseled away little by little. An encroachment here, another restraint there, and eventually you find you have given up so much you have little freedom left any more. This country's history of insidious gun control laws is a prefect example of how we have allowed our freedoms to be taken. NY state is especially bad in this regard. NY citizens have themselves to blame for it too! Doc, the last thing one does when challenging the authorities, is give them the ability to take you out. The one thing I always remember is the government is not my friend. I just wish I could make more of the people open their eyes and wake up! P.S. The number of hunters is declining. Part of the problem is the cost of hunting these days, but the confusion and fear the preponderance of laws and fines create in the minds of new hunters, keeps many of them from taking up the sport at all. Without a mentor to guide them through the maze of regulations that must be mastered in order to shoot a deer, many of the new people who want to hunt just give up. That costs us lots of money in lost license fees and sporting goods spending. It also costs us numbers and votes. If you think about it long enough, you start to get some idea the impact laws can have on our future. It also makes you wonder if these laws aren't aimed at eliminating hunting altogether.
  11. Welcome aboard. I've got a place outside of Delhi, NY. Where do you hunt in Delaware County?
  12. "May I suggest you turn in the plates from your vehicles, pack up, & get into the wilderness.. Get off the grid.. The g-men dressed in black, THEY are coming for you.. http://huntingny.com/forums/Smileys/akyhne/huh.gif[/img]" A guy named Randy Weaver tried that at Ruby Ridge, Idaho. It didn't help. They came for him anyway. Attitudes like, "This is America. It can't happen here!", are precisely why it can and does happen here. Your liberties are not guaranteed and are very fragile. Only the vigilant see the threats, the masses suffer under them. Many laws seem to be innocuous and trivial and not worth fighting, until the day the law is used against you and you find out just how much of a threat to your freedom (or your wallet) it was. But the authorities count on blind compliance by people who are oblivious or trusting. Social Security number? They're stolen everyday along with your identity and your life is ruined. Not to mention we may never reap any benefit from it. Driver's license? The government made it a privilege, not a right. Remember? Health Insurance? Until recently did you ever think the Fed would be able to order you to pay for it and tell you who benefits from it and when? Laugh at your own peril people. I find it funny you're all willing to bend over whenever the authorities ask you too. It must feel good to you. : Culver, I won't allow street kids to take change out of my pocket because it isn't as big a threat as a man with a gun taking my wallet. Every threat should be addressed as soon as it is identified. Part of the strategy is to overwhelm the people with more laws than they can handle. More laws equal more power and control. How much are you willing to tolerate? Funny how one of the big government agendas these days is "tolerance". ;D
  13. Precisely! There is no logic to it unless you are on the side of the authorities. It benefits them, not the hunters. It's the law, so they have the upper hand. Be careful in the future how easily you roll over when the authorities decide to impose another law on your life. It's never going to be good for the lemmings, eh, citizens.
  14. Congratulations! Enjoy it in good health for many years to come.
  15. Always follow the crowd and do as you're told. : Never challenge authority. Never ask why.
  16. you think thats the answer? do you think the drunks removed from the road for life or hunters removed from the deer woods leagally for life will not find their way back in? i absolutely think they will. Its a harsh punishment to say the least and i dont think it really would change the mind of some people just becasue thet will loose there licenses for life. To me living with killing another hunter or child by mistake is 100 times worse and would eat me alive... If they do go back on the road or into the woods, they should get locked up in prison for that! Leaving them with a license certainly is not the answer. What other harsh sentence could we give them? It would certainly be harsher than what they get now. Some of these guys will kill a child and find a way to convince themselves they weren't to blame. :
  17. Reminds me of a joke. A farmer was working his land when a government agriculture inspector stopped by. The government agent said he wanted to look around the farm for official reasons. The farmer told him, "You can't go in my field......" The agent got uppity, pulled out a badge and said, "See This! This badge says I can go onto your field. What do you say to that?" The farmer sighed and waved the man on. A short while later the man came running past the farmer with a raging bull chasing him at top speed. The farmer jumped up on the fence and yelled to the man as loud as he could, "Quick Man! SHOW HIM YOUR BADGE!!" ;D
  18. Mr VJP

    NJ Bear

    Thanks. This one will go on my bed I think. It was an easy drag though. It was shot 200 yards uphill from that road on a rocky ridge. My buddy and I dragged it down to the road and then brought the truck to it. We even backed the truck into the ditch alongside the road so the tailgate dropped even with the ground and slid her into the bed with ease. ;D
  19. Geno, unless the drunks who kill someone are removed from the road for life, the consequences are not severe enough for them to stop either.
  20. The state has decided the permits are less expensive than paying for a 12 foot fence to be installed around every farmers property where the deer do damage. I think they have made the right decision.
  21. People, There is a design defect with the Walker trigger. Remington is well aware of it. They have chosen to settle lawsuits rather than recall all of the guns because it is less costly to do so. They fall back on the unsafe handling charge to limit the settlements. Some people have been killed because of that. Those were cases of pointing the rifle in an unsafe direction when loaded, but there is no evidence any of the shooters touched the trigger. Many Remington 700 rifles have discharged without touching the trigger when the safety was pushed, the bolt was closed, or the bolt was opened. It actually happened to me while taking the safety off on the range with the rifle pointed at the target. I was no where near the trigger for sure, as I was using the thumb and trigger finger on my right hand to take it off! This has also been documented, on video in many cases, by Police and Military units as well. In the majority of trigger incidents, unless someone has been injured, the issue has not been documented or addressed. It happens more often than reported and responsible gun handling has prevented accidents, but there is a problem and Remington knows it. I love the rifle and own one still, but the trigger has been replaced.
  22. Welcome Lee. Glad you came aboard!
  23. Mr VJP

    NJ Bear

    Thanks. I'm having it made into a rug with the mouth open. I'm also having the skull cleaned in a bug box. It's costing me at least $1000 for the work and the meat, but it's worth it since I don't get the chance to hunt bear very often.
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