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Everything posted by Mr VJP

  1. I believe it was done intentionally. I also believe more will be intentionally checked like that in the future. The whole law should be overturned as unconstitutional just because there is no due process or legal recourse for the accused after their rights have been violated. I don't believe there is any other offense one could commit that would be handled this way.
  2. How they might feel? Did you ever discuss with them how they actually feel? From what I've read, most native Americans don't have an issue with it. Seems the one's that do, and it's not many compared to the entire native population, are politically connected, being paid to push the agenda or stand to profit politically from the protest.
  3. I think a lot of them voted for the same guys that rammed the SAFE Act through because they thought it didn't affect them, only the "extremists" that want to own "assault weapons". As long as their own self interests were OK, they couldn't care less about anyone else's. After they found out how it would affect them with NICS checks, ammo buys and pistol permits, they got upset. Too little, too late.
  4. If he's at least 21, he's not a kid and it's a good lesson for him to learn. In the words of John Wayne, "Life's Tough. It's even tougher if you're stupid."
  5. Attacks on 2nd Amendment rights are constant and more vigorous and widespread than ever. Notice also the attacks come from elected officials in one particular party and associations supported by rich members of that party. Any self respecting gun owner who appreciates his rights should have major concerns about that when he enters a voting booth.
  6. God forbid anyone ever gets caught up in the tangled web of SAFE Act persecution. You would have more legal recourse and rights if you were accused of murder. https://www.usconcealedcarry.com/american-gulag/?id=facebook&sid=fanpage_article_3-8-15
  7. Sorry. I didn't read the entire post by Pygmy. He did in fact mention it. But at least he was accurate in it's usage. (And it's my fingers I'm running)
  8. We all know in the past you've posted a lot of stuff directly insulting ALL Christians, but in the interest of forgiveness, they were forgotten. Sure we could go back and expend energy to find them for you, but it wouldn't be productive. But as I promised earlier, when I see you do it in the future, I'll be sure to bring it to your attention. I'll be happy to do that for you.
  9. As far as you're concerned, it might just as well be Area 51. i remember that psycho babel report masquerading as science, but it was all based on theory, and bias as far as I'm concerned. I'm sure a similar study exists proving Liberals are mental defectives, but I see no reason to post it as I don't give psychology any weight in scientific research. I saw the post as a desperate grasp at a straw to solidify an already defective belief system.
  10. Christians are a threat to those who want to live life without values and morals. The idea of judgement scares the living hell outta them. Christians are the only group in America calling for accountability in many areas Liberals don't want any. That's where the hatred comes from.
  11. I found this one. This isn't Christian bigotry?
  12. Well, this was recently. I don't have time to go back through all of your posts and point them all out, but I'll be sure to point it out any time you do it from now on. How's that?
  13. You do realize this thread is about Liberals being offended by the Redskin team name right? It's the Conservative opinion that people are trying to suppress and are taking offense at.
  14. Excuse me, but it was you who lumped all Christians in the fascist category, Junkie! I was pointing out how you always like to say the Nazi's were Christians but not how many Christians died stopping them. BTW, do you think we'll see a lot of Muslims fighting Radical Muslims when they invade America to kill all the Christians? I don't see many of them fighting to keep the Radicals from killing Christians in their own lands today?
  15. That's an oxymoron, since conservatives are totally against anything politically correct.
  16. There is no Left or Right. There is only Liberty or Tyranny. Which Political Party would you say is most guilty of violating the US Constitution and removing most of Americans unalienable rights? Which Party is the one that tries to create "rights" where no right really exists, in order to buy votes to stay in power? Which one wants to eliminate the 2nd Amendment and freedom of speech? Both parties have issues, but one party is more determined to install tyranny.
  17. How does one climb "up" to the bottom of a barrel Junkie? One must slink to the lowest level of human waste, requiring great fortitude, in order to try and understand the mental disorder that emanates from such garbage.
  18. I wonder how anyone can ignore all of those crosses on the graves of dead WWII soldiers buried in foreign lands? If Christians are fascists, those guys must've been fighting on the wrong side.
  19. Every time I have to look into liberal stupidity, I have to go to the bottom of the barrel. That's where they all live. Why is it the team has suddenly been pressured to change it's name when it's had the name since the beginning? Liberals are really slow if it took them this long to decide it was an outrage.
  20. Apparently Buffalo, NY is a racist name too. http://www.thefederalistpapers.org/us/liberals-want-buffalo-ny-to-change-its-name-because-its-racist
  21. I bet the libs would be OK with changing the name to the Washington Pale Faces though.
  22. But bold faced derogatory statements about Christians in general is evidence of Christian bigotry. Someone who says those things is obviously biased first, perhaps giving them a pass after getting to know them, but always harboring mistrust.
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