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About rjw

  • Birthday 05/01/1952

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    Not Telling

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  • Hunting Location
  • Hunting Gun
    pa hunter
  • Bow
    york recurve
  • HuntingNY.com
    bill johnson and others

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  1. don't know if you are aware that this is posted in region 4,...lake desolation is in 5J surrounding land isheavily stocked for pheasants, puts a lot of pressure on the area right at start of bow season, continues until end of December, then the deer move back in, lake desolation is not a big area, lotta peole travel that road to work in Toga, so any fresh tracks or deer on road are quickly pestered. its worth hunting if that's the only area near you, beats nothing. a better area is Parcel 45 over near the wilton mall, full of oak, lotta posted housing developments around it to protect the deer herds, when the bowhunting army comes in from rt 50 they push the deer right out past BJs club, from our stands I can see right in BJs front door, cant miss the ladder stands, they are 2 man stands, feel free to use them, my name is on them and you'll see my initials match the name tags riveted on.....but that is all in region 5....
  2. you can sit in golden rod and have 100 old , gone wild, apple trees all around you looking up at the scar on Whiteface, what is now "big woods" and "wilderness" was farm fields and towns not that long ago.
  3. http://www.ammo-sale.com/proddetail.asp?prod=BH%5FREM+R35R2 Early, they have 35 rem here at this site, $28+ a box . I picked up 6 boxes plus some Winchester 35 rem power point 200 grains.
  4. saw in church yesterday the woodswise company that had that 172 acres for lease for $2,580 stamped it "Leased" on the bulleting board, term 1 year. If you fellas leased it we may see you though we don't hunt down that far since the new houses went in, afraid of a shot hitting them.
  5. ...and this is why I don't come on the internet.
  6. I ran across this post and wanted to let members know we lost Bill on Christmas, he died at home with his loved ones around him. he would have been 97 years old last week.
  7. soak 0000 steel wool in a jar of hopes solvent and then with light pressure buff the rust, it will come right off. you can then cold blue the spots that are left. blueing is a rusting process so to remove the rust you will also remove the blue under the rust if it is that thick. thin surface rust will come right off with a hopes 9 solvent dripping soaked 0000 steel wool sponge. If you are in southern Vt this winter I am 20 minutes from Orvis, I can run your gun through the gunshop we have and it will be ready to go while we have coffee and BS about hunting guns and dogs. we make flintlocks but its no problem to fix that up for you since you are a member of this forum. drop me a line if you are coming, will be in vt until june then moving perm to Wyoming. thanks and good luck, hell it happens to everyone if they have guns and use them, had a leaking trunk wrecked a 92 Winchester on me like that, was mint, now its a reblued truck gun
  8. I joined bill for a coffee and some talk, he pointed out your very nice fusil, it looks much better on bill's laptop than my phone, lol. On very long shots with roundball i often use my tang screw slot as a rear sight of sorts simply to keep "centered" for long range. That is an excellent grouping, are you patching or seating on wad? What caliber rb are you throwing? I have a mould made in .595 and a custom in. 592 if you like to try some rb from them. RJ
  9. I am in transition from ny north country to wyoming and laying over with family and friends in southern vermont, many people have steered me to your site, it looks like a nice bunch of people and very professional looking site,. RJ
  10. I have read many guides accountants back home of them hunting " 8 miles back in" but everytime we try that we come out twice,lol. Thats the nice thing about thick woods in the north country even a mile away paralleling a highway it feels like youre the only one on earth, other than the damned planes overhead, we were 8 miles back in yesterday at bourne pond in vt and when the noon whistle went off in town it made me jump so bad i dang near bit my pipe stem off, its that close straightline in open hardwoods to my ear. Several suggested maybe i switch to sanka,lol. Ive never had horses or mules spook game be it bears elk moose or deer, i would get rid of any horse that spooked at deer, like dogs that fight at a tree, there are certain genes that simply shouldnt be passed on, imo
  11. Thank you shawnhu, and anyone else, @ elmo, yes i am about 8 HRS NORTH OF NYC from what summer people with camps here tell me, i live on upper saranac lake or have until this year, i am waiting on the closing sale of my house. I am in vermont staying with my uncle; who sold out and left the north country in 2006 for the same reasons i sell this month, from here i am in colorado with his family for mid sept then hopefully will find a place to my liking in wyoming. It is a great treat having numerous grey squirrels to hunt here in the champlain valley of southern vermont. I picked up 5 tails from roadkills here today alone! We are loading lunches and water and gear and readying the dogs for the season as i type this, i will undoubtedly be reprimanded for shooting squirrels while running bears today, lol. Good luck all!
  12. Hello, i am an avid squirrel hunter too for the last 30 years, prior to that i lived where only pine squirrels were, or chickarees as they are sometimes called. Bill johnson and another man told me about your website and forums and i joined today, bill was expected to be hunting with us tomorrow for bear and squirrel but he is still in the hospital, I make my own small game heads, two are favorites of mine, the first is simply a bolt or pan head bolt screwed into the insert in an aluminum arrow, place a large washer under the bolt and it will not penetrate the tree or ground and shot in grass or brush the washer causes the arrow to flip up making it easy to find. The other small game head i use is for my wooden arrows but can be used on other shafts too with some modification, for my shaft size a 38 special or 357 mag case is used, deprime the case and chuck in a vise with a dowel inside to stop crushing, using a hacksaw slice into the case vertically deep enough to seat a bleeder blade, replacement bleeder blades for broadheads are cheap and sharp, epoxy the bleeder in place and cement the case onto the shaft and done, again a large washer under the head helps recovery and also stops over penetration on small game like woodchucks squirrels and birds. If anyone wants to please save the tails for us, several of us teach kids to tie flies and always need squirrel and deer tails, dip the cut end in table salt and freeze flat, we cant buy them here but can offer coffee and a few flies>!
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