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d-bone20917 last won the day on October 15 2012

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  1. Bulleit Bourbon and Makers Mark.
  2. This is no joke and the biggest threat to hunting in this country. Everyone should be contacting their Republican representatives and letting them know what they think of their anti-hunting stance... before it's to late.
  3. Actually it tells them enough to estimate a number. If you report a deer as 4 points or less they will generally consider them yearlings. It's not an exact science by any means, but it's the best they can do with the resources they have.
  4. I've never heard of her and it doesn't look like a show I'd want to watch. There are some really good shows out there, but you can easily count them on one hand. Most are garbage.
  5. I never took a debate class so I guess I don't know the rules. If something is difficult to solve I'll say so. I think we all want the same thing in the end.
  6. I guess I didn't read it closely enough, or maybe I'm just used to you taking jabs in all your responses (like this one). Either way, no offense taken. I think we actually agree on this topic for the most part.
  7. What case is closed? Please try and have an intelligent debate. Tell me what I don't get. What did my own words underscore? That homosexuals and transsexuals are causing all the problems? Defend the article you put up. Do you support gay marriage?
  8. I got Philo's point just fine, what are you wowing about? Please explain how transsexuals and homosexuals are causing mass shootings?
  9. There were adults trying to discuss something on this thread so I'm not sure why you felt the need to get involved. But if I missed the point please let me know how what you posted has relevance? I'm sure letting gay people get married is somehow leading to mass shootings and the downfall of this country to right?
  10. So transgender mania may be a contributing factor in mass shootings... first time I've heard that reason given.
  11. Hey now, no reason to try and pretend I've said stuff I haven't to stir up conflict. I don't support banning any guns and I realize there is no quick fix. I believe I've even said a few times that this is an extremely difficult issue and I don't really see a solution.
  12. The Weatherby Vanguard is another rifle that's very nice for the price.
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