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About hoythunter

  • Birthday 11/30/1980

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  • Hunting Location
  • Hunting Gun
    savage 30.06
  • Bow
  • HuntingNY.com

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  1. If I was squirrel hunting deer would have been everywhere. Of course a guy cutting firewood nearby
  2. The good news is my butt fell asleep and went numb. As much as I'd like to regain feeling I'm happy it's too relaxed to waste my 99 cent knit gloves. I left the TP in the truck. Lol
  3. Left work early, got some healthy burger king for lunch, in the woods, rain falling, wind howling. Tick crawling across my thumb as I type
  4. Horseradish cheddar and white bread didn't sound appealing, had chips and cheese held the bread
  5. I took my lunch meat out of the fridge, packed my bread cheese and mustard, wife sent me a text asking if I forgot to put my lunch meat away. I never packed it and dogs/cat enjoyed.
  6. It's one Hell of a sight to watch an owl fly through
  7. Look for deer, have snacks, drink Powerade, pee in Powerade bottle, remember not to drink the wrong Powerade, watch for deer, play on phone, take pictures, read the live from the woods thread, count shots, watch for deer, play with calls. I'm looking forward to morning, my guess is 550 to hear first shot. Stay busy
  8. There are plenty of guys buying guns today for tomorrow that will fill the magazines and then there pockets with the rest of the box. As a kid with a double barrel I'd carry 7, 2 in the gun and a box in my pocket. Now it's whatever the gun holds
  9. It was plenty visible for at least 25 minutes past sunset
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