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  1. I'm heading back to Grand jury duty. But I hope you see some deer movement. Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk
  2. No one really wants to kill the deer. It's part of the life cycle of prey and predators. When you hunt you are the predator. I hunt to be in the woods, spend time with friends and family. Maybe be lucky and get a deer or two in a season. If no deer is taken in the season its not bad, just life. Just like the picture.....
  3. Deer season has to start for hunters in the southern zone. Just trying to kill some time.
  4. Sorry that was in bad taste. It was funny how the guy got the deer and not funny for the deer.
  5. In the News..... http://www.redding.com/story/news/local/2017/09/28/beware-rut-redding-lists-city-streets-where-most-deer-get-hit-during-mating-season/714367001/
  6. Here is the Buck Skull from last years deer season. I took him following two does that came by my tree stand. I would have never got him if I took one of the does. It was the crossbow part of the bow season during the rut.
  7. One more great hunting video site that I watch when not in the woods. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCX8qOCUInXC-9n2OGhsPODg
  8. Hunting Guide http://www.dec.ny.gov/docs/wildlife_pdf/15huntguide.pdf Pending Legislation Regarding Use of Rifles http://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/35010.html
  9. In the News..... http://www.newyorkupstate.com/capital-region/2017/09/10-point_buck_attacks_man_in_troy_still_on_loose.html
  10. NY deer hunters take note: Deadline to apply for 'doe tags' is this Sunday http://www.newyorkupstate.com/outdoors/2017/09/deer_hunters_take_note_deadline_for_applying_for_doe_tags_is_this_sunday.html
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