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Four Season Whitetail's

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Four Season Whitetail's

  1. Glad to see it. I love shutting them down with facts and truths that they have no answer for. It just shows where the envy really is and how clueless many really are. No Problem!
  2. Well it sure sounds like a few like to spout off about it so i guess a few do care about it for some reason. For a person to bring up deer farms in a post about gun control......Yeah right, Tell me all about it.
  3. Who knows..Maybe they think Ny will be the next Non Resident hot spot to come take the buck of a lifetime.
  4. Ya know...A few of you on here think this is possible. It would take a mass killing of some disease killing animals before they could even think about doing this. Do you think they can just shut down dairy farms for little reason? Wrong. Just as they cant shut us down. We are Dept of Ag listed and USDA ruled. If you want a real answer to your thoughts give Dr Davis Smith a call in Albany and find out for yourself. Why the frig do you think they are trying to regulate us out of business with border closings and crazy rules??????? Because thats all they can do and those are getting fought and dropped in courts of law. Do you think states would be paying farms a million dollars to kill their animals and lock their land if they could just shut them? Not! Do you think states would states would pay millions to farms that get hit with EHD if they could just shut them down. Like most on here know about deer farms and laws......Clueless!!!!!!!!!
  5. Its says they are going to break the northern zone in half and the southern in like 4 piteces and each piece will have laws. Down in the 8's you will see 1 buck or restricts or both because they want does killed and most hunters want antlers. If the hard hit north you will see no restricts because you will see no does.. One thing is for sure,when i read it i got the point that they want this pushed fast so it hits the reg book for hunters this year. So by summer it will be decided. Which tells me they know what they are going to do and any hunter survey.......Means squat
  6. A drink..No Proof of a drinking problem with guns in the house..You can bet the bank they can yank them and just let someone that takes say Vicodin for a chronic back problem go a little ape shit some night for one reason or another and not even be drug related but guns mentioned and a nurse say that to a cop in the report... Bye,Bye Guns. If they want them, they will take them!
  7. Well it looks like it will go out to some kind of vote but we all know who will win that vote now a days. Its all about the bone for lots of hunters these days. It even says the DEC is going to force this thru so its done in time for the law to be in the regulation books and that is mid summer. They will force it through.
  8. Did anyone see the new Outdoor News. Looks like change is in the air and by the sounds of it there very well could be statewide restricts. There could be a week taken off the southern zone and 2 weeks off the north gun seasons. Antler restricts on bow only( Bowhunters will see that that does not fly) or there could be a 1 buck a season for all hunters. I bet it will turn out to full antler restricts in most parts and 1 buck a season. Change is a comin!
  9. Well i guess you need to look again. 2nd Amendment rights are no diff than any other right, Pretty simple. You keep saying me/my, Its called an industry. There are no being picked on, Its called double standards and agendas, Pretty simple again. For a state to say they can test their animals but they have to kill yours is just totally wrong. When Ny shut our borders they stepped on our rights. When Ny shut down the few guns they did, they stepped on your rights. You will see in the very near future just what can be done when some step on your rights when the right lawyer steps in front of a judge with truths and facts. You know i will be sure to keep all updated.
  10. Yup out of state hunters bring fists full of cash. Taxpaying residents be damned...
  11. So you can say the above post does not show what double standards that state is using? Their animals have a test but farm animals not? When there are up to 6-8 known vectors of CWD yet they only force one vector and hurt peoples lives and step on the rights? Is this not the same crying we hear about the Safe Act? Some say disease is the reason..which has proven not to kill every animal,so far. Well they use guns kill people.which is a 100% fact yet many cry foul. Your guns, My deer, Same rights just one does not affect as many as the other. There is no paranoia. Its pure facts and truths of over regulations,Double standards and agendas. Pretty simple to see!
  12. Thats one of the tests that can be used. Its been about 68% effective but states say thats not good enough numbers but they test for Tb every 3 years with a test that throws out close to those numbers. Strange to say the least. Seeing that Tb can be introduced into other animals and CWD never has.
  13. Nothing new here. Again, Hunting is money driven and will continue to be It will be adapt or get out. I believe its been coming for awhile now, some see it and act accordingly and others refuse to see the change. Sad but true...
  14. -17 on the way for us. Black Lake and a few of the Lake bays will tightin up with some fishing ice next week. Its like 51 out here now and 40mph winds and tonight is looking at 12 degrees with 20mph plus. Its coming
  15. Just what i thought...Clueless.. Dont worry because the lawsuit filed against Ny shutting down or borders and our free trade rights will be strengthened by the facts and lawsuits in other states. When Mo has to answer in the court of law on their actions it will blow back on our Ny lawsuit and Ny will lose the same battle. Hence i love when i hear many complain about their rights and the Safe Act and then support the moves the state pulled on Ny farmers. The gun rights taken away is the same as our free trade rights taken away. Enjoy the ride!!!
  16. Yup could do a whole new thread on that subject,but why waste the time. but i am still kinda waiting on your response to the state of Missouri having a live test for their incoming animals to repopulate the herd but need to shut the door on farm animals because there is no live test at this time? Please do tell?????
  17. If they want them, They will take them...All you guys that drink? Guns can be gone.Those that smoke with the left hand? Guns could be gone.Any persciption drugs...Gone! Bitch about it all you want and write pages of right or wrong but at the end of the day. You are screwed in Ny unless you have deep pockets and file a lawsuit. Go ahead and tell me i dont know about Ny laws and lawsuits. Your rights as a citizen means nothing! As is being shown!!!
  18. Good save Doc. If you say no words now you will eat no words later! It pretty simple to see how just the one state above is playing their agenda. We all will be reading those words again except it will be in transcript. You say you believe the state has more motive for protecting business in Ny? That is a joke and has been discussed in depth on this site,even by yourself and i even bet i could go back and find your words that say.to the effect of..Ny is hell bent on pushing business OUT of Ny!!
  19. Very well could be and any spin one wants to put on it can be added but the facts hold the same. The pen is a mighty weapon! All one has to do is read most write up..Heck they even did it in the Ny Outdoor News...Starts as a CWD write up and with a paragraph or two its all about high dollar hunters killing high scoring whitetails..If that does not set the stage for ya i'm not sure what will.
  20. Ny hunts would average in the 4500-5500 range i would have to say. Some cater to the higher class hunts in Ny that average 15,000-25,000 but over all if i were to guess i would use 5 grand.
  21. All states are different, but hunts have nothing to do with CWD, If it about the disease.
  22. Just telling you the facts my friend. Every hunter that high fence needs not buy a tag from the state. That is a fact. If a person hunts high fence once they will most likely hunt there forever. Deer farms are listed as an ag business with the USDA so we run our farms just like any dairy farm would. The state of Ny Dept of Ag and DEC are 2 different animals. We know exactly what their motivation is and it has been shown over and over just as you yourself cant answer the questions with any other reasonable answers. So you go right ahead and explain this to me!!!! Could reintroduced elk transmit diseases to domestic livestock and native wildlife?Livestock and wildlife health is critically important to us. We are working very closely with the Missouri Department of Agriculture and State Veterinarian on stringent animal-health protocols to prevent the importation of diseased elk. Our disease protocols for elk restoration are more stringent than any existing disease protocols for livestock or privately imported elk and deer. We are also working with other states that have successfully restored elk and have used what they have learned to develop our elk restoration plan that is based on research and sound science by wildlife experts. According the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, no elk reintroduction program in which the RMEF has participated has resulted in spreading disease. We will be working with the RMEF on our elk restoration to southeast Missouri. As is the case with all wild and domestic animals, elk can serve as hosts for a variety of diseases and parasites. The potential for disease has been minimized in other states where elk restoration has occurred by following strict health protocols and guidelines. As a result, no disease transmission from reintroduced elk to livestock or wildlife has been reported or documented. Since 2000, there has been significant progress made in our understanding of chronic wasting disease (CWD), including a live-animal test for elk. Our extensive animal health protocols include testing all elk for chronic wasting disease. Elk relocated into Missouri for the purposes of the elk restoration originate from a CWD-free state and from herds with a history of health surveillance and no evidence of health issues. Imported elk are tested for CWD, brucellosis, blue tongue, anaplasmosis, epizootic hemorrhagic disease, vesicular stomatitis, Johne's disease and bovine tuberculosis prior to shipment to Missouri. The Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services states that there is no evidence that CWD can infect people. The Missouri Department of Agriculture states that current research shows there is no evidence that CWD can spread from infected deer or elk to livestock, such as sheep or cattle Be informed and get involvedMDC has finished its eight public meetings held around the state on Protecting Missouri’s White-tailed Deer. The Department continues to welcome comments on this issue. All comments will be considered as MDC formulates possible regulation changes related to this topic. These regulation changes will be presented to the Missouri Conservation Commission for its consideration in the near future. Learn more about CWD below and then share your comments on limiting the spread of CWD and other infectious diseases at Protecting Missouri’s White-Tailed Deer below. CWD kills deerChronic wasting disease infects deer and other members of the deer family, called cervids. CWD belongs to a group of diseases known as transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs) which cause degeneration of the brain in cervids. CWD is transmitted through prions, which are abnormal proteins that attack the nervous systems of these species. These prions accumulate in the brain, spinal cord, eyes, spleen, and lymph nodes of infected animals. CWD is spread both directly from deer to deer and indirectly to deer from infected soil and other surfaces. Animals with signs of CWD show changes in natural behavior and can exhibit extreme weight loss, excessive salivation, stumbling, and tremors. CWD in deer can only be confirmed by laboratory tests of brain stem or lymph tissue from harvested animals. The disease has no vaccine or cure. CWD is 100-percent fatal. Deer and other cervids can have CWD for several years without showing any symptoms. Once symptoms are visible, infected animals typically die within one or two months. There is no scientific evidence that white-tailed deer have a genetic immunity to CWD that could be passed on to future generations. Once well established in an area, CWD is impossible to eradicate. States with CWD must focus on limiting the spread of the disease and preventing its introduction to new areas. So there ya go. Right straight of of this states website. Now if you can try and defend this as not singling out deer farms and showing just what their agenda is then you are clearly on the other team and have their same agenda. Their animals can be live tested with enough accuracy to not worry about bringing CWD into their state but they have to shut the border to deer farms because there is no test unless they are dead!!!! Riiiiiiight!!!
  23. Nope never said that but i can throw just as many big numbers on animals as you can. Funny how nobody has the answers to any of the questions about looking in a different direction for CWD...No shocker there.
  24. Well when you come up with a better one feel free to speak up. Cant be the CWD itself because its a proven its done nothing and its a proven that they are not doing everything in their powers to stop the spread. States are even ok with letting CWD free into their states and introducing possible CWD to place that have never seen a case in the past. If not cash..Please do tell...
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