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sits in trees

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Everything posted by sits in trees

  1. Im not to sure about that, health ins and hospital costs are pretty much the same no matter where in the states you are. Its not like you can get family coverage in Alabama or the Carolinas for half of what it cost in NY that just aint true. thats why most southern states where peoples income is alot less they have the highest rate of uninsured and people who just get sick and die because they dont go to doctors, and im talking hard working all American middle class working people not the poo who do get it all fo free.
  2. So what is the cure for Americas sick health insurance situation that no one will be able to afford and no employer will be able to provide in a few years if the price keeps going up 30% every year. who will have health insurance when it costs 40 or 60 thousand bucks a year to have family coverage? Should we live in a country that makes you hand over everything you own and have worked for in a lifetime when you get sick or should everyone be forced into buying health insurance and taking responsibilty for that inevitable hospital stay? I hate our lame 2 party system, Bush brought us Obama and now Obama might well bring us Romney, it keeps getting worse and worse and voting for the lesser of 2 evils just isnt working anymore folks.
  3. So now for the idealogical part. Example>> when Mr im only 35 and healthy and i dont need health insurance gets his chest pain and goes to the emergency room and is asked that very first question, the one they ask before where does it hurt.....this one> " sir do you have health insurance" and he replies, uuuhhh i aint got none should we put him back in the ambulance and take him home???? Or better yet he brings his 7 year old little girl to the emergancey room because she is passing out and white as a sheet and they find out its acute lymphocytic leukemia and it will cost over a million dollars for years of treatments that will save her little life, what do we do? send her home with mom... That would solve this whole problem in a nutshell and we would not need mandates right?
  4. My first question was about the mandate. It seems alot of folks here have been brainwashed by good ole Fox news that the affordable healthcare act is some kind of complete gov takeover/universal healthcare type thing, which it is not. I dont beleive it is socialism because it was invented by republicans way before Romney ever put it into place in his home state where in fact it is working. So getting back to the Mandate which is what this whole thing hinges on (forget all the idealogical debates). Isnt it a good idea to make people take responsibility and make them pay for their own health care? Our biggest problem is too many folks who could afford some sort of health insurance just choose not to do so..Example>>OOOhhhh im only 35 and im healthy and my wife runs 5 miles a day and is also healthy why the heck should i pay 10 thousand buck a year for health care. Eample>>>Mister im healthy and only 35 gets a pain in his chest and finds out he needs a catheterization and it cost 58 thousand bucks for the operation. He says hey i aint got the money and he owns a home which has an underwater mortage and is worthless in todays economy or lives in an apartment and there really isnt any way to make him pay. So what does the hospital do, hell yaa they raise the price on the folks who do have insurance! its an endless cycle and that is why a catheterization cost 58 thousand bucks in America and half that in Germany or France! Saying this this health care law is socialism just doesnt make sense in my opinion, it does what ever goog God fearin flag wavin conservative talks about all the time, Make folks take responsibilty for their own health insurance.
  5. your comparing mandated insurance to a complete gov run health care system, which Obama care is not. It is still insurance provided by the free market and paid for by the individual to the health insurer not the gov.
  6. the mandate is to make people who choose not to have insurance to get insurance. the more people who take responsibility for themselves and get insurance brings the price down. I really dont think you can just leave things the way they are. Health insurance rates have tripled in less than 10 years causing employers to stop providing it, even secure state jobs are charging their employees thru the nose for insurance. The run away cost of unregulated health ins companies have stagnated our economy with many people not receiving any pay increases for years now just so they can keep their health insurance....
  7. Did you really read the 20 thousand page affordable healthcare law?
  8. Parts of the new healthcare thing have me wondering but the individual mandate sound like it could be good. alot of people who dont have employer based insurance choose to go without insurance or cut rate insurance, when they get sick and hospitals and providers dont get paid they raise the cost of care on people who have insurance. So isnt the mandate a way of making people take responsibilty for their own health care so other wont have to pick up the tab for them, i mean im having a tough enough time paying for my own health ins let alone someone else's? Should goverments have the right to mandate anything?? i think they do. They can mandate that your arse gets shipped off to fight a war in some hell hole overseas. Heck some countries mandate that everyone serves in a branch of their armed forces for a 2 year period which i personally think is great. Make everyone serve including the privileged who often have ways of avioding being put in harms way or have no intentions of ever serving in the military. We do have mandated car insurance in NY and i think without it we would be in a real mess, we have the highest number of cars in the country and of course the highest number of collisions. How many people in our state would choose to go without auto insurance in NY if givin the option, more than likely millions. And as far as someone previously stating we have the best health care in the world is no longer the case. We have fallin way behind in our quality of healthcare. And someone mentioned that wherever in the world any type of mandated insurance was put in place that it was a total disaster, well not in the case of Germany and France who are rated the highest in the world as far as healthcare quality goes. Has anyone been to an American hospital lately, we have infection rates that rival 3rd world countries? Also from what i hear about New Hampshires mandated insurance system is that it is working out well, even though Mitt doesnt know wether to fight, fugk, or chase rabbits on that one....
  9. this thing is really cool and i cant believe its legal in NYS, i would be hesitant to use one on my property just because it would attract all kinds of attention, very cool though....
  10. So what do my fellow NY'ers think about the individual mandate requiring everyone to have health insurance in America...is it a good thing or a bad thing???? i personally have some mixed feelings on this, but wanted to here from you good folks....thanks
  11. I think that very stalling the gov has done with their paper promises over the last 20 years or so is going to make the crash that much worse when it finally does happen. Your right this finacial crisis has in now way come to a head yet. Like i said before, some 2000 year old calendar is the least of our problems.
  12. Go onto U-Tube and search ak-47 and you will see almost all the videos are young guys shooting these types of guns. Your most certainly right, revolutions start with the young and i dont think it will have anything to do with some 2000 yr old Mayan calender..Our young people have little to nothing to look foward to and i think thats dangerous for a society. A country with intelligent thinking young people who are idle is a ticking time bomb. Hey this isnt Africa where people expect to grow into poverty as a norm. Ahh just some food for thought.
  13. I dont know about you guys but im hearing alot of shooting around my area, rapid fire and yes even automatic fire. And i hear it from all directions and we have no police ranges within 50 miles of here folks? Some days it sounds just like the middle east, and im hearing similar reports from people in other towns. Also been looking at bulk .223, and 7.62x39 or nato 5.56 ammo and it is almost unobtainable, sold out, on back order is all i see. Black rifles/assault weapons and accesories are selling at record paces. People are buying up canned foods and places like Augosens farms food storage and bulk food supplies cant keep up with orders anymore??? i know alot of you are gonna reply with, ahhh hes nuts but there's no denying it folks somethings cooking in NY. What do you think, some big adjustments coming our way???
  14. VOTE NO!!!!!! if they try again, VOTE NO AGAIN!!!! dont let them scare you by threatening to take away your kids sports programs to support their fat lifestyles, VOTE NO!!!!! these are new times folks, everyone is hurting in my town with the exception of teachers who are a large part of why people in my town are hurting in the first place. all in all im not against all unions, just the teachers unions who are feeding off the flesh of working families right here in my town. VOTE NO!
  15. i have heard several people state, ohhh you cant blame the teachers for what is givin to them????????? i really think you can and should blame someone who is able to sit in their home while their very neighbors lose their homes or are forced to move to pay your salary, or elderly have to go out and work at some fast food joint to be able to keep the home they have lived in for decades all to support you fat arse and bulging beni packages all supplied to you by union bosses making bad deals with our money. yea the very working families of the children you teach! you teachers sit there and toot your own horns of importance to our society and your absolute necessity to our children while in reality nothing is more important than what a child learns at home from his or her own parents, and for a child to have a secure home and not have to live under the tyranny imposed by big powerfull unions who in all truth couldnt give a crap about the kids when their fat paychecks or fat pensions are threatened.
  16. here we are, a well thought out response by one of the people who teaches our children no doubt...or maybe some fat lump who is married to a teacher and will reap a life time of tax payer supplied beni's folks....
  17. yea suspensions with pay and beni's seems to be the norm for teachers, just more freakin insanity folks!!
  18. i hunted with one this past muzzle/late archery season just to get things set up here in NY so when they do become legal i wont be out there fumbling around. there are lots of differances between hunting from a stand with a vertical bow and a crossbow. just getting a crossbow into the stand with you and hanging it on a bow hook and the stealthy thing you gotta do when a deer comes by and you have to grab the crossbow for a possible shot. im one of those be ready guy's and dont want to find out im up in my stand for a morning hunt and something is not working out just right. i have hunted crossbow on my sisters farm in PA since they opened it up for full inclusion and do have some experiance.
  19. i know i mentioned this before but why do i have to uphold a contract that was made between the teachers union and NY politicians? Politicians GUARANTEE teachers pay, health insurance till death, salary increases no matter what, and a fat pension till death and beyond and its all written into NYS law and can not be denied?????? i gotta ask how the hell does someone get a deal like that? i wonder if the public was polled with questions like these what the response would be... 1. Do you think education costs should keep going up no matter if the balance between revenue and teachers salaries become so unbalanced that it ruins the states economy and causes people to lose their homes because of never ending tax increases which just exacerbates the situation even further? 2. OR do you think you should be required to uphold a Bad Deal made between POLITICIANS and UNION BOSES even when you had absolutely nothing to do with these negotiations?
  20. Damn Woofer, you went and did it again, you scared all the teachers away with undeniable facts that they cant respond to!
  21. yea Doc just seems to have that problem, part of getting old and cranky i guess...
  22. yes Bubba, if we dont give the kids a chance all we will be doing is signing a death sentance for our sport. my son and son in law are avid hunters both only in their early 20s. there is nothing i wanna see more than them and their kids having the same opportunities to hunt that i have. if we dont keep our numbers strong and resign ourselves to Docs lame way of thinking that nothing will help than we are surely doomed!
  23. actually im making an ASS of you ole man, LOL and all that stuff....
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