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sits in trees

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Everything posted by sits in trees

  1. here teachers read this.... http://www.empirecenter.org/Special-Reports/2010/12/pensionexplosion120710.cfm
  2. all i know is over 2/3rds of my over inflated tax bill goes for school tax.....its unsustainable and you can spin it anyway you like, its all gonna go bust. all leading economist totally agree. there isnt even a maybe on this situation, it will fail. remember in the movie the Titanic when the chief designer of the ship had the press guy say to him "she cannot sink" and he replied....she's made of iron, it's a mathamatical certainty, Titanic will flounder....well there you have it, NY will flounder...
  3. guys this is nothing new. dont you all remember the 50 degree winters we had in the late 90s??? Hunter and Windham mountains could only offer slush sking, it rained all of Jan and Feb and they called it El nino or something to that effect.
  4. im a traditionalist, no smoking or grillin of the corned beef. make it way the Irish make it and drink good Irish Guinness with it, iiiii lads Happy St Patty's!!
  5. heres one for you, a house (one of hundreds i can show you ) that would have sold for 750k easy 5 years ago with an 8000 yrly tax bill. now this poor soul will be lucky to get 300k for it, but really who is going to buy a house for 300k with a 12k yrly tax bill. you see the whole thing with teachers salaries is its knocked things completely out of kilter here in NY state...in another 3 years this house will have a tax bill of 15 thousand bucks no doubt....but whos gonna pay it after the owner forecloses and you have a vacant mansion sitting there?????heee, heeee, ...the system will correct itself and the teachers unions will collapse and yes all hell will break loose in NY. i cant wait for it to happen!!! here......http://www.org.interealty.com/PropSearch/PropertyDetail.asp?Code=&ML=521461&AgentID=
  6. in the hudson valley where i live a house that was worth 650k seven years ago cant even be unloaded for 325K today. and the yearly tax bills for houses like that are 12K. now if that aint some crappy math i dont know what is. my family is located on long island mostly nassau county, and have yearly tax bills of 15 and 17K. whens it going to stop teachers???? can you imagine we are paying more in a single month in TAXES than most states pay in a freakin YEAR!!!
  7. the pompous attitudes of the teachers on this thread is more than evident!! they simple dont give a crap about the suffering and loss tax payers in their very towns face! they couldnt care less about about elderly people on fixed incomes in our state who lose their homes they have lived in for 40 years because they cant pay their school tax bill..they simple couldnt give a crap about anyone but themselves and will continue to take, take, and take....use the power of the VOTE!!!!
  8. Vote, NO, NO, NO, and drag every family member and nieghbor and co worker who isnt connected to a public union with you!!! ask the elderly in your town if they can use a ride to cast their vote! if your kids are of voting age get them down there, VOTE NO!!!!! talk to people at your church, gun club, bridge club or anywhere there are people you can persuade! lay the facts on the line about ever increasing taxes and union greed!....Vote NO, NO, NO!!!
  9. folks the school budget votes are coming up, vote NO, then vote NO again, and just keep voting NO, NO, NO to keep the teachers unions from tightening this tax noose they have around our necks! Get Out and Vote, they do!
  10. i dont hear anything about the unsustainable pension and healthcare promises that we will never be able to pay for existing workers. hell NY has 10s of thousands of employees working today that still have years and years on the job???? then you read about Coumo's solutions which nip a little here and alittle there and only on future employees? this state is sunk and everything i read shows how the political scum that runs this state wont dare mess with the unions.
  11. wow after reading this times union article im more convinced than ever that ny lawmakers are not going to make any real changes and there is absolutely no hope for NY state. get out while you can folks this state is doomed...
  12. its all about a political system that for decades has been groping for votes with promises that are unsustainable, and by doing this they have set up alot of people, teachers and taxpayers for a bad ending to this story...
  13. i often have to wonder when i walk around and look at my land and my home, my tractors and cars, walk thru my barn and look at all the stuff i have acquired over the years of hard back breaking work, more hours of labor that can be imagined by most, taking chances in life with my hard earned money and being lucky a couple of times and having wins that have outnumbered the loses. dont get me wrong here, im not trying to bragg but i did it all on my own. never had the luxury of security nets, or saying i need more money for what i want and expecting the public to cough up the funds so i could do it...how must it feel for an individual who goes thru life just knowing everthing will be takin care of for you, and that you will be OK when your very neighbors homes are foreclosing and retires are going back to work at McDonalds to support your life as a teacher. and then to be able to come on a public forum and say, well if you cant pay yer taxes to support me then maybe your in over your head???? this is a major part of the problem with our country and i just cant help but thinking this is all going to end badly when people start to think like that..sorry for the rant!
  14. were upstate are you, only an 82 dollar school tax increase? the average school tax increase for the Minisink school district increased 450.00 bucks. thats if your school taxes were only 5K. if your paying 6 or 8 grand for your school tax bill then your increase has gone up, well do the math.
  15. thats freakin insane!and we should keep this thread alive...its thru our complacency that the teachers unions and politicos have been able to sneak this all by. most people have no idea of just how bad this situation has really gotten, its been done right under the publics noses whilst we were all out trying to find a way to make the money to pay the damn taxes. thats why alot of people dont vote on the school budgets, their either busy working or too tire from working to show up after work to vote! unlike the teachers who start at 8 and then you see them running out of school with their breifcases at 2:30 before the damn buses even pull out!!!!!
  16. you see this is the problem with as i previously discribed to Pav about your pompous teachers. we have no problem with someone making a good living and setting themselves up for a good retirement. heck i myself am working on this everyday of my life and i do believe i will get there one day if my taxes dont keep going up, up, up. but the key word in my last sentance is I MYSELF, not everyone else chip in to help me reach my goal of a secure retirement, right.yes teachers should make a good living and have a good retirement but not on the backs of the taxpayers. the righting(not a misspelling) is on the wall but unfortunately will be righted by the collapse of the whole pension system which is the only way anything as huge as the teachers union can be corrected. the union leaders and the teachers will never give in with any real adjustments on pensions, they just feel they are entitled and i guess i would too after having politicians and union bosses promising these thing to me for years and years..
  17. there he goes again, let them eat cake, hey we all know what happened to that chick...
  18. yea i went with one of those simple recurve Xcaliburs. the thing is solid as a rock and can double as a pick axe if needed..the thing shoots dead nuts and i cant wait to take a deer in NY with it, especially on my property. did sack a couple in PA with it and dispite what these anti crossbow guys tell everyone they are a challenge to hunt with. i took a shot at a small buck last year and due to the noise he jumped the string at about 28 yds. i think im gonna keep my shots to 25 or less from here on.
  19. DAMN Woofer your good!! remind me never to get into a dispute with you!!
  20. hey Pav, i did receive a public school education and never really excelled at math but the part about teachers putting 3% of your salaries to your own pensions and then saying your contributions make up Roughly 90% of your pensions doesnt add up whatsoever???i dont care what link you provided to prove this fallacy it just doesnt add up. there isnt an investment in this universe that will pay a person back like that.. the truth is most public unions pension funds are in the red and will not be able to pay out in less than 10 years, thats even with increasing the strangle hold on the taxpayer, thats the problem with all this "it dont ADD UP!!!
  21. hey Pav, if i were you i wouldnt come out with the particulars of you beni's as a teacher, could put you right into the pompous category or let them eat cake club again.OK you put 3% into your pensions wich will provide you with atleast 50% of your salary for as long as you live...thats a deal a private contractor or average blue collar middle class worker could only dream off. OK you contribute to your healthcare, the truth is you contribute very little on a percentage basis for a health care plan that once again, average blue collar middle class worker could only dream off. dental, vision, low copays, and barely any real out of pocket expense. and this insurance is something you can keep even if you become disabled, retired or whatever for life, once again, average blue collar middle class worker could only dream off. and heres my favorite part, private sector employees have there 401k's matched at 50/50???????????, this is the part that really throws you into the realm of pompotism let them eat cakedum out of touch with reality club again. once again a 50/50 match on a 401K in the private sector is something the average blue collar middle class worker could only dream off, the truth is if an employer even does any match its never more than 5% and mostly 2% up to 1/10th of your salary..oh and as far as your LI tax dollar being cut in half and sent up to us poor trailer park toothless upstate slobs that is pure and unadulterated BUNK??when the poo, poo hits the fan us upstaters will do just fine, and your just trying to divert attention from the real topic at hand which is what any smart teacher/politician would naturally do. i hate to say this but you are better off keeping your conversations about your pay and beni's amongst your own type, yes teachers, because thats the only group of people who can really sit there and think it's all so normal...
  22. aint you the commie that doesnt like free markets from that other site, LOL only kiddin Bill. the truth is something as simple as being able to use a crossbow was a right we had here years ago. my dad hunted with a crossbow way back before they deemed them illegal in NY state. if it was within reason people didnt make a huge fuss out of it the way they do about every damn little thing today. man its like you have to form an organization and lobby lawmakers to change your socks today, and its because of people like you Bill, and Doc and countless others who work real hard to keep people from doing what they wanna do even if it is within reason, and hunting with a crossbow during bow season is certainly within reason. when groups form to get hunters using firearms during bow season to kill deer i will be the first to join up with you to stop it because that is "not within reason"...
  23. a big part of this problem is complacency, we just have too many people that just wont vote or are too lazy to get their arses out there to vote no?? its the truth just ask around to see how many have actually went to vote and you will get, ohhhh couldnt make it, or ohhh that was last night i forgot! or my favorite is ohhh it doesnt matter anyway???? or i dont get involved in town politics...for those of you who dont vote and there is a huge portion of our towns population that doesnt "you deserve what you get, and that is hight taxes! i live in a district that has a population of 16 thousand people and we get less then 3000 voters on the school budget every year????????? PEOPLE must get out and VOTE!!!!
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