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Catskill Hunter

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About Catskill Hunter

  • Birthday 07/18/1961

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Delaware county NY / Northern NJ

Extra Info

  • Hunting Location
    catskill park
  • Hunting Gun
    Remington 30/06 pump
  • Bow
    Matthews DXT
  • HuntingNY.com

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  1. This past bow season. Delaware co.
  2. Congratulations. First one is always the best one
  3. Good luck, I'm heading up sunday morning for a week of bowhunting leading up to rifle opener. 4w
  4. Never use water from a pond or stream, if it needs to be cleaned use tap or bottled water when you get it home. Water from a pond contains bacteria. chances are you wont get sick from it due to cooking the meat but leaving it hang after washing it in a stream can be an issue
  5. SHould be fine to eat. Rinse it good to get the gook out. I would stay away from the tender loins.
  6. Good luck. Waiting is definitely the right choice here. Looking forward to the pictures tomorrow
  7. After a good rain you should be ok. If they're hungry they'll eat it
  8. Yeah I'm going to move it a bit further away. hopefully the rut makes him stupid
  9. I just hung a scrape dripper with active scrape scent in it. spread some evercalm on the licking branch
  10. I hope not, I want him back in daylight Wildgame Innovation lights out 6
  11. 10 point buck: He doesn't like the camera much
  12. There ya go http://www.realtree.com/deer-hunting/galleries/photo-gallery-from-buttons-to-booner
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