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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by RemingtonChevy

  1. The politicians like Richard Hanna are making the drones to Griffis look like a good thing because it will bring Jobs. Once people think "oh this is good because it will bring jobs" then people don't think about the negative effects the drones can have. This area has lost a lot of good jobs and the drones are suspected to employ a lot of people
  2. Since Duck Dynasty I have noticed it becoming more popular with younger people. This is because I worked in a school with teenagers. Lots of camo being worn to school
  3. Also alot of grown adults act like big babies now
  4. Schools are all liberal hippie bullcrap unless you want to pay for a private school
  5. lots of big bucks in Monroe County. Good luck
  6. I'm seeing lots of conflicting information here....but I do believe that my name and serial number of my gun have gone into a federal database of some sort
  7. I was going to post an article on it but it won't let me here
  8. well look what they told people living in NYC: turn in your guns
  9. I hate to tell you but I know Magee and I think he's on his last leg. I am from Oneida. He is done soon he can barely walk or talk. Great guy and farmer but he is done
  10. thanks for the info. Looks like it's pretty easy for law enforcement to find out who has guns when they want to confiscate them
  11. A&E just brought him back to make money.
  12. This may have been asked already, but I recently bought a shotgun at Gander Mountain. Now does my serial number and information go in some type of database where the government knows I have the gun? Or do they not know....not paranoid just curious about this
  13. ok thanks I appreciate. Like I said I'm new
  14. Hi I'm pretty new to hunting and was wondering if anyone has experience canning venison meat. I want to do this but was wondering how long venison can last if canned, what do you use, how do you do it, etc. I know there are probably some sites on line but was just wondering if anyone has experience doing this....thanks !
  15. I tried a Thermacell and still got eaten alive in the woods! didn't work for me
  16. you can't blame guns. you can blame mental illness
  17. I'm a traditional and conservative guy right here....hunting is pretty traditional! Liberals would like to see it outlawed and want to take our weapons away
  18. pretty awesome. I've been right in that location. my brother lives in Irondequoit outside the city
  19. text your buddy when you're sitting there waiting for a deer to come by......take pictures of your trophy buck.....
  20. their country is in a civil war so lets hack an archery forum??? bizarre
  21. region 6 here. New Hartford, NY. Just got a doe permit for 6s
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