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Posts posted by The_Field_Ager

  1. 11 hours ago, Rattler said:

    For the most part, I still hunt with the same folks I've hunted with for decades.  So we have not really changed much as far as how we hunt.  What I have noticed is far fewer hunters in the woods these days, which has advantages and disadvantages.  I also am pleased to have a cell phone with me when hunting now.  That really makes hunting alone safer and allows me to keep in touch with other stand hunters while deer hunting.  We can make changes in plans due to weather or whatever and I can know quickly what is going down when I hear someone take a shot.

    I rather embarrassingly got turned around on a neighbors property recently. It is part of a large tract of woods near my house.It didn't take much either. I ended up having to use google maps to get me back to my car. 

  2. Yeah, I am on something of a deer-kill-downer right now.  This will only be my 8th season. Just 3/4 seasons ago I was obsessed. Practically hunting all year long in my mind, planning scouting etc, watching videos all the time. Right now, the more I think about killing a deer, the less I want it. I love being in the woods. I love seeing the deer grow on cam. This year I just don't even know if I can do it. I got 2 lovely Bucks on the one cam I bothered to put out a couple of weeks ago on my back-up spot. I just came over all sad at the thought of arrowing one of them. I have not bothered putting out a cam in my own patch. My nephew is finally getting his license this year. I think I will put my focus and energy there, on helping him. I simply have no heart for it right now. Maybe that will change come the Fall.

    Had someone, a Veteran, come by the house recently. We got talking about hunting. He said after being deployed he came home and went hunting. The first deer he saw in his sights caused him to break down. He couldn't shoot an innocent he said, not after all he had seen/done overseas. He sold all his gear the next day. That story has stuck with me.

    If I really needed the meat I might feel differently, but things are OK now moneywise . I may donate the meat this year. That would bring some purpose to the whole affair. I will definitly go and sit my stands tho. I will at least do that much.

  3. Be under no illusion,this is all just dirty politics. The left are failing in the market place of ideas. Cencorship is all they have left

    Democrat Senator: ‘Survival of Our Democracy’ Depends on Banning Conservative Websites From Social Media


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  4. 6 minutes ago, Storm914 said:

    The thing that i find crazy  is every country that has the system the extremists left wants is worse off then here .

     can they  figure it out for them selfs even Canada  exports 3 times more people to move to the usa then usa has people going to live in Canada even though there population is much less then ours .


    I was just talking with my wife's boss earlier. They recently inherited a lake side property in Canada and are planning on spending half their year there. I was told that many of the local Canadians despise Trudeau and love Trump. I can understand their desire to flee the developing Caliphate of Canadastan.

    Toronto has turned into a 3rd world hell-scape over the lat 10 years.

    • Like 1
  5. Whether one like Jones or not is irrelevant in light of the larger picture. This is just the beginning of a hard left push to ensure mid-term election fiddling and outrageous leftist narratives are not countered in a meaningful way. Rumors are that Drudge is next. Facebook has already started to ban conservative content. The veil has dropped, the gloves are off



    Candace Owens is a powerful Black conservative voice. She is also under attack for leading a movement of black folk out of the democratic plantation.



    Twitter Suspends Candace Owens’ Account for Mimicking Sarah Jeong’s Racism


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  6. 9 hours ago, Robhuntandfish said:

    couldnt happen to a better guy - he is a POS!  Hope the families of Sandy Hook bankrupt him.  

    There is free speech - he wasnt arrested - thats what free speech is about.  Doesnt mean what you say doesnt have consequences and that companies and people cant distance themselves , that is also freedom to make that decision.  Hoping he falls hard.  Hes made a lot of money off the backs of parents that have lost their children in a terrible tragedy, theres a special place in hell for this fella.  

    When Wildcat Junkie likes your posts, you know you are on to a loser position.

    The hysterical  hand-wringing/pearl-clutching was entertaining however.

    By the Way Wild-scat, how are you liking those Koch Brothers these days? Changed your tune?

  7. 23 minutes ago, Dom said:

    Why in the Heck would one spend the money to ride a bike/treadmill or lift weights in a gym?I 

    I dunno, maybe the physical transformation, improved circulation and stamina, better mood associated with exercise, turning the ladies head's with your big guns,  reduced rates of bone disorders,l lower stress, better sleep patterns etc...


    You're right, can't think of anything that might motivate the average human taco

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  8. Check out the DR Wahls protocol for feeding your mitochondria, the bodies' engine room. She cured herself of MS. The diet and protocol can be applied to most health issues, including aging. 


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