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Posts posted by The_Field_Ager

  1. So this was happening as I approached the stand covering this new scrape at 1:30 pm . Lil guy was really going for it. I waited for him to wander off then climbed into the stand over-looking this scrape. Soon after a doe arrived and bedded, trapping me there for 2 hours. Fun all the same. Sadly, the big 10 never showed. Gonna try a quick morning sit before work. I had night footage from this scrape as well. It is 60 yards from the heavy bedding. My job is to snipe a giant buck as it nips in out from this hiding area.


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  2. Things are happening. Got a nice Buck on cam last night and I found a 3 foot wide new scrape, made last night. I am currently moving a stand by it, down wind. Same spot I killed the big 4 year old in 2016. In for lunch now and then I am hunting this spot till dark. It is the same area I saw the deer come out from last night from the thick bedding in the neighbors clear cut zone. I also keep getting a big yote on cam. This one is not shy unlike previous animals I have caught on camera. The deer in the pics here is likely the one making the scrapes along a ridge I am hunting. This ridge is downwind of the prevailing wind and so sees a lot of traffic.





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  3. 28 minutes ago, Dom said:

    Yes sir lot of Bronchitis and upper respiratory infections going on.I think the change in weather and leaf drop/pollen/dust from what was on the leaves from the summer is the main cause.Get some rest and feel better soon.

    Something weird is afoot. I have noticed a major uptick going on 3 or 4 years now in terms of lung infections. I am shaking something off myself now and I had a very bad dose 2 years ago. I rarely got sick before this and now I get something in the lungs every year. When I was teaching the students were often down with respiratory issues. 

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  4. Gorgeous evening in the stand. Everything felt good. The deer however did not seem to think so. I am finding scrapes and rubs galore now all over the woods but they must be nocturnal endeavors as I am seeing nothing near these areas in daylight. My tally tonight was 1 big yote and 1 small but extremely fat squirrel . Have to work in the am but hoping to be in the stand by 2 pm tomorrow 

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