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Posts posted by The_Field_Ager

  1. Finally got to sight her in this afternoon after installing my new 12 dollar whisker biscuit. So far, at 25 yards in high wind, it seems to be holding up. I may order another!  I did adjust for elevation after these photos were taken. Pretty centered now.

    This is my old, 3rd hand Darton . Given to me by a cousin about 8 years ago. I have been using it for 6 seasons now. I believe she is about 15 years old. I think it is a Darton Marauder or Maverick . Not even sure of that much. But she is fast and quiet and still dropping deer. Can't complain:






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  2. Oh, be sure and keep any home-brew acorn scent in jar in the refrigerator when not in use. It will develop mold if left out at room temps. I brewed a batch today and sprayed in front of a couple of cameras. First time testing it before the season like this. I will report back in a week with results. Last year was my first year trying it out. Smells great! 

    Also, I use the metal mesh coffee filters for straining off particulate. Paper filters don't work.

  3. 1 hour ago, wooly said:

    I have an Instagram account, the only problem is I can't seem to get the hang of that place so I don't spend much time there. 

    It's all about the proper use of hashtags #

    Spend some time searching or finding appropriate hashtag groups that have large followings and post counts. Don't be shy about about using tons of hashtag links with every post you make. Follow successful people doing similar stuff and observe how they operate, and watch what hashtags they use. Posting semi-regularly is advised in order to create a presence

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  4. 4 minutes ago, wooly said:

    my reach is so limited right now, I'm sure I would have an even harder time selling it than I do right now, and I have no use for something like that for myself.

    Start an instagram account that has a link to a blog or some other site where people can make contact. Instagram is great for exposure

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  5. 6 minutes ago, crappyice said:

    Can we get that recipe for the acorn spray? Think you posted your procedure once before

    Very simple:

    I gather up a couple pounds of freshly dropped acorns, split them open a little, and them boiled 'em up for 20ish minutes. You then need to strain off and filter the water (I used coffee filters) if you plan to use it in a spray bottle. Grit will quickly clog the spray otherwise. Some folk throw in bits of twigs and pine into the pot. I suspect the best approach is to include whatever exists in the area being hunted.

    The resulting concoction is actually quite sweet. I plan a fresh batch soon and will put a camera over the test spray area.

    • Like 4
  6. 9 minutes ago, skiop said:

    I small round acorn sized ball that supposedly smelled like a real acorn? You  know the reason

    News Flash - Deer don't eat cotton and you appear to not understand the roll of attractants. Case closed.

  7. 47 minutes ago, skiop said:

    So a deer walked by a strange smelling cotton ball hanging on a string and sniffed it. Go figure. I bet if a piece of bacon was hanging there he would have sniffed it too

    what's strange about a natural acorn scent?

    My nice 3 year old 8 Buck from last season was stopped by some home-brew acorn scent I sprayed in front of my stand.

    Never had that happen with mature Bucks when using pee scents



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  8. I was having issues in my right hip/back for years. I thought it was my back. Turned out I had basically 'dislocated' my sacro illiac joint. The one that butts up against the spinal column . It does not move much, not like a shoulder, but the pain at times was quite sharp and would wake me up at night. Most folk just take drugs, but I formulated a DIY home physio program to reset it and tighten up the ligaments. 1 year later I am much improved , but the joint does slip from time to time and I have pop it back in which gives instant relief. Hopefully in 4-6 months I will be fully healed.

    One of of my wet-log slips may have been the trigger. I have landed hard on my azz a couple of times.

  9. 15 minutes ago, philoshop said:

    How did these people ever get elected in the first place?

    The education system is designed to keep people ignorant, in the main, when it comes to politics. The System makes itself deliberately boring to Joe 6-pack also, through the adoption of mealy mouthed rhetoric and 'politics-speak'. Politics, as presented by the media and education, is naturally repulsive to most people, and that is how the elite like it. They count on the masses being disengaged by and large, or ill informed, Both work to their advantage.

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  10. Mother nature picked mine this year. It does happen to also be the stand I have harvested 2 of my biggest bucks from, but this year the 2 Oaks this stand over-looks are the only ones dropping acorns and the area has been busy with feeding deer. 1 decent 3 year old on cam so far in this spot. I am however looking for a 4 year old or better this year. I have little desire to shoot anything less at the moment. This year my energies are going into getting my nephew and a friend, both just certified, onto their first buck kills. If I can achieve this, I will be happy to eat tag soup. 

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