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About gbj

  • Birthday 08/17/1969

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  • Hunting Location
    steuben county
  • Hunting Gun
    stevens 270
  • Bow
  • HuntingNY.com

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  1. gbj

    Tracking Advice

    I gave it a long look I’m headed to steuben county the next 3 days . there’s like 5 properties he was headed towards long narrow strips I got 3 of the 5 permissions. There was very little blood in the bed and never found anymore .
  2. gbj

    Tracking Advice

    I’m tired but alive just saying when he hit i in my mind knew it was a dead deer I saw the impact at 10 yards looked perfect apparently little low.
  3. gbj

    Tracking Advice

    Just gave up at 1:00 there wasn’t any doubt when he hit it he was dead must have been low hit
  4. gbj

    Tracking Advice

    Sorry she didn’t want to drive unless I got permission from all neighbors she was 100 percent coming around 1:00 I text back said I couldn’t get permission
  5. gbj

    Tracking Advice

    Just met my new neighbor first time I’ve had a shotgun pointed at me she was pizzed but after 10 minutes were all good now have permission wtf is wrong with people don't know how many times I could say I’m looking gif a wounded deer. Underwear are changed back looking
  6. gbj

    Tracking Advice

    I’m in looking but she didn’t want to drive a hour unless I had permission So I just walking around looking I really think he’s dead
  7. gbj

    Tracking Advice

    I’m in looking but she didn’t want to drive a hour unless I had permission So I just walking around looking I really think he’s dead
  8. gbj

    Tracking Advice

    I’m in looking but she didn’t want to drive a hour unless I had permission So I just walking around looking I really think he’s dead
  9. gbj

    Tracking Advice

    Got new neighbors up the road nobody will answer the door
  10. gbj

    Tracking Advice

    I’m also thinking one lung called the same fletch used just getting neighbors permission and see what happens later
  11. gbj

    Tracking Advice

    We’re hoping no rain till noon here
  12. gbj

    Tracking Advice

    We got within 40 yards when the light hit him he’d drop his head to the ground so we shut the lights off while we were standing there he got up definitely didn’t run we would have heard him but we also found no more blood
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