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Posts posted by Caveman

  1. We have about 60 " in orchard park, makes for real quiet walking but an awful lot of heavy breathing and cussing.


    My parents in South Cheektowaga have just a little more than that.  We were joking about throwing on some snowshoes and deer hunting.  Almost wouldn't be fair. 

  2. They mentioned on one of the news stations last night or the night before thst they were trying to get it moved to Monday night they are offering $10 hr and 2 tickets to the game to anyone that will go to the stadium and shovel


    I was wondering how they were planning on doing that since there was still a travel ban in Orchard Park last I checked.  

    • Like 1
  3. I don't want to derail your thread but I do want to ask you a question about those battle wounds.  I shot a 7 point opening morning with an oozing wound on his back either from an arrow or another buck.  My buddy refused to eat any meat off of him on the off-chance that he was "tainted." I lost the backstraps but kept the rest of the meat.  Do you eat a deer with an obviously infected wound? 

  4. You miss the point Belo.


    You can eliminate all of the slobs, but the anti-hunters are still coming for you because you kill animals.


    The ranks of the anti's may not be affected by those in the middle, and some in the middle may be the type to generalize all hunters, bikers, muslims, gun owners, etc., into the same category.


    Regardless of their views, as a hunter, you are a target of hate, and always will be.


    This is ironic.  I may be wrong but from my reading of this conversation you missed his point.  I think Belo is saying (and correct if I'm wrong) that although anti-hunters will always hate us, self-control and self-policing can prevent those in the middle from becoming anti-hunters in the first place.  

    • Like 3
  5. VJP, you're right that anti-hunters will hate you no matter what.  The problem is that there are people in the middle who don't have a strong opinion about hunting either way.  Those people could definitely be swayed to the anti-hunter side by exposure to "slob hunters."  They could also be swayed to an accepting attitude by ethical and respectable hunters.  Does it mean we start in-fighting and self-destruct? Not necessarily.  But perhaps a little self-policing would do some good for our sport.  


    I understand this will most likely get flamed by the hyper-masculine "I can do whatever I want, screw you if you don't agree" crowd, but public perception is important.  Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should.  

    • Like 5
  6. Yes but after reading that law it seems like they May venture onto your property if they view some sort of illegal activity, they can not just come and ask for a liscense if they view a person hunting. You still have some rights and protections on private land 


    Well, I just did some research before I went down this rabbit hole and it appears that NY allows for stronger protections than the federal constitution.  The open fields doctrine was rejected by the NY Court of Appeals in 1992 in a case called People v. Scott.  I can admit when I am wrong. My apologies.   

  7. You also got boned this morning out of 9F ? I waited on round 2 for 9F as they are ALWAYS available. Not sure what happened as DEC site listed them as available !


    I went back and got my 2 on Monday when things were back up and running.

  8. A high, bucking jump followed by a slow, kind of slinking-off exit.  That's a classic gut shot.  It happens to everyone.  Give him time, track at first light tomorrow, and hope the yotes don't find him before you do.  I hope it works out for you. 

  9. Rather than that I would just go for the understanding but disappointed route.  Tell them that you were disappointed to hear of their decision but you understand that it is THEIR decision.  Then talk about the possibility of what you could do to earn your spot back.  I'm sure they would be more receptive to you acknowledging that it is their land and they were doing you a favor by letting you hunt there all these years.  


    I'm just spitballing about what I would be most receptive to if I was the landowner.  Coming in and telling me I made a poor decision or in essence "you'll be sorry" would just make me more likely to send you packing.  

  10. Re: Lancaster, NY

    Spot on. Of the dozens of places I could hunt/trap in the mid 80's only 1 or 2 don't have housing developments now. I'm still there and drive an hour to Eagle/Bliss


    Lancaster in the 80s sounds like Elma/Alden/East Aurora now.  As the city falls apart and the inhabitants work their way deeper into the burbs the suburbanites move farther into the country bringing their McMansions and subdivisions with them.  The folks just bought a place in Newstead that they close on this week and I'm concerned about how long it will be before their new neighborhood goes through the same transformation.  

  11. I have a beagle x blue tick cross I've been wanting to get into blood trailing.  You have any books you'd recommend on training a blood dog? I want to start his training as soon as I can get my hands on some deer blood.  Any tips for training? How long had you been training your dogs before you were comfortable working them on a real trail?

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