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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by jharvey

  1. fishers are bad news, kill a lot of small game. they kill turkeys off the roost at night. all they are is a weasel on steroids. there is a lot more around than people think
  2. you need a trp permit to store personal property on state lands. just have to talk to the regional office and just have to fill out a form. went threw all this couple years back
  3. machinist, i do for the enjoyment of of good hound work, just like everything else there is good days and bad days. there's days you don't get a track going, and you do get out ran by a 80-100 pound bear, known as track stars. all in all i do it for the dogs, i've ran bear in maine, and vermont once
  4. in ny there is a season where can run them with hounds with a special permit, only just to run them, you can't have any weapons with you. so we take videos and pics. it goes from july 1 to the middle of september, it did go into october but with opening bow season early now, we lost a couple of weeks of it. some pics for you to see
  5. it would be alot better if we could have a 10-14 day hound season then, and that would help with population control best. it would also help the farmers best with all the corn damage they do.
  6. nice pics, much better to see them up a tree with hounds under it
  7. that's a awesome bear, was it over bait or hounds
  8. very nice, has a good pumpkin head
  9. jharvey


    yes i do run yotes, it's a blast
  10. jharvey


    just joined the site today, i live around canandaigua, ny. i really enjoy turkey hunting and running hounds.
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