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  • Hunting Location
    Catskill mountains region
  • Hunting Gun
    358 Winchester Savage 99
  • Bow
  • HuntingNY.com
    Looking at a deer photo from Orange County

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  1. Hi I can’t seem to get back to you on the site. im in Kingston Ny. my land line is 845- 338 -8972 thank you …….john
  2. I would be interested in buying the scope. I could send you a check and when it clears you can send me the scope. thanks John
  3. Looking for a wire bending fishing spinner making machine. Not the C Clamp syyle, but the bench model. Any help would be greatly appreciated . Pollack
  4. Well wildcat, a friend of mine is interested in the centerfold map and details of the Pepacton Reservoir in Delaware county. He has misplaced his. He has the ones on the Ashokan and Roundout Reservoirs also in the Catskills and wanted again to posess thoses three. Keep you eyes open for a copy. He would appreciate it. Newyorksportsmen 1985 J/F Pollack
  5. Looking for a nysportsmen magazine 1985 Jan/Feb Thank you Pollack
  6. Hi Looking for a 1985 NY Sportsman magazine. Jan/Feb. Do you have a copy In your possession? Thanks Pollock
  7. Thanks for the heads up, I've been down the ebay trail along with the want ad digest and the Craig's list. I was trying to get into a situation where someone might had bought an extra, and realizes he or she doesn't need it. I thank you for your thought.
  8. Anyone have an Extra Band for the Loggy Bayou, climbing stand,that they might want to part with. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you
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