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Posts posted by chrisw

  1. Pretty sure that any zone rifle not allowed for deer is no go for any rifle bigger than .22 for predator hunting even after deer season. I could be wrong. #4 buck good to 40 yards with right tube 

    I'm pretty sure you can use a centerfire rifle after the deer season has closed even in shotgun only areas for deer. It's only limited to .22 during an open deer season. I'm pretty positive actually.

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  2. Purchased a savage . 17 wsm for this year. never had any coyotes come in to the calls, but the .223 was not fur friendly to the fox. Got a hunt in 2 wks well see how it works.

    How is your 17WSM as far as accuracy goes? I've almost bought one 2 or 3 different times but I see quite a few reviews stating 3"+ groups, curious as to what you're seeing?

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  3. quiver mount bracket included?

    Yes, the quiver attachment plate is included, the pins don't slide on the fly if that's what you're asking? They are all independently micro adjustable and also have the 3rd axis adjustment. The front of the sight housing is threaded to accept magnification also.

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  4. But they do keep the population level.  How bad would it be if they didn't have a year round season in those states?

    Every property has a carrying capacity, coyote numbers are drastically affected by disease when the numbers get way out of whack(ex. Mange) and coyotes will not stay where they can't find food and let's not forget coyotes are territorial, they don't intermingle with outsiders. So some stories I hear of a bunch of different packs all living on one property is very hard to believe. I'm not arguing against taking coyotes, I take every one I can LEGALLY. Where the blind hatred for these critters comes from is beyond me. I think for the vast majority they are just a scapegoat for dwindling deer numbers which are most likely more related to your trigger finger than any coyote. A hunter can kill 6 deer in a season and post pictures up on this site and we all praise him, if a coyote killed 6 deer in one year we label it as the devil. Coyotes kill (thousands?) of deer every year in NY? Hunters kill hundreds of thousands and yet we point fingers at them for problems we don't want to look into the mirror for. I'm sure there are areas with more than healthy populations of yotes, but it seems everyone you hear from says it. Quite honestly it's disheartening that on a hunting forum in our local area that so many hunters are misinformed on coyote behavior.

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  5. The main reason I wanted to fill those last two tags was to donate them to feed the homeless.  Is that selfish?   Also, it is tough dodging deer on my drive to and from work every weekday (and to Church on Sundays).  It is only by the grace of God and that my new car has great stopping distance that I have managed to avoid killing one with a vehicle myself.  I did tap one lightly in the hoof this fall with my bumper.  If I can save someone else from hitting one with their car is that selfish?   I wonder what the widow, kids, and parents of a guy, who was killed in our town a few years ago when a deer came thru the window of his van, would think about that.   
    Now tell me one more time who is being selfish


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  6. Wanting to open a season so that more folks can participate is the opposite of selfish.  You are so blinded by your own selfishness that you can not see the forest for the trees.  You will loose, hopefully by next October.   

    And I could say I'm fighting it so more folks can enjoy what's left of the traditional archery season. If you didn't use a crossbow you wouldn't be fighting for it, stop fooling yourself. There are dyed in the wool traditional archers out there, I don't see you fighting for them, how about a traditional flintlock season? You don't give two hoots because they don't benefit you. And by the way it's "lose" not "loose." The participation argument is weak at best. Every implement has a season already, it's selfish of you to want more and more for yourself.

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  7. Sorry,
    Chris and thanks for the Jesus bump.  We can't possibly get too much of Him just one day after Christmas.
    What's up Doc ?
    I suppose it is taking you some time to come up with your answers.   Relax, the truth will set you free.    

    I see you pushed off responding... Typical. You're calling out Doc on not responding and here you are doing the same, why are you not a selfish elitist for wanting to force your way in to an existing season to make it easier for you but I am for wanting to keep you in your own season?

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  8. Wolc... First off did you just learn the term "selfish elitism"? You've thrown it in every post lately. Secondly, you are justifying why you should be able to jam your weapon into a current weapons' season because "YOU" want it so "YOU" can kill more deer. How are you any different than a guy not wanting it in archery season? You too are being selfish. But it's nice to see your true colors coming out, you hide behind your Bible most of the time but you're apparently riled up enough to belittle other people on their beliefs, even going as far as saying Jesus would be for full inclusion!? Seriously man? I'm against inclusion but I'm not crusading a forum telling you that you're a selfish prick because you don't agree with me. You filled all but 2 of your tags this year, quit whining. You do realize that you're whining more than most guys who didn't get a deer during archery at all right? That just shows how you don't enjoy the time spent in the woods, you just want to walk in and kill something because God forbid you don't fill a tag. We can't change the season every time some whiner wants to make it easier for himself. So stop your holy crusade, if you want to make decisions in your life based on the Bible, fine with me, where you start to really annoy me is when you try to force it down people's throat and use crazy correlations (like Jesus wants full inclusion). So go ahead, follow this up with a response about the Bible and how you'll pray for me, and you're right and everyone who disagrees is wrong, that seems to be your niche.

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  9. I like the idea of muzzle the first wk of gun but hate the cross gun idea

    I myself am not for full inclusion, but if we could shorten our gun season in southern zone I'd be willing to see inclusion happen as a trade-off. I've always said the first week of gun should be muzzleloader, and the state would sell more muzzleloading stamps at the same time. It would give the deer a warning to rifle season if that makes sense.

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  10. I'd like to see the late muzzleloader done away with and make the first week of gun season muzzleloader only, followed by rifle until like December 8-10th, season closed. Full inclusion for crossbow through archery season.

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  11. I have an Axcel Armortech 5 pin Pro for sale. It's the dovetail version with .019 pins but they seem smaller because Axcel doesn't flare their pins I guess. It's an awesome sight, I used it one hunting season and decided that a single pin is for me. Sight looks brand new. $150. Located in Liverpool, NY.

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  12. That is a cool rack, the rack isn't a great indicator for aging deer. If I were to guess, I doubt a 2.5 yr old buck would be have an eyeguard like that unless he had some serious potential. About impossible to really tell though judging on rack alone, if I were to wing a guess I'd say at least 2.5, after that it's all a guess.

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  13. I have read that kinetic energy is lost in mechanical broad heads. Also, a fixed broad head would have done greater damage early in entering the cavity. This arrow bounced off somewhere. Possibly the opposite shoulder. I think it's possible a different broad head may have punched through or at least broke that leg. This would have forced that deer to stop sooner. Total speculation.
    My root cause for wanting to change broadheads is purely psychological. I have lost the confidence in the tool. It is my feeling that changing is equivalent to wiping the slate clean. That's all. Whether I switch to a fixed broad head or stick with mechanicals I feel the change is going to help my confidence, that I will recover deer that I make quality hits.
    I hit a good buck last year in the shoulder. Absolutely no penetration from 15 yards with my bow set at 60 lbs., same broad heads. I hear stories on this site of guys punching right through. Now in this case it was a less than ideal shot. But this one was no less frustrating than the one from the other day.

    You can lose some energy with mechanicals but it's minimal compared to what you're losing with a light arrow/lighter draw weight combination. There's a real possibility that with a fixed head you wouldn't have found any of the mentioned animals either. As far as a fixed head doing damage sooner in the cavity, im not seeing that as playing a factor. A single lung hit deer can be one of the toughest to find, blood can be sparse, they can travel a long ways, sometimes they may even live (not often). I'm assuming you're currently using a large cut mechanical, with marginal shots that don't contact bone these heads are often very beneficial with proper penetration. A smaller fixed head would've only penetrated further and cut a smaller channel, meaning unless there was a vital that the fixed heads increase of penetration would've allowed it to damage, the results would've been the same. I understand your logic for losing faith in the head psychologically, but the greater emphasis should always be put in shot placement and secondly penetration, it doesn't matter what head your using when these two things are right. Brush off the loss, get out there and practice as much as you can and make the outcome different next time!

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  14. The broadhead doesn't provide any kinetic energy, a less than ideal hit on these deer is what caused the deer to go so far. A one lung hit is a one lung hit, doesn't matter much what head you use. Consider going to a heavier arrow if penetration is a concern.

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  15. I used to sell them, without components to fire them, no permit is required. I ordered mine through CVA and it was laying on my steps when I got home. 2 years later I decided to actually use it and I took the original paperwork to the sheriff's office and they added it no questions asked. Just put it on when you get it and problem solved.

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