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Posts posted by chrisw

  1. Exactly right, if attracting a deer to a certain spot to try to kill them is unethical, immoral etc. How many guys hunt over a scrape/mock scrape? Or set off a buck bomb and hope a buck walks up to it for a shot? You can argue it's different when it's food vs an animals instinct to breed which is true, but the instinct to breed is stronger than finding food, so wouldn't it be even more unsportsmanlike to attract them via estrus to a specific location? Deer get accustomed to food plots for food, same as a feeder. Deer learn to avoid going to feeders if pressured, same as a food plot. It's amazing to me that people get the notion that a feeder makes all of the deer stupid and reckless. It might make you feel better to hunt a food plot, it has less of a stigma to it, but make no mistake you sir are "legally" baiting.

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  2. It sounds to me like you're the one being judgemental because you don't agree with the way someone else hunts. And what's it to you if another hunter only focuses on a "trophy" animal? If I only care to take a "trophy" animal does that make me less of a hunter? If someone wants to buy an expensive feeder to hunt over and it's legal then what makes your opinion so validated? You don't have to do it if you don't like it! You worry about you, quit whining about the other guys hunting methods. I have no interest in hunting over a feeder, but if it's legal and the neighbor does it legally then so be it. What you described about the feeder is essentially the same as a food plot. If I drove my four-wheeler up and down a field scattering corn over the 300 yd field would that be better for you? I can still touch every edge of the field with my rifle. Or is it wrong unless I plant corn over the field and then chop it and wait for the deer to show up so I can essentially play big buck hunter?? You very clearly have no idea what baiting is like, you're watching unrealistic hunting shows to start with and then applying those same unrealistic statistics to your situation.
    We can bait for Coyote's in this state right? Why isn't the coyote harvest thread overflowing with dead dogs? Most people all whine and complain about coyotes taking over the world and yet they can't seem to kill them. Wouldn't baiting be the final answer? We can all sit back in our heated blinds, drinking coffee and telling jokes and mow down every coyote in the area.

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  3. I agree with most of you, I wouldn't/don't care to hunt over bait. Saying that I think most of you assume that these deer just throw all caution and regard for danger to the wind if you dump a pile of corn out. I don't see it as much different if you plant a corn plot or dump a pile of corn, if you let those deer know you're staking out nearby they won't come out until dark, same as a food plot. A bait pile is not a magical beast that hypnotizes deer. After reading through some of your posts and a lot of people on here preach that "if it's legal then who is anyone else to judge," would be offending a lot of hunters down south, I don't consider them less of a hunter or a "deer farmer" for hunting over bait, that's been their style of doing things for a long time. I'd be willing​ to bet a few on this site have shot a bear over bait, should we tell them they aren't a real hunter too? It does nothing for me personally to shoot a bear eating donuts out of a barrel but if it's legal and someone does it am I in any place to look down on them? With my rant over, I agree that the term "professional hunter" is a term thrown around loosely and I'm not even sure what the qualifications are to call yourself one, if any? But if one were anywhere near a professional they certainly wouldn't need bait or fences to get it done. Keith Warren comes to mind, I'm not sure that p.o.s. has ever hunted outside a fence or not in a heated box blind. The baiting doesn't really bother me so much I guess as the fences do.

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  4. HotShot Vapor 4 finger. Switched from 12 years of wriststrap releases, (TruFire Hardcore being the last 4 or 5 years) to the HotShot last spring. Wish I had done it sooner.

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  5. Shot 4-5 with the original rage, no issues, dead deer real quick. Shot a 2.5yr old buck this past year at 42yds, complete pass through, broadhead looked new. 72lbs and 440gr arrow. I'm not a huge fan of big cut mechanicals but boy do they work with proper shot placement. I've never had a failed mechanical of any sort that caused a lost deer.

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  6. I killed a couple of yotes about 2 weeks ago, I put the carcasses out back in the woods, I'll check them out, I'd imagine the fur should be ok? I'll let you know. Any particular area of fur you're looking for?

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  7. Here I am reading this thread. All I can say is what a bunch of BABIES you guys muss be still on the tit. You guys wine about everything. Here’s what you all sound like: wine, wine the gun season is to short I want more days. Wine, wine the gun season is to long I want fewer days. Wine, wine if I don’t shoot that small buck the next guy will. Wine, wine I want antler restrictions because I want a big buck behind every tree. Wine, wine the DEC gives out to many doe permits. Wine, wine the DEC needs to give out more doe permits. On and on you go, some of you guys wine so much you should stop hunting it’s no longer fun for you.

    Actually its spelled "whine..." And if you don't like discussion don't read it, see now you're "whining." Strong feelings come with passion, maybe you're just lacking that.

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  8. in 2008 i tested just about every new bow available.  $ was no object and I still ended up with a GanderMountain TecHunter Elite that was made by Diamond made by Bowtech. haha  I have since gave it away to my father in-law to get him into shooting.  It was and still is a nice shooting bow.  A Mathews fan boy that's his step son in law couldn't stopped raving about it and liked it more than his own Mathews bow.

    It's funny you say that, I too have owned a fair number of bows but when I look back at which one I shot the best it was my Tec-Hunter Elite, the only bow I regret selling. As for the thread, I'll be sticking with my RPM 360 another year, it does everything I need it to do, well.

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  9. Is that covert an all metal/aluminum design?  Also, is the dot visible without the light turned on?  I'm sure it's visible but I mean in hunting scenario if your battery died.  I hadn't looked at that before but you've sparked my interest
    I've also been looking at the HHA DS and the Spot Hogg Fast Eddie XL.  I like the dove tail on the Fast Eddie but the plastic gears make me nervous.
    It's been a long time since I've seen a Sight Master. Always liked the way they had that index finger yardage adjustment.

    I'm not entirely sure if it's all metallic in nature but it sure seems sturdy to me, yes I can shoot without the illuminated dot turned on fairly simply due to the cross hair design. I always keep a spare battery in my hunting pack which can be swapped out in seconds if need be but with the 700 hour battery life I don't think you'll run into that problem, I plan on swapping mine out to a new battery at the start of each season anyhow. It doesn't have the "on the fly" yardage adjustment while at full draw which could be useful but I leave mine at 25 and I'm able to shoot 0-40 pretty simply so I've never seen that as a real hinderance to me either. The HHA optimizer sights are nice but way overpriced in my opinion.

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  10. Yes, looking at the picture I would say that they fit the definition of being barbed. So that would make them illegal in NYS. That's too bad because that buck apiece cost is very attractive. I am not a big fan of serrated blades, and while I have had great flight characteristics on 2 blade designs (for some unexplained reason), I do have to believe that a third or fourth blade would leave a wound channel that would resist closure or fat-blocking.

    Yea, you may very well be right on the barbed logic.... It does appear less than 90°

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  11. Anyone see these yet? It's a pretty interesting idea to me, the future of broadheads? I'll definitely be ordering a few when they become available to test out on small game first. At $1 a piece what do I have to lose? You can buy 10 of these for the price of one G5 SGH. I'm sure more styles will be in the future, I'd like to see an ultra short compact head. The price of broadheads is getting sickening, this might just be the ticket. I'm curious as to what kind of hemorrhaging these will create though, penetration looks on point but meaningless if they don't cut well in my opinion.

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  12. I put in roughly 60-100 hrs every spring, I don't like to start until late February at the earliest, I found 22 last year, all on public land. You can walk for months and you won't find a shed where they aren't. Find concentrations of deer right now and you'll find sheds. I haven't started any projects yet, I'm still in the hoarding mode! I almost hate to alter them as they are trophies to me as they are...

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  13. Most of them came on a chartreuse jigging rap tipped with a buckeye head, a few on a kastmaster spoon also. Too bad the ice isn't safe out there today (in my opinion).

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  14. Was able to fish the main lake yesterday and today for awhile before this rain and warm week ruin the ice. Got into some Jumbo's and only fished 3 hrs this morning before the wind and rain came in. Quite a few over 11" and several over 12" including a 13.5"

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  15. what do you guys do with dead yotes? I'm not hunting fox, and main goal is pop control. Just leave em?

    The skulls make pretty cool euro mounts, there may be a trapper around that's willing to take the hide if it's any good, or even the urine for that matter. I usually at least take the tails, unless mangey. A skinned out carcass goes on the baitpile...

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