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Posts posted by chrisw

  1. Took me 2 weeks to clean out all the flesh and cartilage off my skull, looks awesome. I don't want to bleach it and love the way it looks right now, do I need to coat it with polyurethane or anything? If I just mount it on the wall like this, will it be okay?

    Don't use bleach either way, use peroxide as a whitener, the strong peroxide from a nail salon or similar. If your looking for a clear coat give "Modge Podge" a look. I've done antlers in the clear before and you get the gloss look without the yellowing effect. You can find it at hobby lobby.

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  2. I've biffed a few archery shots in my earlier years pretty bad, the result was almost always that the deer was 15-20 yds and I just rushed it thinking how I couldn't miss one that close, well... I did. I used to peek to try to see the arrow hit. I would say either you caught a branch you never saw or you picked your head up off the stock as you shot to watch her reaction. I'll take a clean miss anyday over a wounded critter. I once took a gimme shot on a doe at 40 yds quartering away with my 35rem, she took off and disappeared instantly into thick hemlocks, I walked up in the snow and to my dismay, no blood, no hair. Not a thing!? I sat there wondering how I missed an entire deer at 40 yds with a rifle... I decided to follow her in the fresh snow in hopes of another shot, I went about 150-175 yds and it looked like she was bedded in front of me, I snuck around her and she was dead as could be, not a single drop of blood on that trail. I caught her just behind the diaphragm and the bullet lodged up in her brisket. Even where she layed there wasn't a drop of blood any where. If you shoot enough deer you'll have some odd things happen once in awhile that are hard to explain, misses are one of them. I've never had a miss haunt me, but a wounded one that I could never find will always gnaw at me.

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  3. Anytime you have to leave a deer unattended for long just throw a jacket or vest or whatever you have with human scent on the deer. The coyotes won't touch it for days. I've left them overnight to come back and see tracks within feet of the deer but they were deterred by my jacket. But taking a few out does wonders too!

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  4. I could be wrong but I don't think the optima elite is made anymore. I'm pretty sure the apex replaced it.

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    I think the elite was discontinued years ago in fact, we used to sell them and I remember clearancing them all out. That was over 5 years ago if I remember correctly.

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  5. I believe you will see a lower take this year, mostly during the firearms season simply because the weather has been miserable for the most part. I don't gun hunt much as I don't thoroughly enjoy it anymore but I can tell you that there have been quite a few instances where the weather made up my mind for me. Couple that with low deer/high dmp allocations in some areas and you'll see lower harvest numbers undoubtedly. But in the end, I believe the weather will have the biggest impact, more so on the hunters end, than the deer.

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  6. The state trying to do some crazy crap to force people who own land to allow hunters is ridiculous. Many hunters who own private land put out food plots and other land management to keep deer in the area. They will never stand for any sort of 'laws' allowing anyone with a tag to get access to the land they pay for and pay taxes on. Would anyone who owns land agree to such terms? I doubt it. I wouldn't If I owned my own land. I wouldn't what NYS state says, I own the land, you step a tip of a toenail on it, you are trespassing!
    It's funny, so many saying they aren't seeing deer anymore, yet we have some nice late season kills in the harvest threads. Some even came from...PUBLIC LAND! Maybe you should put a trail/cell cam on every tree in the woods you hunt. That way you won't miss anything. Better idea, get an IPad with lots of memory, buy a live satellite thermal imaging app,, and you can walk right up on them no matter where you hunt.

    I don't think anyone was saying a law that would mandate public access to hunters to anyone's private land, I think it was implied that there would be an incentive to the landowner that allows it. A reduced tax rate would be a logical step that comes to mind first for me. I don't think that would open up all sorts of property to the public but surely wouldn't hurt anything either.

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  7. A guy at work showed me this picture 2 days ago, said it was taken in Norwich... Hes texting his friend of a friend now to ask him... Haha it happens every year.

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  8. Every hit/deer/situation is different, only experience will truly help you sort out a blood trail. Take every blood trail and learn from them. There are so many myths and I truly believe some people lose deer they could've found due to these myths...

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  9. Stubby, I simply quoted what YOU said, I didn't change a single word in those quotes. It's a shame to see someone so opposed to something they don't even begin to understand and are unwilling to learn. You only hear what you want to hear and refuse to see facts or logic. As I've stated before, I can see both sides of this AR argument, I'm not FOR either side completely. All I can do at this point is hope you take it upon yourself to do a little unbiased research and have an open mind but it seems like you're unwilling to do that.

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  10.                    I do not have anything mounted. My father does what he wants with them. He sometimes mounts them shoulder, sometimes euro ,  some get cut up for knife handles, cabinet handles. whatever he thinks to have projects in the winter months. He even sells some antlers. He has done euros on squirrel , fox, coyotes , beaver. Whatever just projects it is something he likes to do.All work done by him never sent out. He hangs them in his shop, the cabin a few in his house. He even does them with ones that are found dead. I have one on my wall at my house. It is a tiny little thing he put on a plaque with a knife he made. He also uses the hides of deer beaver and other animals to make sheaths for knifes. I have no need for mounts myself.

    You already stated, "I have one shoulder mount and several euros." Now you're saying "I do not have anything mounted." You seem to be confused as to which story you'd like to stick with...

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  11. Big thing with Euro's is keeping all of the nasal bones intact, over boiling or extreme heat will damage them. These ones are all very well done as all bones are intact.

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  12. Dropped my Euro's off last week to a friend of a buddy who dabbles in taxidermy and skull cleaning for friends and family, the price was 1/3 of what local taxidermists wanted so I was a bit nervous but he did a phenomenal job I think. This year's bow buck and coyote and last year's rifle coyote. IMG_20161205_185659944.thumb.jpg.2e6315dIMG_20161205_185708531.thumb.jpg.415f505IMG_20161205_185723586.thumb.jpg.f985e7dIMG_20161205_185750585.thumb.jpg.cc8544e

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  13. Honestly stubby... Just stop. You can be against "trophy hunting or QDMA all you want, that's your right, but you do not truly understand anything about it. I'm not saying that because I disagree with you but truly because you do not understand what deer management is or its effects. This is where you can choose to dig your heels in and fight... Or use this opportunity to learn more about it and accept the fact there is a lot you didn't know or understand. I'm not personally attacking you here, but, you grossly misunderstand deer behavior.

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  14. Wonder if he has any shoulder mounts or Euro's?... That buck in the box is definitely caped out. I was going g to bring up the very thing mentioned above, if he's so anti trophy and gives away all antlers then why does he have so many pictures? I also find it hard to believe that these were the only bucks he could find to fill a buck tag on, in areas I hunt I'd see 15 little bucks before something of those deer's caliber. I will advise, debating with him is a lost cause....

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  15. What I'm saying is debating with you is impossible. You refuse to see facts because they don't fit your agenda, you spew anecdotal nonsense that doesn't hold weight and you seem to know very little about herd dynamics or biology. Do you think it's coincidence every topic you start turns into you arguing with people? To which the other person finally gives up because it's going nowhere. This is me realizing you won't accept facts. It's like trying to convince PETA that hunting is helpful. It's a waste of time, much like you.

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  16.        It's  called high gradeing. The older bucks do 90% of the breeding. If you kill off all the largest and oldest bucks every year each years selection gets worse and worse. You can not kill off the best of any species every year and expect it to not hurt that populations future. 
                  It takes time for mother nature to put the best back into the herd after hunters have killed off all the best. Every year we he guys saying the passed on 10 or 15 little bucks and only saw one or two good bucks. Even trail cam pics show large numbers of small young bucks and only a few big old bucks.Young bucks have less of a chance of getting a doe pregnant then  older ones. Killing off all the older bucks eventuall leads to degrading of the herd. If you have 10 bucks that are under 2 1/2 and 2 that are 4 1/2 and you kill those two older ones you are left with all young bucks. The next year the oldest will be at most 3 1/2 kill them because they are the biggest and best you have left and the next year is worse.
               That 400 acres is not the only land in the area. We have another parcel of 90, a neighbor with 160, another with 78, another with 43, 18,and another 72.That makes 861 acres that the deer numbers were low on after years of high gradeing. Numbers are now on the rise. Before everyone got crazy for antlers the deer numbers were great. After the antler hunting started we saw lower and lower numbers every year. We all went back to hunting the way it was meant to be for a source of food. Numbers are coming back. Before selective hunting things were good during selective things started getting bad Stopped selective hunting things getting better again. Not too hard to see what the problem was.
            A balanced herd has a good selection of young old and middle age deer not just all young because all the biggest oldest have been made into decorations. Leave some of the older ones and take a few young and middle age one .
              I did not start this thread for an argument. With all the talk of AR and last year's two weeks doe only I was curious how many would still hunt if they couldn't hunt bucks.Most would be fine with it because they would have a lot of trophy after the 5 years. How about no bucks ever ? Bet 90 % of you would never hunt NY state again. 

    I'm bowing out. I can't have a logical debate with someone who doesn't understand the topic.

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  17.    I never said I or anyone needed to fill tags to survive. I said I would not waste money by not filling tags I paid for. Just like I will not go to a grocery store give them money and not take food home. None of us are better off eating meat from a store. Deer meat is 100% natural and taste so much better.
             As for being delusional. when we took over the property we have now, 400 acres. The deer population was way low. Previous hunters were big buck hunters. The population is getting better every year and we shoot anything 1 1/2 and up.
                My hunting clothes I have had for years same with my guns. I have enough amo for many years. All this stuff has been paid for and more over the years. The only yearly cost I have are the tags and lease. Gas for truck and time for hunting is not a factor because I am out in the woods whenever I am not working. That is hunting or not year round If I was not hunting I would be there anyways. The wild game I take f r on the property easy replace more then enough story bought meat to cover the cost of the lease and tags. Tags and lease together are less the $ 1000 a year and since the cost of the lease is spread over everything I do there the cost for hunting is very small.
                 The deer populations in this state have gotten way out of wack over the years. Over the time that this has been has been happening trophy hunting has grown. How can anyone not make the connection. When there were more meat hunters and less trophy hunters the herd was far better shape. Now more trophy hunters and less meat hunters and herd out of wack. 2 + 2 = 4 it adds up.

    Then enlighten me on how "trophy hunters" threw the deer numbers out of whack. I shoot does 1.5+ yr or older, I pass bucks that are 1.5yrs or less, once they get to 2.5 I'll make the judgement call on whether I'd take that buck. So how does passing up 1.5yr old bucks decimate a deer herd? You aren't making any sense whatsoever. You've already admitted to filling every tag you can get your hands on, regardless of YOUR herd size. I don't want your anecdotal, my 400 acres assessment either. I want you to describe to me, HOW DOES PASSING UP YOUNG BUCKS RUIN A HERD?

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  18.     I know about late season I ment through all  gun season. Why does it have to be buck only at all. If I don't see a buck at all I might not see enough doe to fill thAt tag on the week it is either sex.
          As for filling tags. Number I would like enough venison to have it every day of the year. I can easily use 8 deer up in no time. Also I spend money on the tags if they do not get used then that is money wasted. might as well throw the money in the wood stove. It is by no means a lot of money however I am not in the habit of buying something and not using it. Would you buy .  a, pair of shoes never wear them the throw them in garbage. Do you goto a grocery store and give them money and walk out without food.

    Your correlations aren't even remotely related. I don't need hunting to survive, neither do you. Hunting is a passion that just so happens to also provide me with the reward of venison. The experience is more the reason I hunt. If it weren't for the experience we would all be better off going to the store and buying meat if you're looking at it merely as a price point, not to mention the time spent. My venison probably costs me more than filet mignon if I work up all of my gear, gas, time, tags. In another thread you are complaining that the selective hunters are wiping out the deer population where you hunt, I suggest you sit in a quiet place and truly think about what you're saying... You want to fill every doe tag and also use your buck tag for does and yet it's not you're fault the deer are in decline? It's the guy passing on 1-2yr old bucks that's wiping out the herd? If that's seriously your argument then I'm done because you truly are delusional...

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  19.               You really didn't  read what I wrote. Back when things were good we all shot anything that walked by. high numbers of deer being taken every year. 5 or 6 a day was very common. Can't  say these high kill numbers hurt the herd at all. We never saw a problem with deer numbers until trophy hunting,qdm, and qdma  became so popular. With most being meat hunters we were able to keep the herd balanced very well. Generations of huntING like this and every year the herd was just as big as the year before. If not sometimes better.Now you could say all this killing is what hurt the herd, however the herd never started shrinking until the selective hunting generation came in with there hopes of getting big decorations for there little man caves.
               As for where I hunt and live it is western NY. No where near that cesspool on the east side of the state. Some guys will say our numbers are high because they see 5 deer in a field at the same time. I will say it is good when I can see 40 deer in every field every time I make the 25 mile trip to my father's 3 times a week like I use to be able to.
                 As for new neighbors there are none land has been owned be same people for many many years. We have 400 acers in one plot and 90 in another with a neighbor in between. Total of 7 hunters on all 490 acers. We and our neighbors have started to see a incline in numbers since we all stopped the selective hunting and went back to the old ways. Only one who hasn't is the hunting club and they only hunt opening weekend. No problems with poachers never has been. Meat hunting worked in the past it can work in the future if we can just get people to give up the need for decorations. 

    Wow. Very scientific theory you have here.... So the people who shot anything and everything aren't to blame, its the selective people. Do you realize how many factors affect deer herd sizes? You have zero facts that make any sense, logically or biologically, other than " the guy who wants older age deer did it." Get off your soapbox.

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