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Posts posted by chrisw

  1. A few of us went down to the Dominican Republic and being avid fisherman we decided to do some fishing. We had some success and learned a lot, the saltwater fishing always leaves you wanting more, here's a few pics I took.storm.jpg.202681dc029d2a90c42ef49eae7e0bchristuna.jpg.22afa8c61e59fad8a8a82523cejfish.jpg.2ebdfb074f886e1492910578e91956chris.jpg.8534116c4ea11b121e9d8655fed98cfish.jpg.1decacf9fb9eeb090d02cacecf68340

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  2. Ive got a 15 tundra Crewmax with a 3" lift in the front and 1.5 in the rear on 33's and I average 15mpg. Although it doesn't take much more foot pressure to drop it to 10mpg. I didn't buy my truck to worry about fuel mileage. Plus the Crewmax is ridiculously huge on the inside, I now put my bow, climber and all of my gear on the inside of the truck, which is nice. Toyota updated the interior in 2013 which was a vast improvement over the previous years. I don't have any issues with the interior. Is it as nice as the dodges? Probably not but my tailgate and wheel wells won't rot out in 6 years either so I'll take that over extra chrome on the inside. I had a 2007 Dodge ram for 8 years, no real issues, rear wheel seals, and normal maintenance. Although at 6 years it started rusting on the tailgate and wheel wells. I had an 03 Ram before that and the same excessive rusting issue. Hopefully Toyota puts an 8 speed tranny in the trucks in the next year or two. As far as resale, I'm not sure you can beat a Toyota, and of the 6 people I know with Tundras noone has had a single issue, and their as "American" as an F-150.

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  3. It's funny most assume Toyota isn't American. In 2015 when I bought my new tundra the two top (mostly American parts/labor) trucks were the F-150 and the Tundra. They tied at 70%. Just some random knowledge for everyone considering American truck purchases.

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  4. Stubby, I'm not looking for a reason to roast you, it seems you and I are on different ends of the spectrum but... I have to ask, if you don't get excited, feel nothing toward hunting other than filling a freezer and view it as a job to do, why are you on a hunting forum? Most of us are here to share knowledge, learn, celebrate each others successes, live vicariously through others while we can't be in the woods etc... It's strange to me why someone who seems undriven, uncompassionate, or otherwise unamused by hunting to follow a site about hunting so closely? I'm honestly just curious.

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  5. My trophies on the walls are animals I killed without trail cams without food plots most on state land...deer that have memories deer that have added a value to my hunting knowledge deer that I earned. To me that's a trophy. And Joe blow can pay money and go shoot a "trophy" in a fence under a feeder (not saying you do) but not everyone can kill deer on stateland or on heavily pressured small population private land. To me bone on the head has absolutly 0 meaning to me none zip nadda. If I saw a spike walking thru woods in front of a 10 point I'd end up killing the spike bc my blood is pumping so hard every time I see a deer whether big or small I get tunnel vision I go into a state of slow motion. If that doesn't happen for you I am sorry and maybe you should pick up coloring.

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    I'll agree with most of what you said, the experience should be the trophy, but for some it's knowing they outwitted (or got lucky) the smarter deer in the woods that's part of that trophy. Now I don't know you personally and I'm not judging your deer kills but... You say the antlers mean absolutely nothing to you is something that someone who has never really killed anything with large antlers says (most of the time). I'm pretty certain that if you killed a large racked buck there would be 100 photos taken of that deers rack. Are you denying that could be partially true? I hunt only state land, same as you, ive killed a good buck the last 2 years with my bow on heavily hunted public land, it wouldn't have happened if I shot the first spike horn I saw. I know for a fact that when I killed my first good buck that I lost the drive to kill the 1.5yr old bucks almost completely. When I killed my 2nd good buck I knew right then that unless I had a terrible hunting season and the only thing keeping my freezer from empty was a 1.5yr old, I wouldn't shoot. It has nothing to do with fame or notoriety for me, we all progress as we go through our hunting careers. I see where you're coming from but to say killing an old buck isn't for you when you've never done it is premature. Maybe I'm off base with you, maybe you are an exception? But don't be surprised if in a few years you look back and realize what some of us are saying has some truth to it.

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  6. Which post?
    I am not getting defensive. If I am, I don't mean to be, just sick of being told how to hunt and what I should and can hunt, by the DEC and other hunters! I think every hunter who buys their tags, should be allowed to fill those tags how ever they see fit. If I want to shoot a spike, why should that bother anyone? I bought my tags, paid the same price as everyone else. Same goes if you want to only shoot older bucks or larger racks, you bought your tags, hunt and kill what makes you happy. I just don't like as someone else mentioned, "Being told what to hunt" by anyone, including the DEC. DEC might do the best they can, but they certainly aren't on top of most things IMO. As long as you are hunting legally, I don't give a rats tail hair how you hunt or what to choose to kill.

    It was more so stoneam that I was referring to but you were agreeing with him. The issue I had with his argument is that he was sick of people judging how he hunts and what he shoots, but then he openly judged a large portion of hunters as "trophy gatherer's." In his words, anyone who doesn't hunt within the text of how he hunts isn't even classified as a hunter (food plots, cameras). You can't say you're sick of people judging how you legally hunt and then do the exact same thing yourself to another group.

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  7. I get it, and you don't pay attention! Learn to read! My issue with AR's is it should up to the hunter to be able to choose what they want to hunt and kill. I have stated that over and over again! If you want to only kill older or bigger racked bucks, I don't care! If you want to shoot younger spikes or 4 points, I don't care! We buy out tags, so we should be able to shoot w/e we want no matter how you hunt! Pay attention to what people post before you run your font!

    Go back and read my post again, you are completely missing what I'm saying, yet again. I'm not sure how to make it any simpler. Your getting defensive and I'm mostly agreeing with you. It's your confused logic that you're correct and anyone who thinks hunting can mean something different is wrong.

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  8. I honestly didn't read all that bc for some reason the font is black and hard to read and I don't care. That being said I see you take your kids hunting kudos to you I take my boy hunting and trapping and fishing all year in the freezing cold showing him that the hunt is in the chase that sitting in the cold all day without seeing a single deer is still awesome bc that's what it's about. It's about the connection to the woods the connection to nature the idea that you have no idea if a 10 point of a spike will cross your path. It's about reading the land and knowing where and when to stand there. It's about the hunt not about the kill. Sadly that is fading fast in "hunters" now a days. You want to hang 100 cams plant kill plots hunt outta heated blinds by all means do what makes you happy. But when I say I should have the right to choose what I shoot don't try change that bc, like you may not agree with the tasty button bucks I shoot I don't agree with how you hunt. It's not about how anyone hunts as long as it's legal I don't care but don't try and tell anyone else how or what to hunt either

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    "It's not about how anyone hunts as long as it's legal." That's your quote correct? Then explain to me how you gathered that a lot of hunters aren't real hunters because they hunt different than you? You keep jumping back and forth every time you post, pick a side man. Again, I'm not arguing against your idea of hunting, I agree to a large extent, up until you start discrediting other hunters for hunting different in one post, then saying that it doesn't matter and to stop judging how others hunt.

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  9. Agree again.
    Therein lies the irony of AR's! It's OK for those all for the AR's to tell us what to hunt, but, go against the grain of how they think and "Bammo!".

    So it's ok for you to tell me how to hunt but not ok for anyone else to do the same to you? You really don't get it do you? Look up "hypocrisy" in the dictionary...

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  10. Me either...private land yes plots or cams no bc I don't care what's out there first one by that gets my blood pumping is a trophy to me. I don't care if a bigger one walks by 10 min later while I'm having my victory smoke bc I just killed a trophy on my books. Like I said no hate for guys who do trophy hunt at all. Just don't shove it down the rest of our throats bc you want to shoot bigger bone

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    Maybe you should hunt the Adirondacks, your good at backtracking.

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  11. I never said anyone was not a hunter for trophy hunting I may have stated it poorly I admit. But when so called hunters try telling me what I can or cannot shoot they are no longer are hunters but more trophy gatherers as I said. You want to shoot big deer you want to know every single move your target deer makes by having 100 trail cams set up sending pics to your phone you want to sit in food plots that people plant for the deer more like to kill deer...that's not hunting. Want to earn a trophy go to the adks and shoot any buck let alone one with 4 plus on one side...that's hunting what many do (mainly trophy gatherers) do isn't hunting that is walking out back and shooting a deer you have been videotaping for months.
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    Ahh so now, trail cams, food plots etc aren't hunting. You are entitled to that opinion, as foolish and shallow as it may be... And for the record, I do not have ANY private land or food plots, I hunt state land, but I guess it doesn't matter because I'm not a hunter...

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  12. Passing on small deer doesn't make you a hunter...it makes you a trophy gatherer...

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    So you get to decide what a "hunter" is but everyone that supports AR's can't support AR's without being selfish or elitist or "trophy gatherer's"? I'm far from a "trophy gatherer," but I consider myself a hunter. People often times try to make it look like they're sticking up for the masses and doing the "right" thing but in reality you're only sticking up for the people who think like YOU. We're all entitled to an opinion, but to label someone as not being a hunter because they choose to shoot older deer is the same thing you're blasting people who support AR's for, I like AR's for the most part, (although I'm on the fence most of the time) but you won't see me call someone who shoots a small buck every year not a hunter. Just because someone doesn't fit YOUR definition doesn't make you right. Everyone who likes AR's is not a hunter, everyone who agrees with me is a hunter....? Hypocrisy.

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  13. I laugh when people mention draw weight. Who needs a. 70# bow...?? Look at the speeds of 50 and 60# bows. Look at KE.... Seems it's a "tough guy" thing. My skinny a$$ is fine @60# !! I believe Ted Nugent is always mentioning his Mathews is at 45# and he kills everything. Don't feel like your losing anything when shedding #'s

    I shoot 72 lbs, not because I'm a "tough guy," I can easily draw 72lb so why shouldn't I? In a sport where penetration is very important I feel that you should use the heaviest draw weight you can safely/easily handle. Can a 60lb bow today outperform a 70 from a decade ago? I'm sure it will. Do I need a 30-06 to kill a deer? No, but extra power can only help. I guess I don't care what the guy next to me shoots for draw weight, as long as you can make that arrow go where it should go you can shoot 100# for all I care. (I drew a 100# bow once, it was my buddy's pronghorn setup, felt like I detached my shoulder blade from my body). You mentioned to look at the speeds and KE (which in my opinion is a bogus number for calculating arrow energy) but if you're impressed by the energy you can get from a 60#, wouldn't a 70 be that much more impressive again? I don't shoot heavy draw weight to see how fast I can make an arrow go, I shoot fairly heavy arrows (460gr.) at around 315fps, if I shot a 460gr. Arrow out of a 50-60# bow my velocity would be below what I want it to be, therefore I'd lighten my arrow to get it back to 300+ fps. Like I said, if the weight is too heavy for you to utilize properly then you have no business using it, power is useless if you can't direct it to where it needs to go.

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  14. Predator swamping is also why it is important for a short intense rut. The longer the fawning season takes the more fawns that will be taken by predators. The shorter window ensures less will be killed.

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  15. Stubby I have no opinion on your stance one way or the other...Why? Because it is expected, but you have the guts to say it out loud...No different than what I said would happen years ago with cross bows,and then started the guys reporting seeing them being carried during the beginning of bow season. For everyone one seen we all know the probability of high numbers not seen. Like I said many pages ago..watch the increased sale of small sheds and truck bed covers. I expect that the harvest report will take a hit as well..time will tell.

    For the record, I did not "like" your post. I accidentally hit it while scrolling. Just wanted to clear that up.

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  16. I'd sooner just put a piece of paper in your sight housing and put a dot with permanent marker next to each pin. Then you sight in with your top pin in your new sight and the others should follow roughly the same gap.

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  17. No, I'm quite positive there are no restriction on pin lights, as long as the don't project light or an aiming beam toward​ your target. Pretty much the same as illuminated crosshair rifle scopes etc. Although I don't think the trophy that you shoot with said archery sight will be eligible for record books if I remember correctly? I believe they have a rule against it.

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    While I am not entirely sure why you posted your “game” on this thread, I would assume that you did it for one of the following reasons:

    1.  You wanted to impress everyone with your ability to age deer.

    2.  You wanted to point out that many others are not as proficient at aging deer as you are.

    3.  You wanted to prove that many aren’t able to discern the age of a deer on the hoof.

    So, I have to assume that you feel judging age is an important factor either to you personally, or it actually plays a positive role in herd management IF DONE CORRECTLY.  If that is the case, then through your “observations” you clearly point out that AR is in fact a clear benefit.  I agree, it is easier to count points on an antler then judge the age of an antlerless deer regardless of its gender.  So if AR might help save a large majority of the younger deer, then you are correct, AR is better than asking hunters to judge them on the hoof.  If you are suggesting that judging whether or not the average hunter should shoot this “buck”, as you call it, in March or not, then there are some other more serious issues at play I would think.

    You stated that many avoided your post and didn’t want to “play”.   Yup, I’d agree…here is how I saw your post:

    trap pic growalot.jpg

    I think it is only fair that you should have put out some disclaimers, such as:

    -        Anything you say can and will be held against you in the court of Growalot.

    -        Growalot retains the right to deny anything written in his/her post, regardless if it was actually typed there or not (please see the reference to my Kindle being responsible for any errors)

    -        All responses will be sarcastic and condescending, unless I agree with you

    -        While opinions expressed in this poll may not be provable as right or wrong, please note that it is my post so I am always correct, and therefore you may always be wrong

    Now, if you had put those disclaimers up and prepared me for what I would have received regardless of what I submitted as my opinion, I might have been more willing to “play”.  I would have understood your rules.

    If there was a "post of the year award," you sir just earned my vote.

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  19. Doc, all of the "feeder" references you just stated about sitting in blinds with a rifle picking off deer are the same scenarios for a food plot? The reason I discredit your "Tv proof" is because these scenarios are for the vast majority, a large tract of land, intensely managed, void of real hunting pressure with plenty of deer. That's not what the average guy will ever be able to do on his back 40. And I'd also assume that a lot of these feeder hunting episodes are in Texas, they cannot plant big plots due to climate conditions therefore they use the alternative. You state that baiting makes it extremely easy to kill your quarry yet a lot of southern states have huge hog problems. Maybe you should go down and enlighten them on how easy it would be to eradicate them with a pile of corn... How about coyotes? We can bait them right here in NY, how come people still find them so difficult to kill?
    Deer get "trained" by nature to eat at certain places. A wild oak Grove for example, typically during the right time of year they are being hammered by the deer. You can go in and hunt it a couple of times with the wrong wind and you can bet those deer are going to associate you with said area of feeding and therefore become very cautious as to how/when they feed there. Same as a food plot or feeder.
    For the last time, you are associating what you see on TV and accepting it as reality. Big mistake. You say it's pretty hard to fake what you see on video? Have you ever watched a news station with a political agenda? (All of them) if you were to watch a particular channel for too long you'd start believing what they say unquestionably, although what you're watching isn't accurate. Maybe the problem is you've never hunted over bait or a food plot, and that's your right, but to have foolish assumptions about something you've never done and tell the people that have they are wrong, is the ultimate ignorance. Disagreeing with a practice is your right. Disagreeing with a practice because of a lack of understanding and rampant assumptions is foolish.

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  20. Doc, noone ever denied that baiting isn't effective? It's just not as effective as you're giving it credit for in most people's scenarios. You keep bringing up TV shows as proof of something, these shows don't portray real life hunting situations. When was the last time you saw 10 bucks over 100" in a food plot? I'm willing to bet never. These shows you keep relating to isn't realistic, therefore saying that if you plant food plots and do everything they do on tv, would you have the same results as they do? Absolutely not. Baiting can be effective, food plots can be effective, hunting over a picked corn field can be effective, hunting over a wild or planted apple tree can be effective, let's not act like they're so much different.

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