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Posts posted by chrisw

  1. Pic?

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    No, I was too busy trying to decide if I wanted to shoot him or not, he had 4 on his right with short times and looked to be just a long spike on his left. I'll take my chances letting him go for now.

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  2. So the DEC stating it is legal to carry two weapons . and hunt more than one species with a legal weapon has now put slugs and bird shot on the same level  voiding one weapon do to size of shot? When Bird shot and deer slugs are no where near the same? 
    Listen Chris..you can accuse me of baiting ...for that's what I'm doing now.....let's just all wait for written law confirmation ,one way or the other on the original post..kolobok_bye.gif
    I have no idea what you're trying to say with the slug/birdshot thing. Either it's your Kindle or you're grasping so far that I can't even draw a correlation between the two. I don't need to answer these questions for you because the birdshot/slug debate is already layed out in the current regulations, which you would know if read them. I wouldn't call it baiting. Because baiting can be effective. As has been repeated over several times now, it is almost pointless as to what the "law" states at this point. If you want to fight the DEC on your dime, knock yourself out. But it's unanimous that it is ILLEGAL or at the very least very highly questionable, by DEC official standpoint.

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  3. ,So law regulations specifies no slugs ,not just no lead? Because a shot gun is a legal implement for both species in their open season right? We have already established it's legal to hunt two species at the same time...as long as the shot gun is plugged...Though that said you need  to have a choke for goose shot?
    They specify specific shot sizes that are legal. Slugs are not...

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  4. What part of there are copper slugs did you not read? I specified that...and I believe this is almost exactly the conversation I was referring to..Tell me,because I do not goose hunt...what violation would someone carrying copper slugs during goose hunting if gun deer season were  open as well?...I'm curious.
    Because slugs aren't a legal implement for goose hunting, copper or not... You cannot have them on your person while hunting geese.

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  5. I wish I had the same problem, I haven't seen an antler in the woods yet. I may regret letting the last few does go, I killed one 40 minutes into my first sit but that may have took too much pressure off! Time to put another in the ice casket I suppose. Good luck to your guiding

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  6. The fact that you're still clinging to your original statement after all things point the other direction shows your inability to be in theory "wrong." I don't even care about what the statutes say at this point, we've come to a logical consensus on this thread. Now the part that bugs me is you can't just let it go with a simple, "it turns out I was probably in the wrong." Have a nice dinner Grow...

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  7. Not sure why it isn't properly putting the topic I'm replying to in qoutes or shadowed but... Grow, you're really reaching with some of this, don't you think?? Go goose hunting with copper slugs then, since your desperation is forcing you to seek any fathomable loophole to reinforce your original thought.

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  8. Not to prolong this and Not busting on you WNYBH... besides I have to start dinner...This:
    Its also common sense to say to yourself "Well if this weapon, thats not legal for deer at this time, cant be carried while deer hunting, then this other weapon, that's not legal for deer at this time, shouldnt be carried while deer hunting either."
    Commons sense could put a double edge on this ...The fact that they specifically mentioned no guns allowed and not no crossbows allowed would place common sense on they OK  considering it actually is legal to hunt 2 different species at the same time...as the DEC said to me most bear are shot during deer hunting and most bow shot coyote are shot by deer hunters but yet here it is a gun is allowed in turkey season during deer bow season...Now with this gun allowed, never do they say and you are not allowed to be in possession of a slug while turkey hunting they say you can't take a turkey with a bullet:

    Manner of Taking

    • You must carry your hunting license and turkey permit while you hunt.
    • You may hunt with a bow or crossbow.
      • You may not hunt turkey with a crossbow in the fall in the Northern Zone if you are using dogs.
    • You may hunt with a shotgun or handgun only when using shot no larger than #2 and no smaller than #8.
    • You may use a muzzleloading shotgun.
    • You may not take a turkey with a rifle, or with a handgun firing a bullet.
    • You may not hunt with a dog during the spring season. You may hunt with a dog during the fall season.
    • You may not use bait to hunt turkey.
    • You may not use an electronic calling or amplifying device to locate or hunt turkeys during the open season.
    • You may use decoys.
    • A scope of any type is allowed.
    Oh.. did I recall something about goose and deer...They now have copper slugs
    Still reaching I see...

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  9. I think the thing that keeps coming up is that whoever is actively hunting deer, and that the xbow is not legal to hunt deer at this time.  Why has it not been brought up that maybe the person is actively hunting turkeys, in which case both implements are legal to use. 
    I totally understand both sides of this, but the issue is very gray.
    It's not grey when you admit you're hunting deer while in possession of a crossbow also. There is no question in this situation. The whole point of this thread doesn't and isn't about how to decide what someone is hunting. The fact that people bring that up is trying to find a way around the specific situation by saying you're hunting something other than you are. (LYING) The only situation here is, CAN YOU HUNT DEER DURING THE BOW SEASON, WHILE IN POSSESSION OF A CROSSBOW FOR SMALL GAME (TURKEYS) BEFORE THE CROSSBOW DEER SEASON OPENS?

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  10. However both of those implements are legal to hunt turkeys with, so is what you did really illegal?  Who's to say you aren't hunting turkeys?  Both of those implements are commonly carried at the same time in the spring turkey season.
    As mentioned several times earlier, there isn't a law stating this is what a turkey hunter is... It's up to the officer to piece together and decide if what you're telling them adds up... The reason it is so much clearer in the spring is because there is no conflicting hunting/weapon seasons during turkey. You're after one species, not two different species with different regulations at the same time.

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  11. UNTIL they find the written law that is here say ...written law, written law, written law.. Now they may very well find it..I mean they did say they were search several laws and regulations TRYING to find it  and that it wasn't an EASY question... I know YOU HAVE to feel absolutely  right...but it's really not that simple and I see where YOUR emotions have been getting the best of you ,not with just me ,thats expected, but with a few others...Try waiting for the FACTS then if your right  I'll throw you an on line party and give you all the kudo's you desire.
    PS in the mean time We've all learned a few things along the way know matter what the out come...which as the e-mail stated will be a few days out...
    I don't need/want kudos from anyone. You're turning this into something personal and you may be surprised to know I don't have some vendetta against you. I feel that if it were someone else to bring this to your attention (like was done in the live from the stand thread) you admitted you may be in the wrong by saying something along the lines of, if it is my bad, I've been doing it for a few years now. But since it's me bringing it up your going to fight it tooth and nail until there's no way out. Whatever. Like I said way back, it's your ticket, it's your fight in court, it's your money. If you want that hassle for flirting with the shady side of a law then have at it.

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  12. talk about dismissing... Here we go and how do you suppose he would put together probable cause without a dead deer? You think they are going to say hey you out there with turkey decoys and a shotgun with turkey shot...I think your hunting deer here's your ticket...because here's your sign unless he strip searches whom ever he stops and finds a slug on them there is NO probable cause with out dead deerdefault_rolleyes.gif
    Do me a favor... Go back and read the response you got from the DEC. Your particular answer is right in front of you. It clearly states that you can hunt with multiple weapons for multiple species as long as they are both legal to take BOTH species. Yours are NOT. Therefore it is ILLEGAL.

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