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Posts posted by upstatehunter

  1. Where on a deer do you aim given that the entire deer is exposed.  I like neck hits but if need be I aim for right behind the front shoulder, directly in between the back and bottom of stomach giving a mid body shot right behind the shoulder.  Explain where you aim and why 

  2. 4 minutes ago, chrisw said:

    So you do all of these things for one weekend of hunting per year? If you're doing all of those things and not seeing any older deer then you need a new spot to hunt.

    As a business owner my time to run off and play is limited.....deer is meat to me and horns bonus.....my business comes before anything except my family and the two limit my time especially and 1 1/2 one way drive to where i hunt....summer is easier due to fall/winter being the time when we are sandblasting and painting fleet vehicles before companies start there spring/summer work load.....I scout to make my one weekend enjoyable.....I will never leave that land due to the fact that family members that have died started me in them woods and there is now a feeling of memories when i enter them woods......never assume about someone until the truth is known.....learned that long ago in business 

  3. 12 hours ago, chrisw said:

    If you're only hunting this particular piece for one weekend a year then you don't truly know what age classes of deer it holds. It is hard for some people to let young deer go in hopes of seeing an older one, this is why I said if you don't like the idea of eating buck tags at seasons end this type of hunting may not be for you. Shoot what makes you happy and don't make excuses for what you fill your tag on. Everyone's experience is different and you get out what you put in. I'm not bashing your style of hunting or criticizing you in anyway, I just have strong feelings about this topic.

    Tell me how I'm unware?  Do you check my cameras for me? Do you scout with me? Do you walk the horse trails with me?  Do you put in the hours I do scouting? 

  4. The thrill is not knowing when you are going to kill something big.....if i already knew I was going to go out tomorrow and kill a big buck I wouldn't be as happy when the time came......same with my business.....if u knew tomorrow I was getting called to do a $50,000 job, I wouldn't yell f@ck yeah when i hung up

  5. 10 hours ago, chrisw said:

    If you want to shoot a better deer than you have on the land you're currently hunting then you should look for state land with better deer/less pressure. You might have to drive further but it's out there. If you're not willing to leave the land you're unhappy with then you can't expect different results. Shooting a deer because someone else might is a cop out, like it or not. By you shooting that deer before the other guy can makes you that guy! I've been in woods swarmed with people so I never go back, I find woods that aren't nearly as pressured. It takes research and legwork yes, but certainly attainable. Noone is saying that by you and you alone letting young deer live is going to make the woods full of older deer. We're saying if everyone has that mentality of "I'll shoot it before someone else might" then you'll always have the same problem. A deer surviving another year starts with you...

    I hunt the south for one weekend and I hunt where I do because I have since I was 13.  we all have great memories there and we all return each year together to hunt.  I never said I only wanted big bucks to walk by.  personally I think shooting a big buck every year would get boring.  I would probably stop hunting.  I also never said or implied that I blow over any deer before anyone else can.  my initial post said that it is hard to let small bucks pass when you probably aren't going to see anything bigger

  6. 16 hours ago, ....rob said:

    Just remember. Its a herd of deer.

    Some state land is too insane for me to even bother with opening day gun. Most of those are close to cities ( 20 minutes or so ) and get a lot more pressure. Yet some of it, if you leave the confines of rurality behind you could sit all day, know there were other hunters in the woods, and not hear a shot or see them.

    State land that gets hit hard does suffer a little from too many hunters IMO.


    spell check messed it up

  7. 4 minutes ago, stoneam2006 said:

    Nope just leave as voluntary ar...we don't need more laws or need to tell people what they can or cannot shoot

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    Oh trust me I agree but the cry babies who want restrictions will wonder day win

  8. Some people want antler restriction and some don't......do you think having half the season restricted would make everyone happy or Sun up to noon is restricted and noon to dark is not restricted 

  9. 5 hours ago, Buckmaster7600 said:



    A buck that you don't shoot has a 100% better chance of living than the 1 you do. Rationalizing what you do based on others decision is a cop out. There are many people in this state that shoot very nice bucks on state land and most of the time it's not the first buck they see on opening day.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk



    Far cry from a cop out.......when all weekend long you see button bucks, spikes and four pointers going by you tell me how that grows big bucks on that state property.....I camp there all weekend....there are state properties around that i don't believe are hunted by a single person.....the state property I hunt in the south is what some might call unsafe due to the amount of people.......this land is hunted hard.....we have around 10 guys each year that go in opening weekend.....I would guess there is atleast 300 people on this property opening weekend........not good management 

  10. your choice on passing bucks in my opinion reflects where you hunt......private land pass up small bucks......state property is another issue......the state property I hunt is crazy on opening weekend......sounds like a war zone......no deer is safe.....hard to wait for a good buck when in reality it wont happen because nothing makes it past 2 1/2 years old......I did shoot a real nice buck there 2 years ago but he was a 2 1/2 year old deer......I have seen some flocks come out of there but don't believe that has been that deers home, to where I believe those deer were pushed in 

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  11. My hunting license is carried in my wallet in the orange protection case.....kept there because when i hunt my wallet goes in my bag.....I own a welding, fabrication, sandblasting and painting business.....when Sandblasting the sand gets everywhere and then makes license hard to read.....so here is the question and please don't poke fun....can a hunting license be laminated? 

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