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Posts posted by upstatehunter

  1. I should be able to manage my property how I want. If I want to shoot 2 bucks I should be able to. If you want to shoot 1 buck on your property, that's your choice not mine or billy bob down the road. Just like I shoot does but billy bob big buck hunter doesn't. He can't tell me hey you can't shoot does. If you let them keep taking from you, what will you have to say when there is nothing more to take and you can't shoot anything.

  2. I'm just against rights being taken away and nothing rewarding us. 1 buck per season, antler restrictions, etc and what are we getting back for it. Why not give an extra doe tag or even a late muzzy in the north. If I buy my license and don't get a doe tag for where I hunt now I have to hope I see a buck with 3 points on one side. If we get less tags, will ny lower our license cost? Bet they won't.

  3. People pick on you because you are an idiot. Someone posts some simple help full information for a new hunter and you start in like a douch bag. Why? what's the point? To sound big and bad? Do you act this way because you can't stand the *****************************? You pick on people to feel better about yourself? You said if someone doesn't like what you post, then they don't have to reply. Same goes to you.

  4. I have a piece of property I hunt and the only per say good pinch point I can find is about 50 yards of the road(back back road) and I only bow hunt this property and didn't know how legal it would be......I haven't shot a deer on this property due to the fact I haven't wanted to sit there because I wasn't 100% sure.....I know it sounds crazy but I can't get them to commit to a trail after that point

  5. My time hunting in southern tier is spent on state land and have more than once saw a deer off the edge while walking to where I was going and never knew what the distance was you needed to be off a road.

  6. I always read the laws every year on the DEC site and I didn't see anything about how far off a road you need to be to discharge a fire arm. It only says you can't shoot and have a bullet pass over a road. Anyone have any info?

  7. Adjust your pellet stove right and you won't have to listen to the blower......the faster you have that blower going doesn't mean more heat......hang a thermometer right on the front where heat blows out and start playing.....start by chocking down the cold air intake......I use aluminum tape.....this is a slow process to figure out

  8. I will say this, I rather see a 10 year old kid shooting a deer, then him smashing a car window, robbing an old lady, sitting behind a stupid a stupid video game that makes him become a killer when he's 18, smoking pot, etc.......call me crazy but over time watching the news I have seen it

  9. was talking about responses in general...and you did pick out the part that you found acceptable, unless I read you response wrong.........but this thread has pretty much ran its course and we learned that breaking game laws is not really as frowned upon by some as I thought.

    One reason why I hate conversations through computer or text message.....can't tell a persons true emotion.........my bad

  10. and you're ok with the part of them using someone else's tag so they could both continue hunting? last I saw on this site, that really pisses people off, along with every other game violation that people say lack enforcement....but I guess that's just people talking......guess I was way off on how people feel about this kind of stuff, and that's why I initially started this thread.

    Well I can't find where I said it was OK they used someone else's tag, so shouldn't that just give you a clue and answer for your question

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