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    Pelham Manor
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    (3G) God, Guitars, Guns

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  1. Not on the opening day, but I got a huge doe last Saturday Nov 23. And I remembered also a doe that I got on Nov 23, 2017. Didn't hunt on 2018. Same location.
  2. ChefHunter86, I only have a "Sportsman" pistol permit, which I assumed allow to carry on any outdoor activity... Thanks for all the insight. I guess its better to be safe than sorry for a privilege to hunt on private land. Will post my deer on the first week of October. Gotta be positive...
  3. I have no clue here. Can anyone shed a light about hunting on private property; - Do we have to follow the hunting dates for bow (Oct 1st – Dec 31st) ? Or can I hunt all year round with permission granted by the owner? - Would it consider to be pouching when scouting on private land while carrying firearm or bow? - What other limitations or if there's any, hunting in private land? Thanks!
  4. It would be nice if I could see something like that in 3S...hence shooting it.
  5. Kinda late for me... Started couple´of weeks ago, and didn't hit the forest until today, to scout. Spooked 4 deers on the way up. Hope they will be back tomorrow, for dinner.
  6. I know... the sit is too comfy. That's the other thing I was thinking about adding another tie to tree from the waist. Maybe its overkill, but nothing better than feeling more secure above 20-30 feet.
  7. Napping... thanks for the great suggestion. This(M7) is a fantastic stand, light & enough room to move around. I was 21 feet high easy climbing with my 3 sticks. Although the bracket adds weight & ratchet loud clicks, it didn't bother me at all, as I feel more safe because of its tightly snug to the tree. I added another 7mm static rope instead of a ratchet strap to the bottom of the stand for added security. Highly recommended for a quick in & out of the tree. SOLID!!!
  8. Yeah, I only use stir up with the first stick out of 4 stick. But will definitely try the 1-stick only climbing up.
  9. Agreed... That's why Im looking for the lightest hang on stand. Although climbers is just 2-piece carry and light, still picky on the tree selection. I can see that with 1 stick modified with stir-up and a stand will do the job. that's after having more experience with it.
  10. Yes... Just ordered Millenium Microlite and see if I like it. And if I do, I will get those brackets to go with different locations. I also use the Stepp Ladder, very light too. But I may add a few sticks to carry and the Stepp ladder to leave with those brackets. Thanks Napping
  11. Do you have this model? Is it stable on the tree, doesn't sway when kick accidentally while climbing? I see that there is no teeth that grabs the tree. Thanks...
  12. thanks guys. Will definitely check it. Walking miles on public land just to get to a good spot already takes an effort. so having a lightweight stand will help... I don't mind small width base.
  13. Hi Archers, This topic must have been discussed here a few times, please redirect me to the right topic as I couldn't find it. Otherwise, I need a recommendation for the lightest hang on tree stand that is still in production. Currently I am using XOP medium sized stand, and it weighs about 14 lbs, plus leverage sticks about 20 lbs carrying weight. I saw Chippewa Ghost, any users? LocOn Light? X-Stand? Thanks in advance.
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