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About TheGreatEight

  • Birthday 03/20/1986

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    7F and 6C

Extra Info

  • Hunting Location
    Onondaga (7F) and St. Lawrence (6C) county
  • Hunting Gun
    Savage model 110 30-06
  • Bow
    Bear trx 32

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  1. In the market for a new bag or block target. I've wasted money on cheap bag targets in the past. I'm not opposed to spending more for quality. What are you guys using and what do you recommend?
  2. Any advice/recommendations for "quieting" my xbow? I've browsed string silencers and limbsavers on the market. Asking around, however, folks don't seem to think they make much of a difference, and will lower FPS. Any experience/input? Any set-ups that work for you?
  3. I'll be out there with my xbow. This will be my 2nd time ever carrying in the field. I took it out once last year. Only thing I noticed is they are somewhat cumbersome to hold/handle in a treestand. Other than that hoping I get to put it to good use! Thing is surprisingly accurate out to 50 yds.
  4. So I'm in the perfect stand for the wind this morning. The spot I'm hunting is very thick and hard to see further than say 50 yds,(esp during the early season). So around 8:15am this morning I hear a deer blow directly in front of me, maybe 60-70 yds away. Next thing I know two does come flying out of a thicket full flag and run 20 yds by my stand. Not 5 seconds later a nice buck comes running by right behind them. Almost like he was CHASING them. Needless to say they were gone in a flash, no chance for a shot. This is completely boggling my mind. Either: 1. One of the does (somehow) winded me and the buck just happened to be hanging around them, or; 2. That buck was hounding those does for some reason I've never seen anything like it this early in the season. Usually bucks are not hanging around does like that, let alone chasing them. It was totally bizarre. Thoughts?? I also had a fawn wandering around by itself. Saw it two separate times. I thought this was peculiar as well. Maybe something happened to mom. Not AS strange but still...weird morning
  5. Rage 2-blade chisel tip. I hit this deer a little forward directly in the shoulder blade a few years back. Still passed thru to other side. Complete devastation. Also fly consistently as my field tips. They've proven their worth to me. Will never shoot anything else
  6. Anyone have any experience with Federal Fusion cartridges? I've been shooting Federal Premium Nosler Accubond 180 gr. rounds out of my Savage 110 .30-06 for about 6 or 7 years now with great luck. Tight groups and great knockdown power. However Federal no longer makes this type of ammunition. I did some research and found the 180 gr. Fusion ammo has very similar ballistics (for half the price). Thinking about picking up a box and giving them a try. Does anyone have any field experience with these rounds?
  7. Thanks for this information. I have a few gift cards I can put towards the $79 stand. I'll be picking one of these up this week.
  8. All - I'm looking for recommendations on a ladder stand for bow hunting. I found this one on Sportsman's Guide website: http://www.sportsmansguide.com/product/index/guide-gear-16-archers-ladder-tree-stand?a=1333064 I'm a bigger guy (6' 250lbs). I like the idea of the flip-up seat for added space. Anyone have any experience with this stand or one of the likes?
  9. I'm guessing anyone out this morning is seeing good deer movement. I almost got a doe with my truck this morning!. Bolted across the road, was able to barely swerve to miss her. Sure enough, out pops the head of a little basket rack buck behind her. Must've saw 10 more deer on the way into work. Good luck out there!
  10. November 6th - 15th. Always had good luck 2nd week of November!
  11. Anyone going out this afternoon? Thinking about skipping out of work early for an afternoon sit but sounds like movement the past few days has been limited.
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