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Everything posted by pt0217

  1. It is getting off topic. One thing not mentioned is that our present laws don't allow us to immediately deport Central Americans only Mexicans. So once they cross they stay and at the very least, tie up our court system and social welfare system until they get deported. More likely they just disappear into our country and start making American citizen babies.
  2. So I guess we should stop fighting the war on drugs and let our kids die with needles in their arms.
  3. I disagree with eminent domain in some cases but in this case I think it is necessary. Uptown your comparison to the Bundy position is apples and Oranges.
  4. I would be curious if any of the property owners along the border would object. Also is it a fact that property is privately owned right up to the border? I don't even own half of my front yard. It's town property.
  5. Uptown you are trapped in a world where you think you have it all figured out and anyone that disagrees with you is an idiot. There are tens of millions maybe 100 million Americans that feel the way we feel. Clearly we are not all idiots.
  6. Thing with that article is that since it was written two things happened. The border patrol Union endorsed Trump and Gary Johnson announced he's running as a libertarian. So time has made the article into a propaganda piece. We have had thirty years of both parties allowing illegals to invade our country. I want it to stop. If your ideas are guaranteed I'll take it. The problem is liberals won't stop illegal immigration.
  7. You are losing me a little bit with the sniper thing. My position on the wall is that if we build the wall under a Trump presidency. It will have a lasting effect. So when the people elect a progressive down the road the wall will still do its job. We already know that liberal progressives will not enforce the laws in place.
  8. Not sure if it's less spending. I think it's smart spending. If the cost of building the wall offsets a greater waste of tax dollars. But more so the wall, once it's built, is going to protect the border more than a progressive liberal will. I know that we are not done electing progressive liberals so I want the wall.
  9. I watched that with skepticism, being CNN has a liberal agenda. The story is a joke. But what's funny is it only proves Trump right. He said he's going to build the wall with precast and it is going to cost 10 billion. That's exactly what they said would be best and exactly what the cost would be. What's laughable about the story is, cinder blocks haven't been made in 70 years or so. The poured concrete example was also a joke. What kind of climate is the Hoover dam in? Diplomat to your point that the wall will cost us money out of our pocket. Trump has said he will offset the cost with the trade deficit we have with Mexico. Even if that proves not true. I would rather spend taxpayer money productively, putting people to work and cutting off a flow of continued tax burdens coming here. One other thing. The wall would be a great symbol of commitment to enforcing our border. We have been duped for thirty years, allowing our country to slowly be invaded. The wall speaks volumes. I agree with you that your ideas would work. But only with leadership that wants it to work. Another Obama in office and he pulls the resources away and they start flowing in again.
  10. The money collected from the fines could go to increased enforcement.
  11. Diplomat. Am I right? You don't want a wall? Why not? Our country is being invaded by an enemy. It all needs to be stopped. Not only do we need a wall, we need to go after any politician that refuses to enforce our immigration laws. They need to treated as traitors. Please look at what is going on here. Look at what is happening at these riots outside the Trump rallies. They are attacking Americans for exercising their rights. These people that are coming to this country are not coming here to be patriotic Americans. They are coming here to bleed us of everything that Americans have worked for and died for. If we don't do something, anything, to stop it, our country is done.
  12. I was being somewhat facetious. But bad example. Jim Webb is not on the left. He is a patriot and democrat. But not a lefty.
  13. There are two kinds of Americans. Those that are patriotic and those on the left.
  14. Ants, i don't know if they are or not but a piece of paper is biodegradable and if you throw it on the ground you are littering.
  15. I sited an example of the government abusing its authority to get what it wants. Which is a fair equivalency. On your other comments. I have been civil in my debate with you. Our differences are crystal clear. Debating with you has been fun but you have crossed the line by calling me a racist. You, a smart guy, realize how dangerous a charge like that is. I will not be responding to anymore comments you post.
  16. I hope that stories like this one will open people's eyes to this.
  17. Once we solve this problem I'm moving on to all of the utility marking paint all over the roads and sidewalks in our town.
  18. Lawsuit seeks to ban balloon releases at University of Nebraska football games http://www.foxnews.com/us/2016/05/16/lawsuit-seeks-to-ban-balloon-releases-at-university-nebraska-football-games.html It's about time!
  19. Veterans’ group in Chicago suspects being ‘muscled’ by city out of facility near proposed Obama library http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2016/05/14/veterans-group-chicago-trying-to-muscle-it-out-facility-near-proposed-obama-library.html Expresso, do you think this could possibly be true? Or do you think these people are criminals?
  20. Hunterman, Thanks for this story. Some on this site have been trying for weeks to dispel what is going on here. He states article after article of personal attacks on the victims of this case. Trying to paint these people as evil, crazy, stupid, terrorists, or whatever other negative thing you could say to destroy their credibility. This story in a very simple, sensible way, points out the why and how the corrupt Government is going after and against the people of our great country. The time is approaching where we have a chance to get our country back. We have the opportunity to elect a leader that is not tied into this corrupt system. Maybe far from perfect, Trump is a tested work horse who loves this country and will fight for Americans first. Never again will an outsider be this close to breaking through the wall of corruption.
  21. http://cdn.history.com/sites/2/2015/04/hith-iwo-jima-457385783-E.jpeg These must not be in danger or distress. They are flying their's right side up
  22. Lol! Expresso you come off as an elitist snob. Thank God i have you to point out the proper use of the flag.
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