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Everything posted by Rattler

  1. I like your confidence, but I think you will be embarrassed.
  2. Then there's this....... Tens of thousands of coronavirus tests have been double-counted, officials admit https://www.telegraph.co.uk/global-health/science-and-disease/tens-thousands-coronavirus-tests-have-double-counted-officials/?fbclid=IwAR1v7y4RLxmC3-tY-A9lRWKueuWCYltHggpO1DOQthRu_mW_jm9RYhUa-jk
  3. And being more observant makes me a better hunter.
  4. Exactly how the left presents the issue by picking and choosing how to use the data. Sweden refused to comply with globalist demands and therefore must be made to look bad. Similar to how those in the US attack Florida and Texas. Figures don't lie. but liars can figure.
  5. I think you need to investigate where the deaths occurred in Sweden.
  6. You think the deaths were evenly dispersed over the population geographically, as opposed to concentrated in certain areas that had similar population densities? Why?
  7. I don't argue, I debate. Sweden is simply being attacked by leftists because it dared to disobey their commands and proved to the world nobody should.
  8. If they treat people this badly when they are well armed, just imagine what they will do after people are disarmed.
  9. BLM = Blacks Love Marxism These people need to be considered enemies of freedom and battled at every opportunity until they surrender.
  10. According to Newsweek editorial director Hank Gilman, Sweden’s “lighter touch” approach was a failure because seven times as many people died there than in neighboring Scandnavian countries such as Finland and Norway. He is not alone in the assessment. On the other hand, Sweden suffered far fewer deaths per capita than several European neighbors that instituted strict lockdowns—including Belgium, Italy, Spain, and the United Kingdom—and has avoided some of the economic fallout other nations have endured. Unlike other countries, its currency is growing stronger. https://fee.org/articles/3-states-account-for-42-percent-of-all-covid-19-deaths-in-america-why/
  11. Despite the recent coronavirus surge in southern states, three states—New York, New Jersey, and Massachusetts—account for about 42 percent of COVID-19 deaths in America. Why? There is currently a great deal of scrutiny on states such as Florida, Texas, and Arizona, which have seen case numbers increase in recent weeks, a spike that began in mid-June after states reopened their economies. The implication is that these states dropped the ball by reopening too soon. None of these states, however, has a per capita fatality rate that even approaches New Jersey, Massachusetts, or New York. Below are the figures as of July 7. Deaths per million: New Jersey: 1,728.7 New York: 1,660 Massachusetts: 1,189 Arizona: 265 Florida: 179 Texas: 94 Considering these numbers, one would not expect to see a governor from New Jersey, New York, or Massachusetts lecture these other states on their handling of the coronavirus. But that’s exactly what Gov. Cuomo did, claiming his state-ordered lockdown “saved lives” and chastening governors who opened their economies. https://fee.org/articles/3-states-account-for-42-percent-of-all-covid-19-deaths-in-america-why/
  12. In case you are not aware of it, you are as politically biased as anyone regarding this issue, which is quite evident from the talking points you use, which come directly from the leftist bias of the main stream media. I think calling Florida and Texas "disasters" is hyperbole and fear mongering. Considering the populations of those 2 states, the numbers are minuscule relative to the overall population. The deaths have not been going up. Are they "likely" to? In the minds of people who are using this virus purely for political purposes, they will. But looking at the data and what age groups are pushing up the positives, as well as how many tests are being done, then comparing that to what was going on in April, the data indicates we are in far better shape and making progress. The country has suffered enough damage economically and politically already. Time for people to resist the so called "science" and start looking at probabilities and get back to living, rather than worrying about dying from something less threatening than being hit by lightning.
  13. Like it says, mortality decreased. It may "likely increase" but the numbers will still be far below any projected levels and still falling from the peak periods, and let's not forget how ANY COVID-19 positive person that dies is counted as a COVID-19 death, even if they die from something else.
  14. Right. And those numbers show COVID-19 is nowhere near as bad as we have been told. CDC Confirms Extremely Low COVID-19 Death Rate https://www.technocracy.news/cdc-confirms-extremely-low-covid-19-death-rate/?fbclid=IwAR3U6ok6wDpiyifHy4zmPH3RO15QjDlWrkXBQi8rF8euP4J9CkXYzIH-9Bw
  15. From the CDC's own website under COVIDView: A weekly Surveillance Summary: Mortality Based on death certificate data, the percentage of deaths attributed to pneumonia, influenza or COVID-19 (PIC) decreased from 9.0% during week 25 to 5.9% during week 26, representing the tenth week of a declining percentage of deaths due to PIC. The CDC's website notes that COVID deaths have continued to decrease as a percentage of total U.S. deaths and may even slip below the CDC's threshold for definition as an epidemic. The surge is happening mainly among younger people who are less likely to die from the virus. They are going to bars, gyms, restaurants, protests etc. People in older age groups are still protecting themselves. This is the way the entire virus issue should've been handled from the beginning.
  16. "We live in an era when truth is subjective, if it exists at all. There is no truth, except the 'truth' of the left. Where is it written that the left gets to control the political and cultural agenda and conservatives must bow to its ideology when, in fact, it is liberalism that has brought the nation to near cultural ruin? Which ideology is responsible for 60 million abortions, the welfare state and entitlement mentality, the promotion of any human relationship that can be conjured up in the most twisted of minds, family breakup, drugs, the teaching of a false American history, failing inner city public schools and much more? When conservatives oppose these cultural revisionists, they are called divisive. Conservatives have little to defend. They should be holding the left accountable for the destruction caused by their ideology." —Cal Thomas
  17. Try reading it again and pay attention to the part about declining deaths. Positives don't matter. Deaths do.
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