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Everything posted by Rattler

  1. I just keep recalling the original war cry of "Flatten the Curve!" to prevent hospitals from becoming overwhelmed. We did that. Back then we were told everything would return to normal after we did that. They lied to us. Now it's all about power and control and using the crises to obtain advantage in the political arena. People are starting to see this and no longer feel they are doing the right thing by hiding in fear. The game is over. People no longer wish to play.
  2. Funny. It didn't seem to disgrace the movie, or make anyone in Hollywood look bad. Maybe just a case of selective outrage. I think Quentin Tarantino has said much worse in his films and leftists in Hollywood seem to love him. Maybe that's why when they get offended, nobody takes them seriously.
  3. We don't make them primitive, since primitive means belonging to a society in which people live in a very simple way, usually without industries or a writing system. That didn't prevent some of them from developing a high level of sophistication.
  4. What if it was Native Americans, not modern day hunters, who first manipulated and managed the American landscape for better hunting? What if Native Americans were the original wildlife habitat managers? https://www.themeateater.com/conservation/habitat/native-americans-the-original-quality-deer-managers?utm_campaign=6%2F29%2F20_Whitetail Weekly (Snn434)&utm_medium=email&utm_source=Klaviyo&utm_content=Continue reading&_ke=eyJrbF9lbWFpbCI6ICJ2anBzckB5YWhvby5jb20iLCAia2xfY29tcGFueV9pZCI6ICJZeWdXUTcifQ%3D%3D
  5. The solution is simple. Give them what they are asking for. Block off any area of the city they don't want cops to go, and don't allow cops in those "no go" zones for ANY reason. Let them see the results of their idiotic demands. When the people who are allowing the lawlessness get fed up and start to demand police protect them, send in the police like a blitz and clean out every lawless loon that tries to stop them. Then clamp a lid on any lawlessness that happens afterwards. If people once again begin to protest the police, simply threaten to reinstate the police "no go" zone again.
  6. Cuomo can't make up his mind what the President can and can't do. He wants a federal order to ignore state's rights and have everyone required to wear a mask, but invokes state's rights not to allow the fed to order the economy or churches to reopen. Notice how Cuomo is all for forcing people to comply with oppression, but adamantly against allowing people to choose their own destiny.
  7. Borrowed from a friend. Take a little trip to Valley Forge in January. Hold a musket ball in your Fingers and imagine it piercing your flesh and breaking a bone or two. There won't be a doctor or trainer to assist you until after the battle, so Just wait your turn. Take your cleats and socks off to get a real Experience. Then, take a knee on the beach in Normandy where man after American man Stormed the beach, even as the one in front of him was shot to pieces, the Very sea stained with American blood. The only blockers most had were the dead bodies in front of them, riddled with bullets from enemy fire. Take a knee in the sweat soaked jungles of Vietnam. From Khe Sanh to Saigon, anywhere will do. Americans died in all those jungles. There was no Playbook that told them what was next, but they knew what flag they Represented. When they came home, they were protested as well, and spit on for reasons only cowards know. Take another knee in the blood drenched sands of Fallujah in 110 degree Heat. Wear your Kevlar helmet and battle dress. Your number won't be printed on it unless your number is up! You'll need to stay hydrated but There won't be anyone to squirt Gatorade into your mouth. You're on your own. There are a lot of places to take a knee where Americans have given their Lives all over the world. When you use the banner under which they fought as a source for your displeasure, you dishonor the memories of those who bled for the very freedoms you have. That's what the red stripes mean. It represents the blood of those who spilled a sea of it defending your Liberty. While you're on your knee, pray for those that came before you, not on a manicured lawn striped and printed with numbers to announce every inch of ground taken, but on nameless hills and bloodied beaches and sweltering forests and bitter cold mountains, every inch marked by an American life Lost serving that flag you protest. No cheerleaders, no announcers, no coaches, no fans, just American men and Women, delivering the real fight against those who chose to harm us, Blazing a path so you would have the right to "take a knee." You haven't Any inkling of what it took to get you where you are, but your "protest" is duly noted. Not only is it disgraceful to a nation of real heroes, it serves the purpose of pointing to your ingratitude for those who chose to Defend you under that banner that will still wave long after your jersey is Retired. If you really feel the need to take a knee, come with me to church on Sunday and we'll both kneel before Almighty God. We'll thank Him for Preserving this country for as long as He has. We'll beg forgiveness for our Ingratitude for all He has provided us. We'll appeal to Him for Understanding and wisdom. We'll pray for liberty and justice for all, because He is the one who provides those things. But there will be no Protest. There will only be gratitude for His provision and a plea for His Continued grace and mercy on the land of the free and the home of the Brave. It goes like this, GOD BLESS AMERICA
  8. https://www.lohud.com/story/sports/high-school/2020/06/26/gov-andrew-cuomo-overrides-nysphsaa-start-date-workouts/3266034001/?fbclid=IwAR3WYVdmihwrcXjNRPscPMk6QNXObOrA7mxvsHfLCmfLI9Hra6itl_D-abw
  9. https://www.wkbw.com/news/coronavirus/cuomo-ny-employees-who-travel-to-covid-hot-spots-ineligible-for-paid-sick-leave?fbclid=IwAR3UzLfbMZp6EozDtskqRcWXZxWGOVJ66Ni4KAmkDvSGnNG3RBN692VSk1s
  10. I did not know there were orange, green, blue and violet folks. Not sure about indigo. LOL!
  11. Why is a white chair needed? And why is there a brown chain in the middle? What did the man tell you that was epic?
  12. Very sad to hear this grampy. My condolences to you and all of your family.
  13. Nancy Pelosi was visiting a primary school in Tampa and visited a grade four class. They were in the middle of a discussion related to words and their meanings. The teacher asked Mrs. Pelosi if she would like to lead the discussion on the word 'tragedy.' So our illustrious Democrat asked the class for an example of a 'tragedy'. One little boy stood up and offered: "If my best friend, who lives on a farm, is playing in the field and a tractor runs him over and kills him, that would be a tragedy." "No," said Pelosi , "that would be an accident." A little girl raised her hand: "If a school bus carrying 50 children drove off a cliff, killing everyone, that would be a tragedy." "I'm afraid not," explained Pelosi . "That's what we would call great loss." The room went silent. No other child volunteered. Pelosi searched the room. "Isn't there someone here who can give me an example of a tragedy?" Finally at the back of the room, Little Johnny raised his hand. The teacher held her breath. In a quiet voice he said: "If the plane carrying you was struck by a 'friendly fire' missile and blown to smithereens that would be a tragedy." "Fantastic!" exclaimed Pelosi , "That's right. And can you tell me why that would be a tragedy?" "Well," says Johnny, "It has to be a tragedy, because it sure as hell wouldn't be a great loss ... and you can bet your sweet ass it wouldn't be an accident either!" The teacher left the room.
  14. No thanks. Apparently I'm one of the few that finds pleasure in the outdoors instead of a pill.
  15. Forest for the trees Lefty. Forest for the trees. The manipulation of humanity isn't funny people.
  16. Joe Biden: "If you don't vote for me you're not black"........... Nurse: "You're talking to your coffee again Joe".
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