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Everything posted by slickrockpack
again, same main street, where do you you think I live? do you see my Copyright on them? another moron.
same wolf same day where do you think I live ...
didn't I just say the obvious newspaper ones... even though they are taken in my front yard. no one in ny ever took a photo of the empire state building or the statue of liberty and said here, this is ny/ theres a lot of dummies in the world. let's go gut shoot turkeys and drink zima
wife trying to sight in her new rifle and scope, but pronghorn herds keep running up to see whats going on, curious to a fault they are. headed over Turkeyfeathers brother's way to make some deliveries to friends and family now that the roads are open. grizz, bison, moose, deer, bighorns, elk, ....the usual nice ride.
looking back on this thread I don't see any photos other than the obvious newspaper ones that aren't ours, so bizro world can go Westchester himself, you're an expert apparently only in your own little neighborhood pal. coon photos on the abandoned trail camera, they are not found here but started showing up a few years go, some say hunters from back east in iowa brought them to run with their coonhounds. like many critters here we can shoot them trap them no license needed no closed season like fox, coyote jackrabbit, etc
electricians found trail cameras I had forgot about on one of the hitching posts next to the front deck. my eyes are going batty from flipping through 1,000s of photos, mostly of nothing. some are very fogged up full of water.... and a sleepy elk cow by the medical clinic in mammoth where we had lunch yesterday.
fisher and wolverine are protected here now, and mountain lions still can't be trapped we hoped that was changing this year but the libtards from LA have plenty of money to hang everything up in court. treat them as you would a strange cat and you'll be fine. animals aren't looking to get hurt and will avoid a fight if they can.
you don't have to touch the fisher to release it a V notch board for legholds and a cage trap just open the door. people release lions and grizz anyone should be able to let a big weasel loose.
mmmmmm......That doesn't sound like me you're brother have any snow of by hebgen? I'm supposed to go to Bozeman to drop some stuff off but finding an open road is hard right now, I don't want to get stuck in montana.....
I figure less than 0.1% of the population are real idiots, but they sure make themselves known, technically by bell curve, half the people are below average in intelligence and they seem to congregate in bars and gun shops, but people hit them there or ignore them, the internet gives them free reign. on the fisher live trapping, we have fellas north of us that live trap marten and to ensure the population they check the sex of each catch and release the females....their best tip is to grab it on the first try after a missed grab the marten figure out what's going on and are tough to grab.
me too, especially the ones b the deck, keep hanging around wolfies Oct1 isn't far.... Cody enterprise story; folks are a couple miles from us. Mike Darby was armed with a .45 when he approached the rogue mountain lion outside his house trying to kill and eat his dog. “I shot it from about 3 feet away,” Darby said. The late-night caper at Darby’s home Sunday night began with a surprise confrontation and ended with one dead beast and the happy survival of a family pet. But not without unexpected drama. Given Darby was snoozing when the adventure started it all could have been mistaken for a dream, but the suspense was real. At 11:30 p.m., Darby, a co-owner of the Irma Hotel and president of the Cody Stampede Board, was asleep in his home near Wapiti when his teen son Beau woke him to say he sensed something was going on outside. Calls were shouted to Ringo, the 45-pound, 8-year-old family border collie, but the dog, which has its own swinging door entrance, did not come in. Darby investigated and about a dozen steps from the back door saw Ringo embroiled in a life-and-death struggle with a mountain lion. Darby asked Beau or wife Kim to get him a gun. He watched the animals rolling around in a struggle with the lion’s teeth grabbing at Ringo’s very furry neck. Although wildlife, mule deer and often bears, inhabit the North Fork, people more rarely confront mountain lions in the Cody area. “I see more eclipses than mountain lions,” Darby said. At first he could not get a clear shot at the thrashing lion since it was totally focused on the dog. So he warily stepped over and yanked on the lion’s tail in hopes of turning it over so he would not accidentally shoot Ringo. That created a much better target and Darby fired one shot into the lion, then another. He squeeze off a third shot as a make-sure round. Darby reported the kill to Game and Fish and the department sent a game warden to the house Monday morning. After peace descended in the backyard, Darby looked the mountain lion over more closely and his off-the-cuff observation about the cat: “It was thin. But it seemed to have pretty good canine teeth.” Official preliminary indications were the mountain lion “was a really emaciated old female,” G&F spokesman Dusty Lasseter said. The attack was likely motivated by hunger. The mountain lion’s body was shipped to a laboratory in Lander “to do some pathology,” Lasseter said. Darby was within his rights to shoot the lion. “In Wyoming you have the right to protect your property,” Lasseter said, “from mountain lions, bears, wolves.” “Mountain lions eating house cats is not that uncommon,” Lasseter said. “Mountain lions eating dogs is pretty rare. Generally speaking, they’re afraid of them and avoid them.” (this is the second dog attack in town this year) The Darby mountain lion literally took on more than it could swallow. Ringo has very thick hair around his neck and although the mountain lion drew blood, the wound was far from fatal. The encounter did scare the heck out of the dog, however. “He crawled underneath the bed and we couldn’t get him out,” Darby said.
well you aren't thinking it through, its pretty simple really, we do the same thing with spike deer, a half dozen spikes will eat food that would otherwise turn your 6 pointers into 10 pointers, we shoot every spike we see in the guts with 22s so they run off and die, then all that extra food goes into making the big bucks even bigger. Its just common sense plus you get to hunt and shoot 20 deer without ever using your tag up. its a win win. youre not thinking it through
bison help wanted, 4 strong men and a boy
slickrockpack replied to slickrockpack's topic in Out of New York Hunting
I like the pronghorn in with the elk, I realize there exist other photos of elk with pronghorn but it doesn't bother me you know its west when there is a pronger in it. love the buggers. ferris wheel is scheels, I don't believe they exist east most sporting goods stores here don't go east or to California, why put up with the hassles? they are neat stores though. we often kill a day at the height of tourist season when millions are piling through and go to scheels, rocky mtn, big bear and maybe even stop at cabelas which is the poor second cousin compared to the rest. Scheels is fun, and their aquariums and photostop spots are really cool the photo stops have neat mounts that you stand next to and they have camera stands so you can take a photo there, but I wont show those -
if you don't want to see what it looks like here don't read the post, all I can do is bloack you, but I can't block the posts for you, you need to click Block User and enter slickrockpack then you wont see the posts
I'm not sure I understand your point. my $^#wit to english translator is broken. try googling why the $%#^ would I share intimate photos on a website where I can't delete them after they are posted? you do know what you post on here is out on the WORLD WIDE WEB...forever.
lotta wolves this year which is nice, since we lifted that stupid lawsuit stopping our hunting seasons the last 3 years. everything took a pounding from the hard winter never ever has game and fish brought roll off dumpsters to our town so we could dump the dead deer in, it took several trips with several 30 yard dumpsters for us to clean up the yard. bout a mile of our driveway washed out in floods they haven't seen in 50 years...twice! pita....I hired it fixed, I didn't feel like being in the equipment beating myself up. I had just gotten it right in the spring too...ticks me off, I hate nature, don't you? I'll buy a genuine lead hobnail for anyone knows what that bug is next to the quarter. those are a herd of elk and calves trying to cross the road right in the middle of town, damn fences screed them up. hate wire. teepees are a new campground opened over in cody on the way to powell at the trout ranch, kinda neat.
a year has passed almost tot he day, I must black out, where did it go what did I do? well, what passed was a pretty crappy year, I outlived all my children now, my parents, uncles aunts, brothers and sisters, was a year of crappy days really. at the peak of trapping season we got snowstorm that took some lives, record snow that has never been seen in over 100 years. back in northern NY it would have been a not bad winter but here where they don't own snowplows, shovels or snowblowers it was a damn wreck. waaaayyyyy back in the Shoshone drainage where the river is born there are talus slopes the grizzlies feed on, army cutworm moths I think they are called, little balls of fat for the bears, there were 15 grizzlies feeding on the slope and I was just sitting there next to a moose feeding watching the bears and wham I was sick to my stomach. 15 miles in by foot and I have food poisoning....but it wasn't it was a blood clot hitting my heart, heart attack. perfect. I made it out in agony I have never felt before and I've been shot and stabbed a lot, this topped them all. and then, 4 more followed over the year, lotta surgeries and limited mobility. I'm looking for photos from this past summer and I don't have much I don't think you've seen before
bison help wanted, 4 strong men and a boy
slickrockpack replied to slickrockpack's topic in Out of New York Hunting
you bet , glad you liked it. nope, I'm from Saranac Inn for many generations, couldn't stand the bs and regs in ny after they created the APA and a flood of ijits from Westchester that flt out ruined the north country so we left for what was left of America. went home for the holidays to see mom every year, was worse and worse being back there every year, mom passed this spring, and after one more trip to empty the house out I won't ever have to be east of the gateway again. Can't take all that driving anway I'm crippled for 4 days when I get there,lol -
my personal definition for a whitetail in ny that is a trophy is 140 class gross as a minimum that will gross 140 no problem so yes I would take it if looking for a trophy class animal its a fully mature deer, nose length, go whack him don't forget the racks start going south pretty quickly as they age
bison help wanted, 4 strong men and a boy
slickrockpack replied to slickrockpack's topic in Out of New York Hunting
MOho81....FOr the life of me I can't figure out how to send you this photo...someone will have to learn me. -
Fishing yesterday in this slimy slippery new snow with the bison moving past heading down I thought of the very first bison I killed many years ago, I had my best hunting buddy with me we slept poorly the night before and night cough set in on my buddy, think Flu and you'll have the picture by 9am I had passed on several bison and picked a young cow, poof one in line with the horn and she was dead drove the herd off which is a challenge with one down and set to gutting buddy was sick and getting worse so I opted to move with lightening speed he held up the rear leg ad I gutted her out, as I neared the end of my cut he began violently coughing and let the leg go, the whole weight coming down on me with the hoof striking me first right on top of my head I began to respond angrily but saw he was doubled over hacking his lungs out, not a good sign. gutted finally I slid her a few yards on the snow with buddy following carrying the gear but knew I couldn't do it for long and every time I stopped Buddy sat down on the bison and hung his head in agony time to change the plan I piled him in the truck as it was beginning to pour rain, and the wiper motor had quit on the old ford I was driving then turning what amounted to a hair dryer on for heat and on high and facing towards him I hung my head outside the window so I could see driving and headed for town before reaching town we ran into a couple truck loads of cowboys and on one truck was this new three wheeler contraption kind of like a motorcycle with side car but more like a miniature tricycle motorcycle the hells angles sometimes had with them when they came through town in the summer. they looked like they were seeking adventure waving a handful of cash at them I asked if they would help load a bison in the truck, my buddy was sick and not up to it they smiled and took off at top speed for the kill site before we could even get there, back at us here they came, full speed and occasionally rolling their motortrike over and over, bending handle bars and breaking the wrist of one of the drivers holy crappin crap we said and dove out of their path. by the time we turned around and walked back to the trucks they had loaded the bison into ours, loaded their trike into theirs and were preparing to leave hang on I said, what do I owe you boys? case of beer will do it the old timer of the bunch answered well, hell, that's about ten bucks, that wont do I said and handed them 50 dollars US to the trike owner I handed another 50, here I said, we did some damage to your rig there, and I thank you for it, plus your boy busted his wrist nope, they wouldn't hear of it, $50 for beer was more than enough and besides he flipped the machine the wrist was his own fault and ZOOM away they tore, only then did we notice they had a cow bison of their own in their truck twice the size of ours. We didn't believe they had a license for it either and since they had just run the trike across the whole of the refuge where they weren't allowed to be I felt we should go the opposite way home from the direction they were heading these days and for many years now I line up help for getting game out well in advance, I plan on dropping two bears pretty quickly here and don't shoot anything under 300, holding out for 400 to 500 really and that is not a one man job, for an old sickly busted up man like me anyway, thse days are gone. The hides and skull making a trip in themselves maybe I can get a couple hind quarters out with them but it depends where it drops, rough country and rivers here abouts. I run ads in the bars, 4 strong men and a boy needed, game hauling, pay is $100 a day cash each OR all the beer you can carry they always take the beer. so make up some ads ahead of time when you are out dropping bison moose big elk, mtn goats or the like and for a few bucks or some beer you'll have a willing army of strong men and a boy looking to lighten your load
that is my point exactly, go walk around now in your boots if you think in your heart that deer or any animal cares about rubber....turkeys are well known for being especially easy to walk up to turkeys and rut crazed moose. we tame grizzlies, mountain lions, badgers, wolverines, wolves, and use moose and bison to log with....mule deer everyone knows and turkeys anyone can walk up to them and pet them, but whitetails in the suburbs of NY who smell 8 million cars and dogs and people and buses a day all their lives, THOSE bastards get one whiff of rubber and POOF they move to FLorida and wont come back don't be stupid. if you think a deer in NY doesn't know what boot smells like thenyou're just fooling yourself into thinking they are spooky animals and you're living in a wilderness area because it says so on a sign, past here is wild-ness and it takes a helluva man to kill a deer on this side of the parking lot. if you want to keep deer out of your garden or yard eating your plants then just hang a new boot out there...they can't possibly smell you, your cat, your dog, your kids diapers and your hot tub,pool, smoker, pool table and laundry room...that boot oughta drive them away no problem.
yep , you are wrong. But it is ok. you can think whatever you want it won't effect a thing, main thing is you are happy, doesn't matter if it's true. it's an interesting window into human psyche to see how making something we have been doing with sticks and rocks for 10,000 years (ability to feed oneself) has to be turned into something worthy of high fives and bragging rights...I don't think its wrong or right its just interesting. go out and pick a carrot and we don't high five but if we can make it appear that carrots are elusive, hard to find, difficult to catch and possibly dangerous when cornered well then, it's grandstand time. some people have been conditioned to admire those who are presented as heroes (usually by someone selling hero worship stuff)....so it's natural to want to be heroic themselves even if it's the simple act of feeding oneself. you ever see a show that isn't sponsored by someone selling something, you let me know. I have those channels blocked on my TV for a reason, they have nothing to do with hunting or the outdoors and they generally make me hate white people and want to send money to ISIS you just fired a 32-350 MooseChucker and blew the deer to hell and gone, why are you whispering?? if people shut them off and actually got outside they'd stop thinking deer are afraid of the smell of rubber....or people for that matter. if you can get a cat to come to you , you can get a deer to come to you you have t stop thinking that animals think and act like people. much less what marketing people tell you they act and think like cuz it just aint so. people's notions are ......something.