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Water Rat

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Everything posted by Water Rat

  1. Your right about planting in the middle of October. It’s just that I didn’t want to bother gardening anymore at the start of hunting season. It also cuts down on the weeds the longer you wait to plant. Bad enough that I’ll be blowing leaves till the snow fly’s. Those damn red oak leaves hang on forever.
  2. Could this be your problem ? I’m using the bulbs from Keene Garlic Farm. I haven’t grown any in years but it is relatively easy. Bury the clove with the point up and cover with 3” of dirt. Then cover it with about 6” of straw.
  3. Almost time to plant the garlic. I’m waiting for my cloves to be shipped. Hopefully I’ll have them in the ground by 9/30.
  4. I never knew this. Thanks for explaining it Pygmy. I wonder if the 2 9/16 have any collector value.
  5. Died yesterday at 81. Great lead off hitter and base stealer.
  6. Keith Moon died. One of the best rock-n-roll drummers of all time.
  7. I don’t remember where this empty box came from but kept it anyway.
  8. Hey fasteddie..... I hope your getting royalties.
  9. Man..... that’s a tough call.
  10. His heart may be in the right place but his brain sure isn’t.
  11. I'll admit it was a horrible/crass statement Trump said about John McCain in 2016. Especially since he dodged the service due to bone spurs in his foot (allegedly). I never like "The Donald" and always viewed him as an egotistical asshole. With that being said.....Trump is STILL better than any candidate the democrats can come up with.
  12. A few of my favorites from yesterday's trail camera retrievals.
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