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    Deer country

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  • Hunting Gun
    Tikka T3X CTR 308
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  • HuntingNY.com

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  1. In stock at BassPro, Bridgeport,CT
  2. 10oz runs from $125 to 250. That's ridiculous!
  3. So sorry to hear that. I posted as soon as I found out it was in stock.
  4. You're welcome brother. We're all in this together. Goodluck this coming Sunday.
  5. Do you live in NYC? Maybe that's why?
  6. They'll ship to my house. Look again
  7. In stock at Midwayusa right now!!! 10oz container.
  8. Normally from mid september to the end of december the “man cave“ is cluttered. Starts with bow stuff and ends with ML . It took me about 6 hours today to organize and clean all my hunting gears. Cleaning the ML took me the longest. Its was a fun season! Happy holidays fellas! Lets do this again next year!
  9. Ruger ranch 7.62x39 with 16" barrel. Super lightweight and easy to walk around the woods. I love it more than my 30 -30 and my browning BAR 308. I never had deers make it past 50 yards. Got nice 4 pointer this morning.
  10. The sign im looking for are road kills. Thats when i know the rut is on. That's just my opinion. More dead deers are seen on the side of the road during the rut especially on peak.
  11. i have the same one and im happy with it. And same here, i also put a tarp from you guessed it, harbor freight on top of the hauler befor i put the deer on it and wrap it with bungee cords. I also put reflectorized sticker on the back and side of the hauler whic you cal also buy at harbor freight. Warm up the metal and sticker with hair dryer beofre you stick it in the hauler for best results. And to make it more discreet, i cut off the the legs/hooves at the "ankle" level so its make it easier to wrap and hide the deer.
  12. I use a $20 field and stream monopod only for xbow hunting. I find the xbow front heavy and I want to have a clean and quick harvest and makes it easier to track. It doubles as a hiking stick while I'm still/stalk hunting.
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