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Northcountryman last won the day on November 5

Northcountryman had the most liked content!

Extra Info

  • Hunting Location
    Catskills, Adirondacks
  • Hunting Gun
    Winchester 300 Savage, Marlin 30-30
  • HuntingNY.com
    found it on Google

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  1. Yeah, I saw that on X yesterday; pretty messed up. Having said that, I am VERY much a law and order guy and advocate harsh sentences be meted out to offenders committing violent crimes, but it appears that these guys may have went a bit overboard in their attempts to get him to comply .
  2. Or, you could do some hunting while doing something else ala Honest Abe Lincoln!! Read somewhere that he used to bring a squirrel gun with him enroute to school everyday and hunt squirrels on his way there and home!!
  3. Why not wear for still hunting? Are they too bulky? Fabric noisy when rubs together or something?
  4. Merry Christmas to all who celebrate
  5. Serious question here: Do they come in blaze orange? Where do you get them?
  6. Sounds great, Bud. Best of luck to you.
  7. If you get one deep in (i.e. a mile or more walk) and/or all up hill drag, I dont care if your 75 or 25, its still gonna be tough on the ole body to drag out. In that case, , maybe cur it up in the field and hump it out in garbage bags would be best, wouldnt it?
  8. Absolutely gorgeous Buck- what a nice pic!! Thank you for sharing
  9. Thats actually a legit excuse!!
  10. Fewer hunters , for sure , but the point that hunters arent as mobile in the woods as in years past is valid as well IMHO.
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