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Posts posted by ncountry

  1. 15 minutes ago, chrisw said:

    Well after 4 hours of trying to advance last blood I backed out. After 200 yds he was just dripping and the only way I could continue the track was by seeing where he brushed up against small brush. I probably tracked him 400 yds total. Maybe the bubbles in the blood in this case weren't lungs after all? I couldn't find the arrow, I even backtracked and still didn't see it. He went into a really wet swamp. It's more water than land. What I thought was him crashing was him going down the steep backside of the ridge. It appears he started using his front leg again judging by the trail. I'll go back in the AM and grid search awhile. He turned near last blood and headed back towards 200 acres of really thick hillsides and more wet swamp. I did kick up 2-3 more bucks in there, one was same basic size rack wise but if it was him he went straight up a huge ridge seemingly fine, 3.5 hrs after the hit. From the highest of highs to the lowest. At this point I'm hoping it was all shoulder and he survives. pics below are from a dead run in the first 200 yds, he bled like crazy, then almost instantly it stopped. I've never shoulder hit a deer before so I'm not sure if that's consistent with that type of hit or not. My buddy hit one in the shoulder a few years back and he says it was the same blood for them, great to nothing. They actually saw the buck the next day chasing does in a field. IMG_20211104_151329649.jpgIMG_20211104_151506579.jpgIMG_20211104_151458950.jpgIMG_20211104_160503880.jpg

    Sent from my moto g fast using Tapatalk

    If you are still tracking blood no matter how little. Back out now, if you haven't already, and go back in the am.

    The single biggest mistake many make is not giving them long enough to die. 

    Example. Buddy shot one in the shoulder, but due to bubbles in the blood we figured it was dead within an hour. We started tracking and ended up jumping him. Went back 6rs later tracked 5-600 yds jumped him again. Finally smartened up and backed out.

    Went back the next morning and found him another 300yds away. He scored 160". We were lucky after our mistakes. One blade of the broadhead barely punctured  into the lung area.(explained the bubles)  

  2. 19 minutes ago, Buckmaster7600 said:

    Ditch the fiber optic, go with an original style post and if need be add a little nail polish or model paint in your color of choice. Fiber optics are hard to focus on and are very weak and easily broken.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    I 2nd that.. I remember a particular muzzleloader hunt that resulted in no deer because the front optic sight somehow was broken on my trek in.

    I never realized it until I pulled up to shoot a mentally challenged spike at 15' . Lol. I know there was something wrong with that deer because the smoke hit him,not the bullet , and he didn't even flinch. He just slowly continued on his way..

    It was really wierd.. I didn't figure there was anyway that I could have missed him at 10-15' . I should have just shot from the hip instead of looking down the barrel..;)

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  3. Smell may be there strongest sense.  I think depending upon the hunting technique or area it isn't necessarily the hardest one to circumnavigate.

    When trying to sneak up on a deer in cover it isn't too difficult to come in from down wind. It's  difficult to close the distance to archery range though..

  4. 5 minutes ago, Taylormike said:

    Happy Halloween guys and gals.  With us entering November, what is your opinion on the rut?  Have they hit lock down yet. I hunt in 9p and my cameras have showed little to no chasing, followed by nearly zero deer activity.  My week off is the 9th-14th.  I'm just hoping I'm not too late.  Thanks.

    Nah.  Imho the single best day is the 10th or 11th. Well, I guess that's 2 days .lol. I cannot make up my mind..besides , my 2 week hunting trip doesn't start this year until the 9th.

    • Like 1
  5. 6 minutes ago, Versatile_Hunter said:

    Ontario border north of 117

    Nice. I belong to a fishing club. I think there are 16 members left. We have an old remote loggers camp on a lake(accessible by 4 wheeler in an hours  ride)  that has been leased from the province for 50+ years  on a lake in the boonies a few hours north of Pembroke .

    We commonly see moose. Nobody has ever hunted there. I'm thinking we may have to give it a go one of these years.

  6. The right spot makes all the difference even in the same general area.  I have close to 90 acres surrounded by heavily hunted land and zero crop fields.  I have maybe 1/2 dozen deer that use it regularly and very rarely  a buck past 1 1/2. That's why I spend most of my time on public land 

    My buddy lives up the rd a 1/4 mile and sees an average of 10-20 deer(and some nice bucks) any sit in any of his 3 food plots on his 60 acres..

    He is bordered by 400 acres of land closed to hunting and backed up to another big chunk of quality crop land.(soybeans,corn,andalfalfa)


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  7. Found another spot on 20,000 acres of state land. 45 minutes from the house .  3 separate drainages come together. Beaver dam behind me ,to my left, and a 10 yd wide strip connecting this spot  to the more remote other side. Couple scrapes in front of me. Oak trees just over the hill to my right.. Feels deery .  Come on deer.

    Of course if I do see one it will be decision time. I normally save my tag for my southern tier trip.20211024_163754.thumb.jpg.429b02e195a9b3fff2acec2f0ccaf7a3.jpg

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  8. 48 minutes ago, Lawdwaz said:

    Wow, it never returned except for glue?  I don't even know how the respond to that.

    Ha.ha.ha.. nope not a glue sniffer.. lol.. but if you have have ever been in cabinet or tight crawl space with that stuff it's rather potent..

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