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Posts posted by ncountry

  1. 1 minute ago, virgil said:

    You can’t really be this uninformed. Everyone knows that the vaccine does not 100% prevent a person from getting Covid. It does significantly reduce the risk of infection and it does significantly reduce the severity of illness if you do get infected. I think I’m done on this because I don’t honestly think you’re being serious. 

    You are correct, but what in all that makes it safer for you if I am vaccinated? I think that is the point that is trying to be made.

    Imo .Now that the vaccine is available it should be left to the people to get it or not..

  2. 1 hour ago, Northcountryman said:

    Yes , that makes sense, thanks guys . So do they tend to rub more when going to bed or going to eat Would you say ? 

     I see more rubs in staging areas just out of where they are feeding.  I'm not sure if that is just my observations or a general rule ?

  3. I know I have become overly reliant on onx for navigation. I have been in some large pieces of public land relatively flat with swamps with very few land marks. With my phone charged I'm not afraid to stay until close to dark and navigate back out by flashlight with the help of my phone occasionally. 

    I suppose at some point I may be playing survivor for a night if my phone dies..lol

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    • Haha 1
  4. 38 minutes ago, Northcountryman said:

    Gentleman , went out scouting yesterday to get her intel for the impending season and discovered I nice little run line about 300 yds from the road . The topography is relatively flat , but with a slight downward slope on sort of an edge line , where it’s relatively open abutting some thicker cover . The line runs almost exactly N/ S along this edge : what I’m not understanding is , why is he rubbing here ? I don’t see any major food sources around the rub line anywhere and I though they tended to rub near a food source . Isn’t that generally true or no ? 

    In my experience rub lines will be along travel corridors, staging , and bedding areas.  You may find the odd rub around food source.

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  5. 3 minutes ago, wolc123 said:

    I did couple of times in the past,  but will probably hit it a little harder this year, because doe will be legal with the ML.   

    Have you hunted that ? 

    Spent a lot time there 30-35 years ago. Friend had a camp on the right not long after crossing the creek. I don't believe I ever deer hunted there. I didn't start deer hunti g until I was 20..

    We would go through a brick or 2 of .22 shells every weekend plinking

    .  Repelling down cliffs. Fishing , and just being kids..lol... a lot of good memories there when we were teenagers..

    I cut a few 100 cord of firewood there during the ice storm of 98 as well.


  6. 7 minutes ago, wolc123 said:

    They are about an hour, almost straight to the south on good roads, from where I will be.  I doubt I will be using them again because one of my mother in laws new friends in town (Harrisvlle) does deer processing.  

    I think they are a little more expensive than Nolts, and I am not sure if they have a cooler. The 15 minute drive saves me an hour and a half and the temperatures don’t look too warm over the next week.  

    Her friends in town do bears also, but after reading Dave’s posts, I think I will just cut one of those up myself if need be.  Hopefully, they won’t have ticks as bad as that buck I cut up from up there a few years ago.  Do bears get them as bad as deer ?

     I never heard of a bear tick, so I will take my chances. I will wear one of the three pairs of camouflaged pants that I treated with Sawyers a couple nights ago.

    I didn't realize you were hunting that far north. Have you made it over to Greenwood Creek  state forest by Pitcairn?

  7. 28 minutes ago, SpacemanSpiff said:

    Problem is the hedgerow is not much bigger than a ground blind. Plus it is a boundary line so it’s mostly rock. Not exactly blind territory. Ill post a picture of what im working with tomorrow. The blind would would stick out like a sore thumb. 

    Just back into the hedge row, rearrange some stones, clip a few branches. Voila..

    I have a few 5 gallon pails hidden in  hedgerows that have seen a few deer shot..

  8. 7 minutes ago, Pygmy said:

    Farm fed fatty....  Reminds me of my younger days....

    Nothing like a fat, sweaty blond in a haymow on a hot afternoon....<< SIGH  >>....

    Ha. Ha. Ha.! You talking about yourself or did you have company? ;).

  9. 5 hours ago, Grouse said:

    Site your source.  There's always two sides to a story.  Either one could be true, depending on who has interest in it's outcome.  Personally, I never believe anything the govt says, because I have caught it lying too many times.

    Oh come on.. you rarely sight any reliable sources.  I just quickly googled and didn't find an article from 2002 that said it was due to government rules that the train stopped and didn't move from the bridge .


  10. Friends and I were practicing this weekend at our "range" we had just finished sighting a few guns in at 100 yds so started playing around with our bows at same distance.  After a few shots we were dialed in enough to hit the bag anyways ..lol.

     I could hit the target if I pulled 20' over the target with my 60 yd pin..

    Apparently 25' was too much..;)

    Not the 1st story I have involving a dead stick..IMG_1564.thumb.jpg.7c1752f4f229d0ef58faef1ce7bc6fd1.jpg

    • Like 9
  11. 5 minutes ago, moog5050 said:

    To this day, the most exciting hunt I ever had was a stalk and kill on a doe with my little bear kodiak magnum.  I am not sure if the doe or I was more surprised that it worked.  lol  Bow wins hands down.  And I do take more satisfaction in the trad bow kills only because I know how easily those shots can go wrong.  But I still enjoy hunting with a compound or even with a gun.  

    One of my best hunts was ,I think, my 1st year bow hunting. 

    I spent over an hour belly crawling and sneaking in my socks across a meadow.

    I finally had closed the distance and had a rock pile between me and a 1/2 year old buck. I waited for him to step out. When he did, I shot 2 feet over his back.. lol..I'm not sure wich one of us was more suprised..

    I discovered later that the old painted iron pin on my garage sale bow had loosened up and fallen down to near the bottom of the sight.

    Not successful , but I was hooked..

    • Like 1
  12. 1 hour ago, Grouse said:

    No photo description available.

    The Good news:
    It was a normal day in Sharon Springs, Kansas, when a Union Pacific crew boarded a loaded coal train for the long trek to Salina.
    The Bad news:
    Just a few miles into the trip a wheel bearing became overheated and melted, letting a metal support drop down and grind on the rail, creating white hot molten metal droppings spewing down to the rail.
    The Good news:
    A very alert crew noticed smoke about halfway back in the train and immediately stopped the train, in compliance with the Governmental Regulations.
    The Bad news:
    The train stopped with the hot wheel over a wooden bridge with creosote ties and trusses. When crew tried to explain to higher-ups that they needed to move the train, they were instructed not to move the train because Federal Regulations prohibit moving the train when a part is defective.
    Well, okee-dokey then, and the pictures tell the rest.
    As always the Government knows what is best for us.

    Well, I do enjoy a story pointing out the idiocy of our government. Resorting to and continually posting lies is bs..One of societies many problems 

    And this is what really happened. 

    "The crew stopped the train and got out to investigate; but by the time they traversed the approximately half-mile distance from the front of the train to the problem car, the wooden bridge on which the latter was stopped had already caught fire. The crew unhooked the rest of the train from the cars stopped on the bridge, leaving six 280,000-pound coal cars to tumble into the creek as the conflagration engulfed the bridge"


    • Haha 1
  13. 13 hours ago, nyslowhand said:

    Anyone hear rumors about why these lager deer processors are not doing whole deer any more? Wonder if it's lack of employees, strict DEC regs, less money than farm animals, etc...? Know last year when I was looking around, one place said there was an abundance of beef & pork butchering scheduled. So, I'm assuming it's a $$ thing.

    Maybe a NYS health inspection rule?

    I know one of our larger processor around here wouldn't take dead deer for a time. You could bring in meat or live deer due to regulations. Live deer were difficult to get there. ;)

    The shop mainly butchers livestock and they have to be taken in alive..

    They are taking whole deer again,  I'm not sure what they have done differently to allow this..



  14. My favorite weapon is my rifle. At close to 100% kill ratio over 30 years its very effective.. If you measured it by my heart rate it would be my bow..  I do love to hunt with my bow the best...

    3/4s of the time I hunt the same way and distances, there just isn't the challenge with a rifle. Put the crosshairs on the kill zone and squeeze the trigger .. Way too many other things that I can screw up with a bow.(slowdraw,hold,anchor,squeeze trigger,form etc.). Unfortunately I've probably done close to all of them over the years..lol

  15. I found 2 pellets  and tc Shockwave to be extremely accurate. Not really fond of their performance.  They just blast through . I have started to aim at the shoulder to avoid some of the poor blood trails. A little loss of meat but a guaranteed deer in short order.

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  16. 8 minutes ago, DirtTime said:

    I read the pellets won't break down and get mucky and mushy like actual powder can. I figured I'd ask here and see what the experienced guys had to say. I picked up some 'items' to put over the muzzle if it's going to be a little damp out.

    That is what I use..  The 50gr pellets.

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