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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Posts posted by ncountry

  1. 2 hours ago, phade said:


    1. Antlerless-only deer season in mid-September (9/11 - 9/19/2021) using firearms in WMUs 3M, 3R, 8A, 8F, 8G, 8N, and 9F, and using bowhunting equipment in WMUs 1C, 4J, and 8C. DMPs and DMAP tags only.

    2. Daily hunting hours for deer and bear extended to 30 minutes before sunrise until 30 minutes after sunset.

    3. Hunters must wear a fluorescent orange or fluorescent pink hat or vest when hunting deer or bear with a firearm.

    4. Antlerless harvest allowed again during the early muzzleloader season in Northern Zone WMUs 6A, 6F, 6J.

    5. Bear season in the Adirondacks is simplified by extending the regular season to cover the full hunting period.

    6. 12- and 13-year old hunters may hunt deer with a firearm or crossbow in counties that passed a local law to participate in the opportunity. See Junior Big Game Hunting for a map of participating counties.

    7. Holiday Deer Hunt is an extension of the late bow and muzzleloader season from December 26 - January 1 in the Southern Zone.


    An update on the early season for those units.:wink:

    Woo .hoo! . Thanks . I had not seen that they changed it  this year in my unit..

  2. 28 minutes ago, Gobbler Chaser said:

    Calling me a looser, your the one soiling your diaper because of something someone said on an interweb forum, LMFAO!!

    Sorry Rooster Gobbler . I'm fairly certain not many, if any  on here would miss you when your gone from here...

    Hopefully sooner than later..

    • Like 2
  3. I think most of the core hunting forum guys would be happiest if political section was completely gone. 

    I can understand from a forum business standpoint that post count is king, so it would not be good for business to end the political section completely.

    Kept in its own space and dealing with rude or insulting talk strictly would make it a much more pleasant place and not kill the post count too much..


    • Like 3
  4. 11 minutes ago, Robhuntandfish said:

    Wow an elk trip is like every hunters dream trip.  I would be obsessed with getting ready. Lol

    Please post a bunch of pics of the trip so we can live it thru you!  

    Will do. I have high hopes. But , if I can hear 1 bull bugle it will be a success in my book...

    • Like 2
  5. 4 minutes ago, wolc123 said:

    The area where I hunt up there is right on the border of wmu 6C (antletless or antlered) and 6F (antlered only).  Since I see about 5 antletless deer per each antlered one up there, I will hunt the either or side of the main highway, until my antletless tag is punched.

    Only then, will I cross the road, where the odds of a bear might be a little better.

    Ha.ha. off topic... but dang only 5 does/buck. My area has at least 20 before you see a 3" spike..lol

  6. 1 minute ago, phade said:

    The Bow/ML antlerless is statewide isn’t it?

    I know my unit 6a has been antlered only during early muzzleloader season for years. 

    So yes DT, you would have to use the either sex tag on a buck in a unit like 6a during early mzl.

    Late muzzleloader is different..

    • Like 1
  7. 3 minutes ago, onlybrowning said:

    I’ve shot it out to 40 and they are hitting the same spot.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    If you are hitting  the same spot at 40yds then it's not likely that far out of tune. Not enough to worry about.

    Typically an out of tune bow and or arrow will have different point of impacts between a field point and broadhead equipped arrow.

     When the arrow  flies  crooked it gives the broadhead an opportunity to steer the arrow .. When flying perfectly straight , not so much..

    If you like to tinker , go ahead and try to perfect it . Otherwise enjoy. You or the deer will never know the difference..imho.

  8. 2 hours ago, Gobbler Chaser said:

    You don't really believe that now? Anyone I know currently serving wouldn't leave because of Joe Biden. If anything service members can now feel more at ease in avoiding a combat deployment because Bidens in office. Your facts are all wet. Need I post stats of military servicemen deaths under republican presidents compared to Democrat presidents in the last 50 yrs. Mr Grouse you really have to stop just making things up. I know your mad that Trump got the boot after one term but thats the way things go sometime

    How many service people do you really know? To a person every one(family and friends)  I know  is republican.  I'm sure there are some democrats among them, I just havn't met one yet.

    • Like 2
  9. I would have to agree with wolc.

    Years ago I would have listed the best tasting fish as crappie/perch being #1 with walleye close #2 . Nowadays I prefer 12-15" bass(my personal slot limit) over a  walleye caught out of the St Lawrence. 

    In the past all my walleye came out of the smaller local rivers and were delicious. I was never so disappointed as the last few times I ate walleye caught out of the St Lawrence. I would take a bass any day over them. Of coarse all my bass come out of small local lakes, not sure if that makes a difference.

    • Like 1
  10. 5 minutes ago, diplomat019 said:

    Im assuming you’re serious. One of my best friends was a die hard liberal and has the same sentiments.  He has swung to the other side cause he said the party has gone bananas. 

    I'm am still a registered democrat.. kinda of slowly switched over years in my 20s. Never bothered to switch. Not really a party line voter anyways. 

    I get to vote for who I don't want in the primaries.

  11. 45 minutes ago, Buckmaster7600 said:

    I’ve never in my life ate something from the water that I didn’t catch/ harvest myself.

    I do love red lobsters rolls tho!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    I'm not a big seafood person. My girlfriend on the other hand is. If she drags me somewhere I'm eating the steak.. Heck I'm easy , for me it's hard to improve on a good cheeseburger..lol.

    Even though I've cooked clams and bacon wrapped shrimp with a little Bay seasoning on the BBQ grill a couple times this summer and it was pretty good..

  12. 9 minutes ago, Buckmaster7600 said:

    What is it with you lefties putting trump on such a pedestal he’s completely irrelevant today! He was a terrible candidate that ran against a traitor twat that needs to die. Ill give him credit in that he way exceeded my expectations as a president. But he was unable to keep his trap shut and that cost him the election.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    My thoughts exactly.

    .I joke that Twitter should have banned him a year before they did.  He would have won handily. Lol

    • Like 1
  13.   We will never know how this would have turned out if we had just went about life as normal . Using simple precautions like washing hands , staying home if your sick or in a vulnerable group.  

    Is it dangerous? Yes

    Should we take precautions? Yes

    World would also be safer if we didn't walk across the street, drive, ride bicycles,etc.....lol  .

    We are freaking adult humans. It's about time we took responsibility for ourselves and acted like it.

    Pretty sure statistically we are more likely to die in a preventable accident than from covid. 

    It would not surprise me if in the end there would not be significantly more deaths. Sadly , we would probably have lost even more of our elderly .  Now we are are stretching it out unnaturally and we have to worry about the young because of new variants.

         At the same time we have changed the world , not for the better.

      And by the way I am vaccinated. 


    • Like 5
  14. Probably the most expensive thing I lost. But luckily found it later was my $1000 phone. . I took it out and checked the time. Yeap ,4:45, plenty of time..   Somehow it didn't go into a s3cure pocket and it wasn't there when I got to my spot.  You know how difficult it is to backtrack yourself a mile, in  an area you've never been before. I think it was more luck than skill that I found it..

  15. 19 minutes ago, Lawdwaz said:

    While I "liked" your post I disagree with your not using the shoulders or neck.  If you shoot 3-4 deer a year you're probably leaving 30 pounds or more (?) of ground venison to critters that didn't earn it.  Man what a shame.......

    100% I missed that. That is being pretty conservative.  There is a lot of meat in the shoulders and neck. Heck , I may have shot bucks with 30#s of meat in neck and shoulders.

    Burger,sausage,stew, etc..

    • Like 1
  16. 3 minutes ago, 9jNYstarkOH said:

    What definition of heard immunity are  we talking about the one from June 2020 or after the WHO changed it in November 2020. It seems to be the one from November 2020 after the definition had been changed to fit the narrative not the one used in the past. 




    Perfect example of how the  narrative changes..

    • Like 1
  17. 24 minutes ago, Nomad said:

    It’s an offering to the hunting Gods, without one I’d never get a deer ! Yesterday I swapped cards and moved one ladderstand . I put my Maui Jim  sunglasses on my cap/ forehead , when I got to the truck no sunglasses . I figured I lost them between the truck and stand, so I back tracked ,and found them at the base of the tree I dropped the stand from .

    IDK they were $250 so that’s a pretty good offering , I may have got a B&C this year had I not found them !

    That's a good way of looking at it.. I have bow hangers all over the woods 20-30' in the air that I either meant to go back to, forgot, or was just to lazy to trek back  with a stand..

    Maybe I will have to up my game .Leaving something  more valuable..lol

    • Like 1
  18. On 2/11/2021 at 1:11 AM, Swamp_bucks said:

    What do you use on to hold your bow?  I hunt mainly public land so I cant screw anything into the trees.

    Thinking of getting the third hand tree stand bow rest.  Any other ideas or input on this one?


    I have one of those on one of my stands.. I'm not really a fan. I usually use one of those folding screw in bow holders like this...


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