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Posts posted by DoubleDose

  1. 12 hours ago, Shoots100 said:

    I agree, but are all of these carbon emissions coming from the US of A ? Hell No.

    Do we have to suffer for the non conforming nations that have no pollution controls in place and laugh at us for destroying our economy in the process ?

    These same nations are in the Paris accord and don't pay a dime, but get to tell us what to do ?

    F them and the cloud of smog they rode in on.

    Trump was correct in getting out of the Paris accord and now Biden's jumping back in with both feet first.

    Solar and wind power only account for 4.5% of our energy production and that 4.5 percent comes at a high cost, with little to show.

    If there were renewable energy sources that showed promise, there would be no question the American public would be all for it, but it's not there yet. 

    Almost everything on this planet emits carbon and the ocean sucks it up, so if the polar ice caps melt and make the ocean larger, it's actually helping in reducing the carbon on the planet.

    Don't get me wrong, I am in agreement with you (see my earlier posts).  Man can only do something about carbon emission and pollution (not global warming), because it comes from us.  The USA should be doing this for the USA and Americans quality of life.  The USA is insignificant on rest of world in this regard due to Europe, Russia, China, India, and Australia which make up way more of the world than USA!  The USA had already achieved (and I believe exceeded) its goals in the Paris Accord so there was no reason to continue being in it.   This is pure politics and trying to be the Global Leader rather than America's Leader.

  2. Are "Hunting" and "Liberal" mutually exclusive terms?

    I'll respond literally.  No, they are not mutually exclusive.  My wife would argue that I am definitely a liberal hunter.  Saying I hunt what I want, whenever I want, as much as I want,  and never ask her about it.  I would argue that I am definitely a conservative hunter, I only hunt certain species, only when in season, never as much as I would like, and always tell her when I am going.  :D

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  3. 1 hour ago, BowmanMike said:

    Any law can be abused. I would hope that there is some scrutiny when it comes to allegations being made.

    A friend of mine actually went through that

     His ex wife said she felt threatened when she left him and the cops showed up to grab all his guns. That was a bs move on her part. He would never hurt her. It was weird for him to say the least but he got them all back a few months later. Like i said,there is abuse with every law. Same thing with welfare,it is a decent concept but people play the system. Does it mean it should be abolished entirely? I dont think so.

    First this is an infringement of his rights, based solely on an accusation.  Second, if she feels threatened she needs a restraining order and/or a gun, he is the threat not his guns.  Typical illogical government reaction to guns and the mentality "If this saves one life it is worth it!"  What IF it costs one.  He no longer has a means to defend himself because the government disarmed him, but that is okay.

    This is my advice to anyone in this situation.  Photograph all your weapons and their serial #s.  Ensure the police give you a list of everything confiscated (Make/Model/Serial#) to ensure return of all; and politely & respectfully cooperate.  After they have left, go to your nearest guns store and treat yourself to another gun!

    Appreciate all your guns are now in a computerized police report/database which is tantamount to registration!!!!!!

  4. 4 minutes ago, rob-c said:

    Ok, but what about the most important part of my post ? ? And that decision was left to the AG only . And they happen  to decide that since you kill animals your a danger to others 
    You may think it’s stupid,  but others may not see it that way . 

    Absolutely have to see it that way.  Almost all serial killers start out killing small animals.  Your desire to hunt may just be symptom and first step that you are a serial killer.  Denied!!!!! NEXT

    • Like 4
  5. 2 hours ago, Northcountryman said:

    Maybe in 1980 that would be true; not so much today, I would think.  You dont believe that The sentiments--and subsequent reaction-- youre suggesting from your example are  exclusive to white people, right? When I was in the army, I hooked up with a black chick one night and next day , went over to see her at her brothers barracks.  He was standing there with a couple of his friends when I walked in, and refused to shake my hand or talk  to me--same with his friends.  Back in the day,  it was a common reaction from ALL races, trust me. But I dont think its as prevalent today-- non-existent? No, but far less common for sure.

    Bad example.  You banged his sister and expected him to shake your hand?!  :stop:

  6. 4 hours ago, virgil said:

    I don't disagree with all of his policies.  But, I hate the way he's turned Americans against each other.  I was sad to see that such an indecent person was elected, especially when all of his vulgar tendencies were well documented.  I can't stomach the way he puts loyalty to himself above all.  I believe that there is a certain level of dignified behavior and basic decency that is a prerequisite for any leader.  And, I don't think that Donald Trump has ever displayed those qualities- before or since entering politics.  As I mentioned, I could support many of the policies that his administration pushed.  But, I could never vote for such a vile person.

    You are being overly simplistic and short sighted if you think Trump "turned Americans against each other".  The divide was already there thanks to both parties political leadership & MSM and in fact it is what got him elected the first time (forget the deplorables comment, clinging to guns and bible comments)) and almost the second (~half the popular vote). 

    Appreciate too, many people in 2016 were fed up with the status quo and career politicians, America was already divided, and embraced an outsider they thought would/could unify.  Unfortunately, this experiment failed.

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  7. 53 minutes ago, rob-c said:

    I know your a die hard bow hunter and don’t really  care about fire arms,  but come  on you don’t see this as bad ? How would you feel if the government decided you needed a physch test to own archery equipment ? And that decision was left to the AG only . And they happen  to decide that since you kill animals your a danger to others .

    21 evaluation of the individual indicated that
    22 the individual engaged in conduct that
    23 posed a danger to self or others.

    Here is an Orwellian prediction.  Let's for sake of argument say that the government has successfully removed all firearms from civilian ownership (and no one is manufacturing their own using 3d printers or CNC machines).  Crossbows will be next, and compounds bows after that.  It ultimately isn't about firearms, per se, it is about disarming the populace.  

    For those of you who think this is far fetched and our government would never do that, remember history and that our government has embraced slavery, enacted many laws and policies for the purposes of discrimination, exterminated native americans, deliberately infected them with smallpox, internment camped Japanese citizens, deliberately infected the Tuskegee airmen with syphilis, deliberately exposed soldiers to nuclear bomb fallout, told first responders the air at ground zero WTC was safe to breath,....TBD

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  8. 41 minutes ago, BowmanMike said:

    What's so bad about this part?

    This is what is so bad about the whole thing.  Firearms ownership is a right, not a privilege.  It is the only right in the Bill of Rights that has the words "shall no be infringed".  It is unconstitutional.  If this was all rewritten to apply to any of the other rights we have (which do not say "shall not be infringed") the ACLU and Supreme Court would stop it.

    Regarding the psychological/mental illness standard, that will be weaponized to prevent ownership.  History has shown this.  The communists use this angle for every dissident that is not pro-communism. Differing opinion, yep mental illness and needs treatment (indoctrination).   Why do you need a firearm?  Protection.  Protection from who?  Criminals.  Yep, paranoid and delusional.

  9. 40 minutes ago, moog5050 said:

    Am I the only person that wipes down their sink and stove after every use?   I realize I am a bit OCD about neatness but my kids think I am nuts.  Hate seeing grime, water spots and fingerprints.  

    Wiping down once after every use? That's not OCD, that's being clean and taking care of what you worked hard for.  Kids take everything for granted.  OCD would be wiping it down multiple times over or repeatedly after a single use, after ever use.

  10. 1 hour ago, BowmanMike said:

    I agree with this. The planet has its own cycles that we dont have anything anything to do with. 

    The rest i think is different,and a vast majority of scientist agree..

    The carbon concentration in the atmosphere is the highest it has ever been right now and that is the result of burning fossil fuels that took millions of years to form. There is a lot of carbon stored in those and releasing all that has to have an effect,its just common sense.

    This is carbon that was taken out of the atmosphere over millions of years to be released by us in 150 years. 

    Saying that we dont influence the planets atmosphere is a cop out. A head buried in the sand wont save your ass from burning.

    Global warming and carbon emission/pollution are two separate and distinct things.  We cannot do anything about the former.  The latter we can, particular because it is exclusively a result of man. I have no issue with trying to minimize, to the most reasonable extent possible, carbon emission/pollution.  However, this has to be done in a science-based non-political way that doesn't cause alternate worse polluting or destroy people's lives.  Example,  in the past there was a push to get away from disposable diapers because they were filling up landfills; and it was politicized.  People were being shamed to go back to cloth and washing. A study showed that the detergents from washing would do more harm to the environment than the disposable diapers.

  11. 10 hours ago, Nomad said:

    I tossed in Chinaman , just for entertainment purposes.....

    One great thing about the FD was everyone got along ,if you can do, the job that’s all that matters , and nobody is all touchy-feely about BS .

    My retirement party was MC’d by a black guy , attended by black ,white ,male, female ,Hispanic, gay , straight and even a vegan . One of my favorite drinking partners is a bi racial, lesbian, just wish she’d not chew tobacco and spit  in a glass .

    That's great.  In corporate America, you have folks regularly filing "offended" complaints with HR to destroy the careers of others; particularly those they see as obstacles to their advancement.    What's ironic is that these people do not realize that these frivolous and self-serving complaints do not go unforgotten.  Retaliation is expressly prohibited but when there is a reorganization and downsizing, these folks are somehow always on and high up on the release list.  When they are not let go, they cannot understand why they haven't been promoted or cannot get a position in another department.

    • Like 2
  12. 21 hours ago, Shoots100 said:

    Running out of time ?

    Are you so vain to think that mother nature cares about the human race and that we can actually change the planets temperature ?

    Do you know how many world altering atomic and nuclear devices were set off in the 40's, 50's and 60's ?

    Mother nature said bring it on, that's all you got punks !!!!

    We've been on this planet but a millisecond in the planets timeline and if she wants us gone, no amount of recycling or sacrifices are going to stop her.

    Just ask the Dinosaurs and the Mayans, who must've really pissed her off !


    11 hours ago, Shoots100 said:

    I'll go by the millions of years of hard evidence that scientists have gathered that show "Global Warming", "Climate Change" and whatever new age term they can come up with, has been happening with and without the very egotistical human race being on this planet.

    It's not happening faster or slower, because the data collected shows what's happening over decades and centuries, not daily or even yearly.


    10 hours ago, rachunter said:

    I watched a documentary a few years back that explained this very same thing in great detail. I tried to find it last night but don’t remember the name. Anyway they where real scientists explaining where still coming out of an ice age and future of the next cycle isn’t known yet. They also had a scientist on there who stated there’s no way mankind can change what’s ahead.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Let's all remember some basic FACTS we were taught in elementary school.  The earth is approx 4 billion years old today.  The earth is heated by the sun and its proximity.  The whole earth, all of it, at some time was a tropical rainforest and dinosaurs roamed.   Some cataclysmic event occured that caused a global ice age and killed off the dinosaurs.  Glaciers than reshaped the earth and melted.  

    So if our proximity to the sun has not changed (moved further away) than logically the earth would be warming post-the cataclysmic ice age event. This warming would be to its natural state which logically would be a tropical rainforest, since that is what it was prior.  We have only been recording weather patterns since 1880.  That's 140 years of known versus 4 billion years of unknown.  Consider 140 years to earth is less than 1 second to our lifetime.  The glaciers melted and so will our polar ice caps eventually as earth warms toward it s prior natural state.  Mother nature ALWAYS gets her way!  Man's abilities are laughable compared to hers. 

    Is global warming real?  YES

    Is global warming caused by man?  NO

    Can man mitigate global warming? Not a chance.


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  13. 1 hour ago, Nomad said:

    Not according to the  diversity classes,I’ve sat through ,  it’s all in the eye of the offended  . One Chinaman doesn’t like that reference , you’re in trouble .

    One video we had to watch ,had a white guy that asked a black co worker if he watched the game last night . Seems innocent enough , but no that was racist to assume the black guy was automatically a sports fan .

    Yes, it's all in the eye, more precisely sensitivities, of the offended.  In this instance, the offended person does not need to be a "Chinaman" (which is an offensive moniker), or chinese at all for that matter.  They just need to be offended by the language.   While we should not be using labels that are offensive,  this "offended my sensitivities" culture has been weaponized to hurt people under the guise of virtue.

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  14. 21 hours ago, hunterdan44 said:

    Oil is a modern miracle to the entire world, no other substance right now is even close. All forms of energy have drawbacks to them but on an enormous scale oil is best right now. So if Biden wants to curtail emissions fine. But China Russia India and countless others will not. So it’s all bs.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    ...and Biden's boy Kerry has already said if the US drops emissions to ZERO, it will not solve the problem!


  15. 5 minutes ago, grampy said:

    Depending on where the class is given, there may not be a safe place for live fire instruction. DEC regional offices must approve ANY location, where a class will be held. Someone can no longer just say, "I want to have a class in my garage"! The location must always be vetted first by DEC. We do ours at a Sportsmen's Club, as are the vast majority of classes given now days. We have both indoor and outdoor ranges available on site. But, live fire is NOT required by DEC to complete the course! But, highly encouraged where possible. Also, the use of inert firearms (provided by the DEC) IS required in every class!!  To at least show the different actions ie... bolt, lever. pump, semi auto, and single, and how they operate. Not to mention to use for demonstrating safe handling techniques. By instructors and from students. This is required in every class.

    Not sure where these instructors were from, but they did NOT follow DEC mandated curriculum, for giving a hunter education class.

    Completely agree.  Down state, 5 boroughs & LI, shooting facilities are few and far between.  We need to be careful with mission creep here.  It is a hunter safety course.  It is not a hunting course.  It is not a firearms education course.  It is not a shooting qualification course.  

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  16. 1 minute ago, mowin said:

    I agree, there will always be cheaters. But the online course makes it so easy.  Wives that would no way in hell spend a weekend taking a in person course, or a online course, don't have to. Their husband's take it online for them. 

    So the answer is don't make it easier for the majority of law abiding hunters because it also makes it easier for the minority of cheaters?  Not a good strategy, IMO.

  17. 31 minutes ago, mowin said:

    The issues I have are i personally know several who's "wives" have taken the course, but the husband took the course for them so he could use her tags. The wives have zero interest in hunting and never would have sat through a course.   Also know several kids who want to hunt, but dad took it because he believes he can teach them better, and kids has better things to do.  In some cases, the dad probably can, but not necessarily.  

    My niece is going to take the online course. She asked me if I would sit with her, and I said yes. But I also told her, I'll steer her in the right direction, but will not give her the answer.  


    16 minutes ago, steve863 said:

     This is absolutely true.  I would bet the majority of the time the online course was taken was to get the extra tags for someone else and not because that person really wants to hunt.  I don't think this matters to the DEC one bit.  They are making more money with the online course and with the more licenses that will get sold so all is fine in their eyes.




    Cheaters are going to cheat no matter what the system or process is.  Using family and friends for extra tags is not something new and will never be stopped (see first sentence).  The DEC rules and processes should be for the benefit of honest law abiding hunters (the majority) and not the minority of cheaters.  

  18. 1 hour ago, virgil said:

    The term 'China Virus' is dumb.  Using the term 'China Virus' is dumb.  Banning the term, 'China Virus', is also dumb.


    Joke: How about an Executive Order that you can't say "C'mon man!"?  According to Pelosi, using "man" is not gender neutral, it is sexist, it is divisive, offensive, etc. 

  19. 7 minutes ago, grampy said:

    From what I am hearing from the DEC, ALL courses will have the option of being online.

    This is a good thing.  When my son came of hunter age I had a hell of a time finding a course and then one that was not already booked.  IMO, these courses were a bottleneck to license sales $$$, and probably the driving force for going online.  I do not believe for one second this is primarily to facilitate hunting in NYS, that is a secondary benefit.

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