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Posts posted by DoubleDose

  1. The scientific convention for viruses has always been to use the virus name and country or location (eg Ebola Zaire, Ebola Sudan, Ebola Reston).  It is technically/scientifically incorrect to call it "China virus" as virus is non-specific.  It can and should be called Corona China or Corona Wuhan.  Further support of "Corona China or Corona Wuhan" is the existence of UK Strain, S. Africa Strain, etc.  

    This is pandering at its best and highest level using an executive order.  This should have been CDC/Fauci making this point in press conferences to the MSM.

    Joke:  How about an Executive Order that you can't refer to something as "You know, the thing"!?  

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  2. 6 hours ago, Versatile_Hunter said:

    I see your confusion. It’s not unlike the whole widespread voter fraud lie. You see, there are most certainly isolated events of error and fraud in the election, as there is in everything touched by man. That is not equivalent to an orchestrated plan to overturn an election via widespread voter fraud. 
    In my post, I wrote that deep state conspiracies that conjure a cabal of pedophiles is emotionally destabilizing to the MAGA crowd whose imagination been captured by this terror. Child predators surely exist at all levels of the economic spectrum - this hardly contributes a cabal. 

    I am not confused at all; and am following a logical thought process.  I was never talking about voter fraud, at all!. I was talking about your point referencing child predators and how it was incorrect. You then attempted to defend it by bringing up that other types of child predators are more prevalent, which is a moot and irrelevant point.  This latest post then attempts to defend your statement by shifting to voter fraud, not child predators.  Let me give a historical analogy of your argument:

    VH: Genocide occurring  is a conspiracy.

    DD: Here is the proof and the mass burial evidence.

    VH: More people were killed by Hitler and Stalin.



  3. What bothers me most about these bans is that eventually the population flourishes and becomes a problem.  The solution is never to re-open it back up to hunting or even limited hunting; even though hunters in that state are purchasing licenses.   It is always a government cull by "sharpshooters"; whoever they say that is.  

  4. 2 hours ago, DoubleDose said:

    There is arguably one false narrative in this.  "...claiming that your children are at risk of being predated by a cabal of elite politicians".  Two words Jeffrey Epstein!


    1 hour ago, Versatile_Hunter said:

    Looking at the numbers, a child is much more likely to get raped at church or at the boys scouts or by a relative than by a random fucked up rich guy. 

    Your first point was that it is a conspiracy that "children are at risk of predation by a cabal of elite politicians".  I pointed out that it happened via Jeffrey Epstein.  Very elite politicians participated.  Your next point is that it happens more with other predators. That is not a defense or support that your first point is accurate.  

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  5. 3 hours ago, Versatile_Hunter said:

    I really do hope those whose feelings were hurt by the article I posted actually do read (and listen) to it in full. But let's bring it back around to hunting. One of the most critical aspects of being in the woods is the ability to exercise good judgement. Not only is this necessary for finding game and for figuring out where to post, it's also imperative that one acts judiciously when carrying a lethal instrument. Every year we hear of numerous hunters that are accidentally killed by other hunters who failed at this test of  judgement.
    This nation was founded under the premise that disagreement and debate will make her better and stronger. But when a subset of individuals exploit people in need by feeding them false narratives and conspiracy theories, one wonders whether these afflicted folks are fit to walk around in the woods with a loaded rifle. If you sincerely believe in deepstate conspiracies that promise martial law and a return of Trump or that threaten your emotional stability by claiming that your children are at risk of being predated by a cabal of elite politicians, to what extent does the impairment in judgement that is necessary to fall victim to these lies spill over into other aspects of your life? I personally do not think that it exists in a small vacuum within your mind. Thus, QAnon and hunting do not mix. 

    There is arguably one false narrative in this.  "...claiming that your children are at risk of being predated by a cabal of elite politicians".  Two words Jeffrey Epstein!

  6. 9 hours ago, Buckmaster7600 said:

    I think it’s bullshit that I can’t give my vaccinations to someone else. I’m “essential” I was offered the vaccine but don’t want it and hopefully won’t have to. But why can’t I give mine to a family member that wants it?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Ethics.  You would end up with a situation where poor eligible people are selling it to rich ineligible people.

  7. 13 hours ago, Versatile_Hunter said:

    I think you missed the point. The analogy extends to the false-narrative emerging in the south after the fall of the confederacy. Trump has fallen - what will the ensuing (and enduring) narrative be? This selection from the article I linked to summarizes thesis:

    “The threat he sees isn’t that there will be another literal war: It’s the threat of two rival stories about America taking root, as they did after the Civil War. One of them, a heroic “Lost Cause” narrative of a noble Confederacy whose soldiers sacrificed themselves for honor and tradition, flourished for decades, justifying the fight for slavery and continuing to distort American politics to this day. 

    As Donald Trump’s more extremist followers cling to his bogus claims of a stolen election, wrapping Trump’s complaints into a nationalist counternarrative driven by racial anxiety and anger at the government, they risk creating a legacy that will divide the country long after the man himself leaves the stage. “In search of a story—in search of a history, in search of a leader, in search of anything they can attach to—lost causes tend to become these great mythologies whose great conspiracy theories tend to explain everything,” says Blight...

    “At the heart of a lost cause, if it has staying power, is its capacity to turn itself into a victory story,” says Blight. “Can Trumpism ultimately convert itself into some kind of victory story? We don’t know that yet.””

    This is a superficial analysis and misleading.  First, HALF this country voted for DJT, I repeat HALF.  Secondly, I do not believe DJT, Trumpism, or MAGA, represents the whole of the Republican party or all the people that voted for him.  People supported and voted for policies they believed in or agreed with.  This happened on both sides.  However, it is the MSM and the Democrat politicians that are labeling HALF the country racist, nazi, fascist, xenophobic and other "deplorable" labels.  The MSM is blatantly biased in its reporting, so they no longer have credibility or trust AND results in Americans (think HALF) getting their news from other sources.  The MSM and Democrats continue to marginalize and disenfranchise HALF this country.  History has shown this is the common theme in civil wars.

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  8. 3 minutes ago, Belo said:

    mounting the scope correctly closer or further away to where you "shoulder" your gun is more critical then some people realize. The last thing you want is a big buck coming and and to be fighting with that black halo of death (non technical term) to get the buck properly in your scope. Note that different magnifications seem to affect this too, someone more knowledgeable than me can explain better, but if i remember correctly you start at the highest magnification and then everything under should line up.

    sorry for not using technical terms, but sometimes I know that helps others. 

    ...and this needs to be done with the clothing you hunt in (or equivalent).  Do not do this set-up in a t-shirt expect it to be correct in your heavy hunting jacket with three layers under it.

    Scopes should be kept at their lowest magnification for that potential jump shot.  If the deer is long distance, you have time to crank up the magnification.  If you crank up the magnification, remember to bring it back down to lowest after.  Many a deer has survived because hunters fail to do this and end up with a jump shot and not being able to get on target due to the excessive magnification.

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  9. 7 hours ago, phantom said:

    That was amazing the way he captured the air distortion of that bullet just before it hit that animal  don't think I have  seen slow motion  video footage of  it on a hunt before like that . 

    This is actually not uncommon and you can see it sometimes on long distance shots in other shows.  The contrail is actually a little easier to see when the image is a little out of focus.  This is a technique used by sniper spotters, as the contrail can be easier to see than the impact.

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  10. I'll add in some more scope information.  On a variable power scope, as magnification increases the eye relief (distance between eye and ocular lense) decreases.  Also, the image brightness you see is a factor of scope exit pupil diameter.  The human eye pupil is 4-5 mm.  The exit pupil on a scope is determined by dividing the objective diameter in mm by the magnification.  So all else being equal, a variable scope of 4-14x44, will have its brightest image from 4x up to 10 or 11x, after that the brightness diminishes as the scope exit pupil falls below 4 mm.  These are important to understand when shooting long distance, low light, or both.  When it comes to scopes, you get what you pay for.  Good scopes cost good money.

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  11. 23 minutes ago, G-Man said:

    The logic is to keep.performance on par with a 70 lb pull compound. As for limbwidth that can change as new designs allow for narrower limbs ( it was initially.put in place to qell fears of shooting it out of vehicles ) as i said i have no issue with lb limit , 400fps is fast enough for game under 50 yards same as a top. End compound. 

    Thank you for providing the rationales; which to me are not logical.  I don't agree with the maximum draw on xbows to equate to a 70 lb bow since there is no 70 lb limit on bows.  The minimum width restriction I also do not agree with.  Shooting from a vehicle is already illegal and those that will do it will still use the illegal narrow bow.

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  12. 2 minutes ago, G-Man said:

    You cant use a cannon to hunt deer so there is a maximum. Punt guns are illegal for waterfoul now..  so i have no issue with maximum 400 fps is quite capable within lb limits.  Making archery course mandatory and learning that though a x bow can shoot 100 yards off a rest accuratly the game will most likely move before arrow gets there so the lbs limit makes sense. No reason to temp long shots cause it has more fps. 

    You're missing my point.  The regs for firearms (which specifies legal implements and does not include cannons or punt guns) have a minimum caliber but no maximum.  It doesn't say maximum .300 Win Mag or some other.  You can legally use a .50 BMG.  You can be okay with these restrictions, that is your right.  I am looking for the logic or justification; which there does not seem to be any.

  13. 2 hours ago, suburbanfarmer said:

    Truly sad. From the body it doesnt even look older than a 2yr old. So the rack wouldnt be enormous either. Such a waste

    Deer on LI are generally of smaller stature.  They can be small bodied and have large racks even at 2.5 years.  They live very charmed lives with an abundance of food and very low hunting pressure; except on public (State) land.

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  14. 9 minutes ago, G-Man said:

    They have minimum caliber for rifle for deer so why not on a crossbow or a bow.( drawweight)  i dont have problem with it , shotgun only areas for years..  

    No issue with minimum caliber or minimum draw weight (xbow or bow).  The issue is a maximum draw weight on an xbow.  Makes no sense to have a maximum when no other implement has that.  The other issue is the minimum width restriction.  No other implement has a similar physical restriction (overall length, axle to axle, etc).

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  15. 2 hours ago, The Jerkman said:

    Need to get rid of the stupid max draw weight and minimum width regs. then and only then will I support this

    #ThankYouForLessOverzealousModding #WeDemandUnlimitedLikes

    One should have nothing to do with the other.  Those NY restrictions are equivalent, and same thought process, to the ridiculous restrictions on the ARs in NY.  Get rid of Andy and we can get rid of both (xbow & AR) ridiculous and unnecessary restrictions.  We as hunters should be behind this first and then second work to get the restrictions removed.  

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  16. On 1/24/2021 at 9:51 AM, Nomad said:

     My advice to my kids was, keep it under Ten over. Have current reg and insurance cards , where you can easily reach them, inspection and reg stickers up to date . It’s yes sir ,  no sir, I’m sorry sir .

    One got one fix it ticket , and one moving violation for when she rear ended a car when she was 16 , 12 years ago . The other never got a ticket and was recently stopped for 70 in a 55, he Actually commented that nobody ever has up to date papers ,when she handed them to him. She was let go .

    One other significant piece of advice, from my LEO friends and family, when you are asked "Do you know why I am pulling you over?" answer honestly! and not "I don't know".  Many times this is the difference between warning versus ticket.  

    • Thanks 1
  17. 1 hour ago, Northcountryman said:

    And still no codemnation of the ANTIFA riots from last wed yet from team Biden

    You cannot condemn something that is just an IDEA! That is what Biden said it is.  Just drink the kool-aid and it won't be a problem for you.

    On a more serious note, where is the citizens of Portland?  Why are they letting this happen to them?  At some point you have to realize no one is coming to save you and you need to save yourself.  This is not a call for vigilantism.  Video these people, make citizens arrests, peacefully counter protest with more people.

  18. 8 minutes ago, ANTLERS said:

    To the low life’s who felt the need to kill a deer, On property that’s not even open to hunting, cut the head off and leave the carcass, Your the lowest form on earth. Your not a hunter but a criminal.


    Agree and all too common in 1C.  Perhaps it is this activity in mind behind the proposed "wanton waste" law; an additional charge if they catch this criminal.

  19. 3 minutes ago, Belo said:

    eh not bad. I don't understand the overproduction at the beginning and while I understand how this could represent many hunters, it doesn't speak much to me. But there's nothing wrong with that. We all hunt for different reasons and that's what's great about it. There is of course a very european/gun hunter vibe to this. I really liked his opening remarks about pressure and balance, that resonated well with me. The processing part is well done too.

    Check out stars in the sky on netflix if you get a chance. A longer/different take on why we hunt.

    Agree very European.  An American vibe version would have him dressed head to toe in the latest camo pattern, shooting the latest rifle, in the latest (unnecessary) caliber, with a group of clones all hooting and hollering (like they scored the winning TD in the Superbowl) at the kill shot, and then whoring all the equipment brands (like a NASCAR winner's circle) over the "trophy" animal.

    The exception to this stereotype seems to be MeatEater with Steve Rinella.  My non-hunting son happend to watch an episode with me and commented that this was the best hunting show of all the ones he has watched with me.

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  20. 9 hours ago, Northcountryman said:

    Nah , I just looked into it; pretty sure he’s a Trump supporter , but another guy in one of the photos next to Seefried IS suspected of being a democrat / Biden supporter . This is just a rumor as it stands right now ; however, what  I do know is hes from Brooklyn , is an Orthodox Jew and his name is Aaron Moscovitz , I believe . Now , based on these facts , I would say that it is more than believeable that he’s a dem- Is it beyond the shadow of a doubt ? Of course not Cuz you never know these days , but a Jewish dude from NYC ? If you were A betting man and were making a wager on this guys political affiliation , what would you bet on? 

    Be careful with this thought process/suspicion. Trump had many supporters in the Jewish community regardless of their political party registration.  Being registered to a particular party does not mean you support the candidate of that party.  Even if you are correct that this individual is a registered Dem, that does not mean he isn't a Trump supporter.  

  21. 2 hours ago, Foggy Mountain said:

    For starters I don’t hunt with wheels. 2, crossgun companies now offer a second shot crossgun. Tell me exactly how I could be quicker even with a styk? 
    If your friend can’t shoot a gun I’m amazed. Never knew anyone totally proficient with a bow that was completely unable to use a gun efficiently. I’m sorry but this just ain’t what you’re saying. Something is missing from your post. 
    The last paragraph is sort of the everyone included mentality of today. Again sorry crossgun a can be included with gun season. Why not try that if you want to use it??? That was not addressed in your post??? I’ll wait

    Your bias comes through with the use of the word "crossgun" twice.  Definition of a crossbow:

    A crossbow is a ranged weapon using an elastic launching device similar to a bow; it consists of a bow-like assembly called a prod, mounted horizontally on a main frame called a tiller, which is hand-held in a similar fashion to the stock of a long gun. Crossbows shoot arrow-like projectiles called bolts or quarrels.

    Having 1 feature in common with a gun versus 3 features in common with a bow.

    Definition of a gun:

    A gun is a ranged weapon designed to use a shooting tube to launch typically solid projectiles, but can also project pressurized liquid, gas or even charged particles. Solid projectiles may be free-flying or tethered. A large-caliber gun is also referred to as a cannon

    Clearly, and more importantly, it does not function like a gun.


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  22. 2 minutes ago, Northcountryman said:

    I know what youre saying, but I wouldnt be describing the process as "deprogramming" currently, in this poltitical climate !!

    These Lefties today are all about dat shit!! lol

    In all candor, it seems very Orwellian doesnt it? This whole idea of indoctrination, deprogramming etc. as a means of social/poltical control of the masses.  Imean, Some of the things these guys are saying really truly sound like something out of 1984.  Well see how much this progresses but, as it stands right now, gettin kinda scary!!

    Agree, VERY Orwellian.

    It's all about words and spin.  Deprogramming could just as easily mean educating.  "Woke" could mean educated/aware, or brainwashed/programmed.

    It has been the Left and MSM where, overtime, we have seen the twisting of the historical meaning of words for political purposes.



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