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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Littlesunray

  1. you can get instantly 12% cash back to use toward your next purchase ect. you get your own replicated web site from GNO and start your own business you also get a tax write off doing things to build your business with GNO, watch the video it explains some of what the company is about, so if this sounds like what you want then get ahold of mike wynn who posted this thread.thank you
  2. in the same boat have 8G looking for 9N
  3. Congrats to your 10 month old. now is when the fun begin. Daddy chase me LOL
  4. the one out by us here in lockport always have them and are happy to give them to you.
  5. don't have our own land and have to travel to hunting area no hunting the city.
  6. yeah he istill all smile, even got in trouble for talking too much about it in school. she has no grand children of her own and kind of adopt my three children , and does all kind of stuff for all of them.
  7. side note of getting ready for gun - rebuilding a severly damaged 870 -buying adn sighting in several rifles, and muzzleloaders - purchasing ammo all summer long for sight in, and upcoming season scouting new land to hunt, getting permission to several private properies, purchase of serveral new treestands getting new harnesses for treestands and buying entire family all lifetime licenses
  8. hubby has not been out in about a week and a half. Of all time for him to have vehicle problems. after a few cheaper attempt at repair, he took the vehicle to a mechanic, only to find out he has a blown head gasket, and really not willing to put the high price repair on a vehicle that really is not worth it, so he is now looking for a new vehicle. hope he has one by saturday, or i may have to find a HUGE rock to hide under, as he may explode by then. He spent all summer getting ready for gun season and now may miss opening day.
  9. in our basement we hung a wool moving quilt loosily . it works great to stop those unexpected misses. as we all know none of us miss. LOL . after a few monthes of shooting, we unhook the quilt turn it and right back at shooting. after you get too many holes, use duct tape on back side for repair.
  10. before it is said yes i know it needs to be cleaned up.
  11. My son was outside and came in with a gun . I ask what are you doing with that gun. He tells me (what i thought was a story ) that the lady next door gave it to him. So i go ask the lady, and yes indeed she did give it to him.
  12. well we all got home alittle while ago, had fun even though we did not get anything again, seen alot but could not get them to come in close enough to shoot, and at one point at the one spot we were at hubby walked up to where me and the kids were at and he came up to us WHITE AS A DANG GHOST, he walked up on a bedding area on state land, and was stampede by about 20-30 deer all he could do was hug a dang tree to protect himself( and no he is not a tree hugger) and his heart is still pounding, we stopped for gas on way home and some guy was talking about a video that he took of a guy hugging a tree with the deer toward him so we might end up seeing this video on youtube cause we do not if it was hubby or not cause the guy did not say what area he was in, all this due to trying to confirm a hit or a miss on a big doe he shot at, a miss thank god confirmed by finding the arrow stuck on a dang tree , then me and the 2 younger kids see a buck that would not break completely out of the bushes for a shot and all he would do is tease me by just sticking his head out and back in the bushes, and not once looked at our direction, then he ran off the other way and I am still shaking from the excitement cause it would be my first kill ever,
  13. sweet glad you got one, me and hubby and our 3 children went out and we almost had a few but didn't get to shoot, maybe tomorrow our luck will change again nice buck there, and also nice to see other hunters out with their children too.
  14. gunnerninja65 is mine and ameridear's son who just recently joined on here
  15. this idea is cool I know hubby is going to like this idea also
  16. also if you have an army surplus store near you check in there
  17. I use gotex coat and bibs, that my hubby had from his time in the military. i fell in a creek and cam out completely dry. They have a bladder type liner at all openings.
  18. just got back in, we took the kids all three down to some family land in the southern tier. had a blast. did not get any deer(that is not what its about all the time). it was more a family bonding and fun time. was out all day, left Lockport at 400 am . about 10 minutes after set we had three does cause my son to fill his pants. walked in behind him and sniffing his bags about 10 feet from him. He did a silly dance trying to draw his bow in the excitement. a while later he had a shot at a doe about 15 yards, shot short in the dirt. an hour later had 4 bucks about 60+ yards in front of my hubby. He had one respond to a grunt , started towards us and got cut off by 2 other bucks . they all ran out then. then me and peanut(our 3 yr old) had about 4 does dancing in front of us about 50 yard. I am not comfortable with that far of a shot so we just sat and enjoyed the show. if only i had my camera handy for her face with the does. now i have a question , on the phone how can i post up pictures?
  19. welcome to the forum. It took you long enough to join Myself and your father have been on for awhile. (even though your dad just lurks and reads lol)
  20. Hello Bobby, welcome to the forum.
  21. Welcome back, and thank you for your service. Good luck this season.
  22. for me and my hubby(mike- ameritaz) we take out our 3 children with us when we go out hunting our oldest is 14 yrs old and our middle child is 7 1/2 yrs old and our 3 yr old daughter is into animals. Our 14 loves it cause this year he gets to use a gun besides his bow, and our 7 1/2 year old is counting down the years till he can use something to hunt he hopes that they will lower the age again we have not told him that they just lowered the age for bow to are 12 yet lol he still thinks it is 14 , our 3 yr old she gets all excited when we are out driving around and she sees deer or turkeys boy when she sees them you better find ear plugs cause she gets all excited and if we don't stop so she can see them she keeps her squeal until you do stop, and when we do take her out hunting we have a big pop up hut blind and love that cause the whole family can be all together, we also take the kids fishing and they love it and for our daughter we just keep the plastic fish that was on it when we got it don't want her to get hooked with the hook, glad our kids enjoy the hunting/fishing with us and not wanting to be home being on the computer or being couch potatoes like alot of kids I know, even to a few of our kids friends want to go out with us but they just want to watch that is all right now cause they don't have their license yet it is ok cause maybe their parents will let the kids take the coarse and get involved too.
  23. well I want to say welcome last year I got my lifetime license and so does my hubby (ameritaz) and so does my oldest son who is 14 yrs old and my other son who is 7 1/2 years old we have not bought our youngest who is turning 3 next month we will though she even has her own bow already lol we hunt in Niagara county. Hope you enjoy the site and I look forward on seeing some of your plot cams when you post them up..Good Luck hunting this year .
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