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  1. Your buck tag only becomes an either sex tag IF you are hunting with a flintlock. If you are hunting the late season with your archery equipment, your buck tag is only good on a legal buck.
  2. Rock Creek State forest, Greenwood State Forest and Turkey Ridge state forest all have plenty of diverse habitat between them, but the first week of rifle season sees a bunch of hunting camp pressure. Turkey Ridge can be good if you can fight your way through the old logging cuts. Thicker than thick in there for sure.
  3. How often do you hunt the state land at the end of the road? I see they are logging the bottom side of it this year. I have hunted it quite a bit, realizing I knew where your camp is from the aerial photo of it.
  4. Yall are harsh on the the southern Steuben region haha I'm not far from woodhull either, spend every saturday night there in the summer time.
  5. I live and hunt in 8x. (Work in hornell). Snow is around 10 to 12 inches and is starting to get really heavy/wet. We got probably another 2 inches or fresh stuff today.
  6. 8x here as well, looks to be about a foot when I cleared my pickup this morning
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