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Southern Zone only. I don't understand why they don't include rifle, only Bow & Muzzy...
New hunter to NY here. Found some public land to hunt, it’s a WMA. I wish I read the regs more thoroughly because I threw up a ladder stand yesterday and today when I was re-reading them, I saw you can’t put temporary stands on WMAs, only on state forests and other such state land. I honestly didn’t know I wasn’t allowed to, I even put my name and license # on the stand. I was going to go take it down tomorrow but it’s an hour drive so I wanted to ask, what do DEC officers do if they find a ladderstand like mine on a WMA? Is this an automatic fine or whatever? Will they just call me and tell me to come get it? Confiscate? How often do officers go through areas like WMAs and check for stands? Any info would be helpful. I’ll still probably go take it down tomorrow, although I have seen other stands up on the WMA, I just prefer to stay on the right side of the law myself. Thanks!
Here is DEC's harvest forecast for whitetail during the 2016 hunting season: Interesting info... I doubt my WMU, 4L will ever have doe tags, and it's interesting to read that DEC is concerned by possible "misuse" of the 4J doe tags.
In case anyone is interested, the NYS Senate is considering the nomination of Basil Seggos as Commissioner, DEC: 7:40 p.m.
DEC Announces Results of Study to Guide Buck Management
Rebel Darling posted a topic in Deer Hunting
Here's the link with the content below: Agency Will Encourage Hunters to Voluntarily Pass Up Young Bucks A multi-year study to guide buck management in New York State found deer hunters prefer to harvest older bucks and that further expanding mandatory antler restrictions is not warranted at this time, Department of Environmental Conservation Acting Commissioner Basil Seggos announced today. Instead, the state will encourage hunters to voluntarily pass up shots at younger bucks as a management method to best serve the interests of deer hunters across the state. "Through this study, DEC engaged with the hunting community to determine the best deer herd management practices to benefit both the deer population and our state's wildlife enthusiasts," Acting Commissioner Seggos said. "DEC staff concluded that promoting voluntary restraint was appropriate given the high level of hunter support for increased availability of older bucks. Using a sound scientific approach to wildlife management is an essential strategy to expand hunting opportunities and growing the hunting economy in New York." DEC and the New York Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit at Cornell University conducted the study in response to long-standing interests expressed by many hunters for DEC to adopt regulations to reduce the take of yearling bucks (male deer younger than 1.5 years old) to increase the number of older bucks in the population. Moving forward, DEC intends to work with several leading sportsmen groups across the state to educate hunters on their important role in deer management, the impacts of their harvest choices, and the likely changes in the deer population as more and more hunters voluntarily refrain from taking young bucks. The study included a statewide survey of 7,000 deer hunters conducted in fall 2013 by the Human Dimensions Research Unit at Cornell University, a nationally recognized leader in surveys to assess public opinions and attitudes on wildlife-related issues. DEC considered six alternatives to increase the proportion of older bucks in the population, including mandatory antler restrictions during all or portions of the archery and firearms seasons, shorter firearms seasons, a one-buck per hunter per year rule, promoting voluntary restraint by hunters, and a no change option. DEC analyzed these alternatives for each of the state's seven distinct buck management zones. The decision process weighted hunter values 3:1 over potential impacts on population management and costs, but the survey found that hunter values did not strongly lean in any one particular direction. "The issue of antler restrictions has divided our deer hunting community for too many years and I am pleased to see that the DEC used a very structured, non-biased decision-making process to determine the outcome," said Larry Becker, Chairman of the New York Sportsmen's Advisory Council. "It is most important that everyone understands that DEC has listened to what the majority of the deer hunters in the State want and that this was the primary factor that drove the final decision. The hunters spoke and DEC listened." DEC plans to work with sportsmen and women and other stakeholder groups, including the New York State Conservation Council (NYSCC) and Quality Deer Management Association (QDMA), in the coming year to develop a cooperative, educational effort to encourage hunters to pass up shots at young bucks. It is clear that hunters' choices can and do affect the age and size of bucks in our deer herd, and when hunters choose to pass young bucks, it can make a difference for other hunters as well. "The Quality Deer Management Association (QDMA) is pleased New York has engaged its deer hunters at such a high level to learn their values and desires," said Kip Adams, QDMA Director of Education & Outreach. "We feel this is a positive step for the DEC and for hunters, and we are extremely supportive of the Department's proposed educational campaign on the benefits of protecting yearling bucks." "The New York State Conservation Council would like to applaud the hard work of both the DEC Deer Team and Cornell University, as well as the hunting community that participated in this important work," said Rich Davenport, NYSCC Big Game Committee Co-Chairman. "We look forward to assisting the DEC and other sportsmen groups with educating the hunters of today and tomorrow on the benefits of voluntary harvest restraint and the importance of the management role hunters of New York play. It's a critical component to ensure we have healthy deer herds well into the future." Detailed technical reports on the analysis of alternatives and results of the hunter survey are both available on the DEC website, along with more succinct summaries of the work that was done. DEC plans to hold public information meetings later this spring and summer to discuss these results and get hunter feedback on ways to encourage others to pass up shots at young, small-antlered bucks. The meetings will also provide an opportunity for hunters and others to provide input on other aspects of DEC's deer management plan, which will be updated in the coming year. The current (2012-2016) statewide deer plan is also available on the DEC website. -
So Bennet Beach has been closed more than open do to contamination, testing is done by erie county department of health, the question Is where is the dec tracking down the source of it it's in lake erie effects the fish, if it was a buisness you know they would be all over them for fines and restitution to fix the problem. This had been going on for several years and it's known over flow from sewer lines in hamburg. Why aren't they going after the municipality/ies responsible! !!???
Monitoring Pheasants in the Genesee Valley Focus Area Farmers in the 13 counties that comprise the Lake Plains of New York have partnered with DEC since 1945 to help survey wild pheasant populations. This effort continues in the newly established "Pheasant Habitat Focus Area" in the Genesee Valley (portions of Livingston, Genesee, Wyoming and Monroe counties). The focus area was created as a part of DEC's recently completed 10-year management plan for ring-necked pheasants. The goal of the focus area is to concentrate the efforts of public and private habitat conservation programs to benefit pheasants and other grassland birds. The surveys will help DEC monitor pheasant populations and evaluate the success of habitat management efforts in the focus area. Those who farm land in Livingston, Genesee, Wyoming or Monroe counties can consider participating in the Farmer-Pheasant Inventory. No special observations are required; just those made during normal spring and summer farming activities. To join, contact DEC at (518) 402-8886 or by e-mail ([email protected], write "Farmer-Pheasant Inventory" in the subject line). Those who do not farm, but would like to contribute their pheasant observations from Livingston, Genesee, Wyoming and Monroe counties can join the Summer Pheasant Sighting Survey. During the month of August, survey participants record the sex and age of all pheasants observed during normal travel. A Summer Pheasant Sighting Survey form can be printed from the DEC website or call (518) 402-8886 for further guidance. Additional information is available on the DEC website: Summer Wild Turkey Sighting Survey Pheasant Habitat Focus Area & Pheasants Surveys Citizen Science: Wildlife Observations Data Collection DEC Regional Office Contact Information
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New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) proposes to manage the Tug Hill Wildlife Management Area for mature, closed-canopy forest (NOT good grouse, hare or other game habitat) unless they receive significant opposition to their plan. DEC is accepting public comment on the draft Tug Hill North Unit Management Plan through this Friday, Dec. 20. The draft plan ( outlines management direction for 8 State Forest parcels totalling about 37,000 ac, and the Tug Hill WMA (5,111 ac). Most of the Tug Hill WMA (approx. 5,000 acres) was purchased using Pittman-Robertson Wildlife Restoration Funds, which are a federal excise tax on firearms, ammunition, and archery equipment which were championed by hunters for the purposes of “…restore, enhance, and manage wildlife resources, and to conduct state hunter education programs.” However, NYSDEC proposes only uneven-age forest management for the Tug Hill WMA, which will make the Tug Hill WMA less suitable for grouse, woodcock, hares, deer, and bear, rather than improve it for these species. The draft plan does mention creation of early successional habitat for at least a portion of the state forest parcels (although it's unclear how much, where or when). Please tell DEC that the Tug Hill Wildlife Management Area should be actively managed using even-age forestry practices to make this WMA the premier destination for upland hunters seeking ruffed grouse, American woodcock, and snowshoe hare in the Tug Hill Plateau of upstate New York. The DEC is accepting written comments on the draft Tug Hill North Unit Management Plan through this Friday, December 20, 2013, by mail to: Andrea Mercurio at DEC 7327 State Hwy 812, Lowville, New York 13367 or e-mail [email protected] . In your comments you may like to use the following bullets: • Thank DEC for the opportunity to comment, and for the balanced multi-use proposal for the state forest parcels in the northern part of the Tug Hill North Unit. • A major portion of the Tug Hill WMA should be managed using even-age forestry practices to improve habitat for ruffed grouse, American woodcock, snowshoe hare, and other wildlife, and make Tug Hill WMA the premier publicly-owned property in the region for sportsmen and sportswomen seeking these species. Thank you! – Andrew Weik, Northeast Regional Biologist, Ruffed Grouse Society
Rhode Island, PA, and Ontario Dove Seasons, Sunday hunting in Ontario Rhode Island MIGRATORY GAME BIRDS Mourning Doves -The open season for mourning doves is statewide: September 14 to October 13; October 19 to November 9; December 18 to January 4 Shooting hours are: First split: noon to sunset. Second and third split: sunrise to sunset Daily bag / possession limits: 12 / 24 JOHN L. CURRAN STATE PARK/MANAGEMENT AREA: 9.12.3 The hunting of and/or possession of Mourning Dove or Wild Pigeons (Rock Dove) is prohibited. Note from us: Wild or Feral Pigeons are the same thing as Rock Doves or Rock Pigeons. In other parts of RI these birds are an unprotected species with no closed season. This special regulation is no doubt a socio-political one. Fluorescent Orange Requirements: Exemptions: first segment dove hunters, not required in areas limited to Archery by regulation. Hunting Licenses are available from DEM Division of Licensing at 235 Promenade St., Providence, RI 02908 (401) 222-3576; most city and town clerks (licenses only); most sporting goods stores; and To replace a lost or stolen license or permit, contact DEM Division of Licensing. Non-Resident Hunting (must be 15 years old)1 ............................... $45.00 Non-Resident (3-day hunting) Tourist License ................... $16.00 Resident and Non-Resident active military personnel ......... $18.00 RI HIP Permit ...................................................................... No fee (SEE BELOW) Migratory Bird Harvest Information Program (HIP) The HIP program was designed to aid state and wildlife agencies and the US Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS) better information on managing our nation’s migratory bird resources. All migratory bird hunters need to obtain a permit and answer a small survey. HIP permits are available through all license vendors and DEM. PA Dove Hunting Doves Sept. 1 – Oct. 1 bag limit 15 Oct. 29 - Nov. 26 bag limit 15 Dec. 26 - Jan. 4 bag limit 15 During the Sept. 1-Oct. 1 portion of the dove season, hunting hours are noon to sunset. During the other seasons, hunting hours are one-half hour before sunrise to sunset. Possession limit is twice the daily bag limit. A valid PA Migratory Game Bird License is required to hunt doves and also is how you register for HIP in PA. Nonresident Adult Hunting 17 & up $101.70 Nonresident Junior Hunting 12 - 16 $ 41.70 Nonresident 7-Day Small Game 12 & up $ 31.70 Nonresident Migratory Game Bird 12 & up $ 6.70 Reduced-Fee Resident Military Personnel Hunting $2.70 Reduced-Fee Resident PA National Guard or Reserves Hunting $2.70 Reduced-Fee Resident Prisoner of War Hunting $2.70 To purchase PA hunting Licenses Online: Out of State License Agents: In State License Agents: Ontario Canada Introductory Dove season & Sunday Hunting Canadian Providence of Ontario allows dove hunting the fall of 2013! Central District: September 3 to November 11 South District: September 5 to November 13 Bag limit and possession limits in both districts is: 15/45 Link for info on new “introductory dove season”: Link for nonresident hunting licenses: PENDING – Sunday Hunting Periodic changes may be made to gun hunting on Sundays in areas south of the French and Mattawa rivers. To confirm the status in the municipality in which you wish to hunt, please check the Sunday hunting information available at Sunday Hunting - April 1, 2013 to August 31, 2013 • Effective April 1, 2013 to August 31, 2013: List of Municipalities in Southern Ontario Where Sunday Gun Hunting is Permitted (PDF, 59 kb) • Effective April 1, 2013 to August 31, 2013: Colour Map Showing Where Sunday Gun Hunting is Permitted in Southern Ontario (PDF, 1.6 mb) • Effective April 1, 2013 to August 31, 2013: B&W Map Showing Where Sunday Gun Hunting is Permitted in Southern Ontario (PDF, 1.2 mb)
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DEC Announces Habitat Management Workshop for Private Landowners Learn Tips on How to Manage your Land to Benefit Wildlife New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) will conduct its first Habitat Management Workshop for private landowners on Saturday, August 24, 2013, at the Hanging Bog Wildlife Management Area in New Hudson, Allegany County. The workshop will feature presentations from biologists and a brief field trip to help private landowners learn how to manage their property in a way that benefits wildlife. Over the years as our forests continue to mature, there has been a drastic decrease in shrubland habitat in New York," said DEC Regional Land Manager Emilio Rende. "Many species of wildlife rely on this type of young forest habitat for food, cover and breeding areas. Since much of the land in New York is privately owned, private landowners have become primary stewards of our wildlife and woodlands and can play an important role in helping to maintain critical wildlife habitat." Local private landowners are encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity to learn property management strategies that benefit wildlife and various programs available to help. To register, please contact Emilio Rende at 716-372-0645 or at via email. The workshop is co-sponsored by the New York State Chapter of the National Wild Turkey Federation (NWTF), the Ruffed Grouse Society and the Quality Deer Management Association. Space is limited to 30 participants, so please register soon. There is a registration fee of $10, which includes refreshments and lunch. Please make checks payable to the New York State Chapter of the NWTF. The deadline for registration is Friday, August 16th.
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Remember the geographic equity testimony during the budget hearing by leaders of several groups entrusted as stewards and spokesmen for all NY sportsmen. Looks like they and that lawmaker from Lake George didn't stop the Finch acquisition with the EP Fund. They did get their boat ramps in Harlem and other locations on the Hudson River too, and with a grant not tied to the conservation fund nor the environmental protection fund. Governor Cuomo recognized the 20th anniversary of the NYS Environmental Protection Fund (EPF). The EPF offers wide ranging benefits to communities around the state and plays an important role in preserving the state’s natural resources and habitats. After years of severe funding cuts, the Governor secured and increased funding for the EPF for this year by $19 million, bringing the Fund to a total of $153 million. Places like Boreas Mountain in the former Finch Pruyn lands in the Adirondacks (pictured) are protected, water quality improvements made, and waste management and reycling are increased through EPF funding.
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Hillary Endorses Poaching Crack Down Hillary Clinton Joins Fight Against Elephant Poaching The news comes just a few weeks after President Obama pledged $10 million to slow illegal wildlife trafficking in sub-Saharan Africa By Amanda Taselaar July 18, 2013 Follow @timenewsfeed Despite international bans, demand for ivory from elephant tusks has grown so strong that it has devastated elephant populations in Africa. Now former secretary of state, Hillary Clinton, wants to help. According to the Washington Post, Clinton has met with representatives from many environmental groups and National Geographic to formulate a plan. “She will use her political connections as America’s former secretary of state to enlist other world leaders in the effort to curtail the illegal ivory trade.” Because China buys about 40 percent of the ivory traded globally, she will focus her efforts there, according to the South China Morning Post. Clinton’s move comes just two weeks after President Obama announced new funding to curb elephant poaching: He has earmarked $10 million to combat wildlife trafficking in sub-Saharan Africa. The African elephant population has dropped from 1.2 million in 1980 to just 420,000 last year. According to the Post, about 30,000 elephants were killed illegally last year, with their tusks selling for as much as $1000 a pound. (The U.S. banned the import of ivory from African elephants in 1989, with the exception of antiques). While all elephants have been devastated, the African forest elephants are particularly at risk. These elephants are smaller than the renowned savannah African elephant and live in more open forest clearings that easily attract poachers. The Wildlife Conservation Society estimated that their population has fallen by about 76 percent in the last decade. Reuters A Kenyan wildlife ranger inscribes markings on the 775 elephant tusks, weighing around 1300 kg (2900 pounds), that was seized by the port police at the container terminal destined for Malaysia in the coastal town of Mombasa July 3, 2013. REUTERS/Joseph Okanga (KENYA – Tags: ANIMALS CRIME LAW) – RTX11B58 (MORE: Obama Moves to Fight Wildlife Trafficking in Africa. But the Real Work is in Asia) Read more:
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Ohio (Not a Northeastern state, but borders New York) Youth Nonresident license only $10, Youths given priority in Managed Dove Field Controlled hunt lotteries. Nonresident License $125 3 Day Nonresident license $40 Youth Nonresident $10 Where to purchase license or to purchase online or by mail: The Ohio Wildlife Council approved the state's 2013-2014 early migratory game bird hunting seasons at its scheduled meeting on Wednesday, July 17, according to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR). Sept. 1 kicks off the state’s bird hunting seasons for mourning dove. Ohio's dove season is Sept. 1-Oct. 21 and Dec. 15-Jan. 2, 2014, with a daily limit of 15 birds and a possession limit of 45 birds after the second day. Controlled dove hunts will be offered at Fallsville, Rush Run, Spring Valley, Indian Creek and Bott state wildlife areas. Bott Wildlife Area will hold its drawings at the Indian Creek Headquarters. These controlled hunts will take place on Sunday, Sept. 1, and Monday, Sept. 2; hunting hours will be noon to sunset. Controlled dove hunts will also be offered at St. Marys Fish Hatchery on Sept. 1-2, 7, 14 and 21. Youths 17-years-old and younger will be given priority on Sept. 1-2. Opening day drawings for all of these hunts will take place at noon on Saturday, Aug. 24, at the respective public area headquarters. Drawings for the other hunts will be held the day of the hunt at noon. Maps and details are available at Questions about these hunts should be directed to the ODNR Division of Wildlife’s District Five office at 937-372-9261. Hunters must obtain a new HIP certification each year. Licenses, permits and stamps are available online at the Wild Ohio Customer Center. Hunting hours are sunrise to sunset. The only exceptions will be on wildlife areas that have specially posted hunting times for doves. The 2013-14 Ohio Hunting and Trapping Regulations and the 2013 Migratory Game Bird Hunting Seasons brochure can be found online at The 2013 Migratory Game Bird Hunting Seasons brochure will be available by late August at license outlets, ODNR Division of Wildlife district offices or by calling 800-WILDLIFE. Visit the ODNR website at . For some tasty dove recipes, check out our Wild Ohio Cookbook. Ohio Managed Dove Fields Download the locations of all dove fields and parking areas using Google Earth. For hyper links click here: Central Ohio Big Island Wildlife Area Deer Creek Wildlife Area Delaware Wildlife Area Mackey Ford Wildlife Area Northwest Ohio Killdeer Plains Wildlife Area Lake La Su An Wildlife Area Pickerel Creek Wildlife Area Resthaven Wildlife Area Wyandot Wildlife Area Northeast Ohio Berlin Lake Wildlife Area Funk Bottoms Wildlife Area Grand River Wildlife Area Highlandtown Wildlife Area Killbuck Marsh Wildlife Area Mosquito Creek Wildlife Area West Branch State Park Wildlife Area Southeast Ohio AEP Recreation Land Crown City Wildlife Area Dillon Wildlife Area-Area 2 Dillon Wildlife Area-Area 3 Egypt Wildlife Area Salt Fork Wildlife Area Tri-Valley Wildlife Area Woodbury Wildlife Area-Central Section Woodbury Wildlife Area-Northwest Section Southwest Ohio Caesar Creek Wildlife Area Clark Lake Darke Wildlife Area Della Gates & Edward Charles Bott Wildlife Area East Fork Wildlife Area Fallsville Wildlife Area Fallsvile Wildlife Area-South Unit Indian Creek Wildlife Area Paint Creek Lake Wildlife Area Pater Wildlife Area Rush Run Wildlife Area Spring Valley Wildlife Area
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DEC Seeks Participants for Summer Game Bird Surveys New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Commissioner Joe Martens today encouraged New Yorkers to participate in surveys about two popular game birds: wild turkeys and ring-necked pheasants. "Citizen science efforts such as these provide our wildlife managers with invaluable data and give people the opportunity to partner with DEC to help monitor state wildlife resources," Commissioner Martens said. "I encourage residents to take the time to record their observations of turkeys or pheasants while exploring the forests and fields around their home or driving through New York's beautiful landscapes this summer." Summer Wild Turkey Sighting Survey Since 1996, DEC has conducted the Summer Wild Turkey Sighting Survey to estimate the number of wild turkey poults (young of the year) per hen statewide. Weather, predation, and habitat conditions during the breeding and brood-rearing seasons can all significantly impact nest success, hen survival, and poult survival. This index allows us to gauge reproductive success and predict fall harvest potential. During the month of August, survey participants will record the sex and age composition of all flocks of wild turkeys observed during normal travel. Individuals interested in participating can download a Summer Wild Turkey Sighting Survey form from the DEC website. Detailed instructions can be found with the data sheet. Survey cards can also be obtained by contacting your regional DEC office, by calling (518) 402-8886, or by e-mailing [email protected] (please type "Turkey Survey" in the subject line). Monitoring Pheasants in the Genesee Valley Focus Area Farmers in the 13 counties that comprise the Lake Plains of New York have partnered with DEC since 1945 to help survey wild pheasant populations. This effort continues in the newly established "Pheasant Habitat Focus Area" in the Genesee Valley (portions of Livingston, Genesee, Wyoming and Monroe counties). The focus area was created as a part of DEC's recently completed 10-year management plan for ring-necked pheasants. The goal of the focus area is to concentrate the efforts of public and private habitat conservation programs to benefit pheasants and other grassland birds. The surveys will help DEC monitor pheasant populations and evaluate the success of habitat management efforts in the focus area. Those who farm land in Livingston, Genesee, Wyoming or Monroe counties can consider participating in the Farmer-Pheasant Inventory. No special observations are required; just those made during normal spring and summer farming activities. To join, contact DEC at (518) 402-8886 or by e-mail ([email protected], write "Farmer-Pheasant Inventory" in the subject line). Those who do not farm, but would like to contribute their pheasant observations from Livingston, Genesee, Wyoming and Monroe counties can join the Summer Pheasant Sighting Survey. During the month of August, survey participants record the sex and age of all pheasants observed during normal travel. A Summer Pheasant Sighting Survey form can be printed from the DEC website or call (518) 402-8886 for further guidance. Additional information is available on the DEC website: Summer Wild Turkey Sighting Survey Pheasant Habitat Focus Area & Pheasants Surveys Citizen Science: Wildlife Observations Data Collection DEC Regional Office Contact Information
Ontario DNR (Canada) just announced its upcoming migratory bird seasons and that it established a mourning dove hunting season in the regions central and south hunting districts. The daily bag limit is 15 and the possession limit is 45. Since most doves, and probably all Canadian doves migrate,the birds shot in Ontario will be the same birds that the humane society has been telling our senate & assembly to protect and the same birds that have been shot in PA for years. No doubt the Canadian hunters will be recovering bands from the NY DEC, NJ DEP, and other eastern seaboard states that do not allow dove hunting yet are under mandate to band doves for the FWS that is not funded nor is there revenue derived from dove hunting...
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- The Human Dimensions Research Unit at Cornell University published a report based on a two year study of state fish and wildlife agencies’ capacity to detect and respond to fish and wildlife disease threats. The report was funded by the Multistate Conservation Grant Program administered by the Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies, and sponsored by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. The authors of the report developed four steps to increase the capacity of state fish and wildlife agencies for detecting pathogens and improving fish and wildlife health programs: strengthening interagency relationships, securing resources necessary for program administration, developing communication and decision-making processes, and cultivating and maintaining public trust in state fish and wildlife agencies. Application of these steps will address factors such as inadequate funding, staffing, and public support that limit state agencies’ efforts on disease management tactics. For more information about this research, please contact Bill Siemer at Cornell University (607-255-282 or [email protected]). Sources: Human Dimensions Research Unit at Cornell University (June 2013).
Last week, President Obama completed his week-long Africa trip to Senegal, South Africa, and Tanzania, where he promoted an increased partnership amongst African nations and the U.S. He ended his trip in Tanzania where he focused on highlighting the country’s economic potential as well as combating illegal wildlife trade. Tens of thousands of African elephants (Loxodonta africana spp.) are slaughtered every year by poachers who seek their tusks for the illegal ivory trade. African rhinoceroses are targeted for their horns, and intense poaching has nearly decimated the black rhino (Diceros bicornis) population. Currently, the market value for rhino horns is $30,000 per pound, and $1,000 per pound for the ivory from elephant tusks (Greenwire). The total global market from illegal wildlife trade is $7 billion to $10 billion a year, and growing. President Obama has pledged to curb the illegal wildlife trade before the African elephant and black rhino go extinct. Obama’s plan to cut down on illegal trafficking of wildlife parts is an effort to stabilize African governments. He created a $10 million initiative that will train police officers and park rangers in Tanzania, South Africa, Kenya, and other African countries to fight organized gangs involved in poaching. The U.S. Department of State will provide the $10 million in regional and bilateral training, as well as technical assistance. A new executive order announced last week would set up a Presidential Task Force to create a strategy for stopping criminals from poaching and thus cut off the demand for ivory in other countries. In addition, the order would establish an Advisory Council on Wildlife Tracking, consisting of eight non-government individuals to oversee the Task Force. Sources: Greenwire (July 3, 2013), Mongabay (July 3, 2013), The White House (July 1, 2013), National Geographic (October 2012).
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During the last DEC Budget hearing one of the issues raised by those invited to testify was about geographic equity of land acquisitions in general and in particular access to the Hudson River. Not sure if this is what they had in mind, but here is what they got... For Release: Tuesday, July 9, 2013 Grants Awarded to Improve Access to Hudson River for Underserved Communities Kingston, Albany, Yonkers and New York City Will Use Grants to Develop Plans to Provide Greater Opportunities to Enjoy Recreational OpportunitiesThe New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Hudson River Estuary Program, in partnership with the New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission (NEIWPCC), has awarded four grants totaling $117,611 to provide access to the Hudson River and its tributaries for underserved communities, including people with disabilities and individuals living in disadvantaged neighborhoods, DEC Commissioner Joe Martens announced today. The purpose of these grants is to support the development of plans or projects that will improve public access to the river and estuary for fishing, boating, swimming, hiking, wildlife education, and river watching in environmental justice neighborhoods. "The Hudson River Estuary Program is helping communities enjoy, protect and revitalize the Hudson River and its Valley," said Commissioner Martens. "These grants support efforts in four communities to develop projects that will make it easier for residents of disadvantaged neighborhoods to enjoy recreational and educational opportunities along the river and its tributaries, while also helping to revitalize river cities. The awards are part of a plan to connect environmental projects to the economic vitality of the region, and these four projects align with Regional Economic Development Council (REDC) goals and strategies." Ron Poltak, NEIWPCC Executive Director, said, "Providing waterfront access for underserved communities is key to building support for the Hudson. NEIWPCC is pleased to offer support for this important initiative." The four grant-funded projects are located in environmental justice (EJ) neighborhoods in Albany, Kingston, New York City and Yonkers: The City of Albany will receive $30,000 to conduct a community engagement and visioning plan to increase educational and recreational opportunities along the Patroon Creek, a tributary of the Hudson River estuary located within the Tivoli Lake Preserve, The Preserve is an underutilized 80-acre urban nature preserve located adjacent to two high-density lower-income communities -- the Arbor Hill and West Hill neighborhoods - and is the second largest urban nature preserve in New York State (only Central Park in New York City is larger). A related project, previously funded by the Hudson River Estuary Program, involves opening up sections of the Patroon Creek to daylight, in areas where the creek flows underground through culverts. The site is ideal for restoration, and the city will actively engage local residents in developing a vision for its use as a community asset. The project aligns with the Capital District REDC goal of waterfront revitalization. The City of Kingston will receive $30,000 to install a floating fishing pier/dock on the Rondout Creek next to T.R. Gallo Park and neighborhood subsidized housing complexes-one of the poorest census tracts in the city. The dock will provide the first public access fishing dock along Kingston's waterfront at Rondout Creek and will provide opportunities to catch a variety of fish of the Hudson estuary, such as perch, largemouth bass and striped bass. The Federated Sportsmen's Clubs of Ulster County will provide fishing equipment and host fishing classes in the downtown area to teach local residents to fish. The city's goal is to be a regional leader in providing access to disenfranchised citizens who can't access the water because they do not own boats. In addition to providing fishing access for low-income residents, the project includes ramps accessible for wheelchair users. This project meets a Mid-Hudson REDC goal to use of the region's natural infrastructure of parks, preserves and waterways, including the Hudson estuary, to promote recreational and tourism uses of the waterfront. The city office of Community Development is providing $20,000 in matching funds for the project, which also supports the city's local waterfront revitalization plan. West Harlem Environmental Action Inc. (WE ACT for Environmental Justice) will receive $30,006 to develop plans for a new community center for ecological education and recreational activities on the Hudson River at 135th Street, site of the abandoned Marine Transfer Station. This site has the potential to offer access to the Hudson River for residents of Harlem, creating a much-needed green center for northern Manhattan, an area that has been excessively burdened with polluting facilities. WE ACT seeks to turn an area known for community blight to a publicly accessible, ecologically beneficial green center, cultivating environmental stewards for the Hudson. The project will reach out to and seek to involve local schools in the visioning process, including Philip Randolph High School, PS 161, and Mott Hall High School Yonkers, Groundwork Hudson Valley will receive $27,605 to work with residents to develop access plans to the adjacent Saw Mill River for fishing, birding, walking, and environmental education. The Saw Mill River is a tributary stream of the Hudson River Estuary that is being restored as a community asset and habitat for local fish and wildlife. This project will provide access to the stream for residents of Walsh Homes, a senior housing residence, and families at Schlobohm Houses. These public housing complexes have a combined total of approximately 1,000 units of housing. The project will replace rusting chain link fences and imposing blockades that currently impede access, and replace them with small pocket parks and bucolic settings for residents to enjoy vistas of the river. Residents and families will be asked to volunteer their time in the restoration project and create true community engagement. The project will include interpretive signage about the habitats, fish and birds of the area, and will also offer educational and recreational activities such as bird-watching and river cleanups. For more information on the grants awarded, contact Fran Dunwell, NYSDEC Hudson River Estuary Program, at 845-256-3016. The Hudson River Estuary Program is a project of the NYS Environmental Protection Fund. Helping people enjoy, protect and revitalize the Hudson River and its Valley, For more information on the Hudson River Estuary Program visit the DEC website.
The mourning dove is federally designated as a migratory game bird and hunted in 40 of the lower 48 states, but not in NY. The NY Department of Environmental Conservation cannot set a hunting season until the NY state legislature and the governor change the state’s classification of the mourning dove to be consistent with the federal designation. The Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918 recognizes sport hunting as a legitimate use of a renewable migratory bird resource. The BIDE rates, population and harvest estimates certainly support harvesting doves: Current Population Estimate: 308 million doves in the United States Annual Mortality: 58% Juvenile Annual Mortality: 69% Sustainable harvest (which considers replacement–level birth rates; natural mortality; and stochastic factors): 60 to 75 percent 2012 annual harvest: 5.5 percent of population or about 17 Million birds, of which 7 million from the Eastern Management Unit, which includes NY. The 2012 harvest at 5.5% could be 69.5% higher without impacting the population, which would be equivalent to an additional 214 million birds harvested. This is not a suggestion that hunter satisfaction is low among those who hunt doves, as a matter of fact, surveys indicate the opposite is true. It does illustrate the mourning dove’s resilience to harvest and why it makes no sense whatsoever not to implement a dove hunting season in NY. It should also be pointed out that even if hunting occurred in all states, a harvest of 60 to 75 percent is possible only in theory, as hunter numbers, effort, and skill level preclude this, especially under contemporary regulations and the concept of fair chase. A high reproductive rate and short generation time makes this species resistant to stochaticity as well. A significant form of natural mortality is the mouth-dwelling parasite Trichomonas gallinae. Mourning doves will sometimes host this parasite without symptoms, but in other individuals it will often cause yellowish growth in the mouth and esophagus that will eventually starve the host to death. The manifesto of the Humane Society of the United States that mourning doves provide significant ecological services to the agriculture industry by consuming seeds of nuisance plants is not documented in the scientific literature or otherwise empirically demonstrated. To the contrary; birds are believed to have a role in seed dispersal; therefore it is possible that doves may actually facilitate the spread or abundance of nuisance plants, rather than reduce them. The HSUS, in addition to (unsuccessfully) opposing a dove season in Wisconsin, has made similar campaigns in that state to block the establishment of hunting seasons for woodchucks, sandhill cranes, gray wolves, and most remarkably, mute swans, a deleterious introduced species. Mourning Doves are one of the most abundant and widespread of all North American birds - ranked eleventh among 251 species in relative abundance throughout a geographic distribution range covering 6.8 million square miles. It is also thee leading game bird, and the third ranked game species overall, after deer and slightly behind turkeys, with an average of 20 million birds harvested and enjoyed as table fare annually in the U.S.
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Nugent on dove legislation May 2013 Wolf hunt accomplished, Ted Nugent says Michigan should turn to dove season next Michigan rocker Ted Nugent talks dove hunting Michigan rocker Ted Nugent talks dove hunting. By Cory Olsen | [email protected] on May 15, 2013 at 3:45 PM, updated May 15, 2013 at 4:23 PM GRAND RAPIDS, MI — You don't have to wait long to hear an opinion about wildlife management when talking to Michigan native rocker Ted Nugent. When asked recently about the newly approved wolf hunt, Nugent suggested the state take things one step further: A dove season. "We can hunt pheasants in Michigan, we can hunt quail in Michigan," Nugent said. "Grouse? Huntable. Woodcock? Huntable. There are more doves in Michigan than all those birds combined. The dove is the No. 1 game species, not just the No. 1 game bird on the planet, it's the No. 1 game species. The mourning dove generates more family hours of recreation than any species including bluegills." Doves were banned from hunting in 2006. The reason for Michiganders not being able to hunt them? Look to the history of the state's leadership, Nugent said. "This is insanity," Nugent said. "This is a holdover of the days of (former Detroit mayors) Kwame (Kilpatrick) and Coleman Young and (former governor) Jennifer Granholm that wouldn't know a mourning dove from a pterodactyl." A recently added piece of legislature, Bill 288, that Gov. Rick Snyder signed into law on May 8, will now put the power of designating game species as well as hunting seasons for those species in the hands of the Natural Resources Commission. That should help clear up any red tape holding back a dove hunt, Nugent said. "I'm pleased that scientifically educated professionals will now have the authority to make sure that the universally respected and utilized game species on the planet, that Michigan produces more of than Indiana or Ohio or Illinois, where you can hunt them, that we will legalize dove hunting." Outspoken about all things wildlife, Nugent said the revenue generated via people using hotels, grocery stores, restaurants and equipment could be huge for Michigan. "It's about damn time," he said.
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March 13, 2013 How can it be credible that DEC is voluntarily handing out its own money and deliberately not performing its mandates, carrying out slated projects, or implementing existing conservation plans? After all, these are the DEC’s own ideas and working capital. The blame is sometimes put on “the state” and “politicians”. Although it is not hard to believe that tens of millions of dollars in the accounts comprising the conservation fund will perk up lawmakers; it is not believable that regulation proposals for fishing & hunting are dreamed up by the legislature or governor. These proposals are driven by either sportsmen or anti-hunters. Other times they are driven by non-shooting conservationists. However, the chain is longer than the special interest drivers. It is extended by advisory boards such as the open lands advisory board; conservation advisory board; and the Fish and Wildlife Management Board. Additionally, the NY State Conservation Council is also empowered by state law to have a voice larger than individuals or small groups, unless those agree with the NYSCC, off course. The chain is longer and still does not end there. A proposal, in addition to passing both houses of the legislature and being signed by the governor; can be opened for public comment one or more times during the rule-making process. The public comment period is several weeks or months long and is advertised in newspapers, the DEC website, or in what is known as the state register or federal register for federal regulations. This comment period is used as a tool by special interests groups, when it is to their advantage; they blast announcements about it to their members and to the magazines (actually directly to the Outdoor Writers Association). When it does not work to their advantage, they keep it quiet. However, you are not their puppet, unless you choose to be. As an individual you can monitor the websites of the DEC, assembly, senate, and congress, and the state or federal registers, to keep apprised of public comment periods. This article is leading up to the politicization of conservation. Conservation began in the 1930s, but in 1957 NY passed the Fish and Wildlife Management Act which authorized the FWMB to make recommendations on management plans and work on private land cooperative agreements for hunting and fishing. Members of each regional board are politically appointed and/or from designated groups, such as agriculture, etc. During May, 2011, a bill passed the NY State Senate which extended the term limits of board members. The stated justification of this law was that by the time board members learned the ropes and became experienced, it was time for them to resign. Backtracking to 1982, NY passed another law which authorized the conservation advisory board which is self-explanatory. In 1992 still another law was passed which restructured the CFAB. This law put a handful of politicians and DEC staff on the board as “ex office” members. The stated reason for this law was to assist the regular board members in making decisions on time. A creed among sportsman is to remain united. That creed has helped keep anti-hunters and anti-firearm groups at bay. However, it also has created institutionalized thinking among sportsmen. This mentality has discouraged people from doing their own thinking and encouraged adopting whatever is said or proposed by large organizations that enjoy carte blanche access to the sporting media through the Outdoor Writers Association. One way the case is delivered by the sporting leadership is by criticizing “special interest legislation”. However, they only consider a bill S.I.L. when it is not one of their proposals. And as mentioned earlier, some proposals are announced widely when it helps, but others slide through the entire legislative process with stealth when advantageous. Conservation and sporting policy should be ecology-based, not politically- based. Indoctrination drives politics, not conservation. Sportsmen love to tout science-based decisions and label themselves conservationists after making a statement about the difference between a preservationist and a conservationist. However, like industry, it is only science when it is consistent with their agenda. Everybody seems to agree that conservation has become politicized. The disagreement lies in who is to blame for driving politics. If the sporting leadership is “pushing back” with recommendations during a hearing and with new legislation, why isn’t that playing politics? Despite the dysfunction of that approach, chatter within the sporting community indicates some degree of endorsement of this retaliation. Citizen participation is useful to help natural resource managers (the DEC) balance the social and biological aspects of conservation. It seems that has evolved into politically facilitated groups insistent on telling the DEC what to do, when to do it, how to do it, and what not to do. When the DEC is proposing something they like or adopting one of their own proposals, it is one story. In those scenarios these groups endorse the DEC’s ideas, science, and statistics. When the DEC has other priorities or conclusions, it is a different story and politics enter. Apparently, politics entered in 2013 with a proposal to lower sporting license revenue, unless you believe that is just what the DEC wanted…
- dove hunting season
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NY has used a strategy for several years which purportedly will sustain conservation funding, however this locks up large amounts of money and does not seem to be necessary in the first place. Time is of the essence characterizes conservation. There is no time to play politics or investment banking with conservation funds. Investment in conservation pays, it does not cost... One example is open land returns a yield of five dollars on one dollar invested. Policy makers instead decided to invest a portion of sporting license revenues not in conservation, but in the state short term investment pool at a maximum return of 6% and delay the DEC access to that return for 12 months while tens of millions of principle is run through the state's STIP and not accessible to the DEC for an indefinite time. It is our goal to make the conservation community fully aware of this and make their own decisions on whether this strategy is wise. Those who are opposed to this strategy can boycott lifetime sporting licenses and buy annual licenses instead. In addition those opposed can contact the NY state assembly & senate, particularly those representing their voting district and the chairs of the assembly & senate environmental conservation committees.