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Political threads


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Please try to keep the political type threads in the politics section. I have moved a bunch of them recently. With the election coming up I realize that there will be more political threads than usual, so I just figured I would make the request before it gets really annoying lol.


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  On 5/13/2016 at 1:39 PM, growalot said:

BTW... and no offense meant WNYBH, take note that this whole thread was started in general chat by a moderator and is Titled Political threads.


Now I find some irony in that and will assume, it was done to make sure everyone saw it,seeing the political post have to be sought out.


Im not sure what you are asserting with this comment, feel free to PM me if Im off base here, but I posted this topic as an informational post to ask people not to post political threads in the General Chit Chat section. I thought that was plenty clear. Im going to go through and remove all of the nonsense in the thread, and it will remain locked and pinned. I Should have locked it originally, as its not up for debate.

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Due to one particular member's lack of control with their religious views, if you wish to talk religion, please do so in the political section. Threads that are religious in nature will be moved there, and anypreaching on the site will result in warnings, etc.

Before anyone gets upset about the change, Im not saying you cant mention religion or god in a thread, just dont preach about it.

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