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Skinny deer


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She was a big deer as far as dimensions go. And she had definitely nursed this year. She wasn't a fawn, and going by my experience not a yearling either. Thanks for the input though.

Edited by troutfisher13111
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not to be an ass but kinda seems like maybe you just shot a young doe and maybe should have let her pass by til next year. or as someone else said may have been the runt of a litter. hard to tell n dont fully know your position but i think that small this early id have passed on her. who knows tho maybe she had something keeping her from gettin any bulk and you did the local herd a favor by getting her out. congrats on the freezer n some meat tho.

His tag he can do what he wants with it. He did not post this asking if it was an ok deer to shoot. He was concerned about the health of the deer and all. Gotta respect that.

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