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Blown opportunity out of a blind


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I bowhunt out of ground blind and have a line of sight around 100 yds in all directions. I leave my window flaps open only a few inches and when I see them coming, I have time to close the flap behind me, adjust the windows in front and in the direction of the deer, garb the bow and get ready. Or at least, that's what's suppose to happen. I've seen this eight pointer every weekend, comes to about 50 and always seems to head in a different direction. This past Saturday, I'm checking all the areas cause he can come from anywhere, and suddenly, he's there 40 yds away and heading for me. Adjusted the front window flap, grabbed the bow, he's at 30 yds. Drew back, and I didn't make the opening of the window big enough to shoot out of (owhatanassiam), released, he stood behind a tree, fixed the flap, redrew, and he quartered away, nose in the air, checking like something was definitely wrong, turned around, and ran back the way he came. Alright, the wind was heading right at him, but that's no excuse to miss out on that opportunity. My son sons to completely close off one side, half the other two sides and concentrate on 180 degrees. Next year, I guarantee I get a ladder stand again and chain it up, cause this blind's nice, but I don't think it's the best for bowhunting this area.

If you hunt out of blind, how do you guys keep your windows ? It seems it has to be at least a 7 or 8 inch opening to properly shoot out of, and can give away a lot of movement.

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blinds are sweet. Mine are homemade. But, i am saving my cans and bottles money for one of those new hay/corn bale blinds. I gotta have it. My blinds are all made out of lumber, and elevated, and i leave windows (18"x24") have 3, but only use one, the others i have neglected the last 4 years do to new treestand locations.

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I would be a little leery of shooting through a mesh, even with a regular broadhead. This tent is a little doghouse blind, no frills, no mesh. If a little twig can deflect an arrow, I wouldn't trust shootin through em with the shot of a lifetime. Besides, I use the two blade rage expandables, so it's a mute point. The advantages to the blind are you can move around relatively easy without being seen, up to a certain point, less exposure to the elements, comfortable seating, and more. But I think it's a disadvantage when trying to set up for a shot. Ya know, ya can't have everything. We'll see if he comes around again this weekend. This storm may drop some of the white stuff around Westchester, might get em into some heavy rutting, like last year, and hopefully, he give me the opportunity again. Good luck to all.

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Took my first doe this year from a blind - dressed in all black and left the back closed and sides just slightly (2") open to see what may be coming. The front was open 8" or so. That said, I agree it can be a pain to shoot from a hub blind. For me, the biggest issue is spotting the deer before its practically on me. Due to the height of brush, I only had 3 shooting lanes out to 25 yards or so. The doe did still spot me when I was drawn as it started bobbing its head at me and walking towards me. It did settle down and move broadside before I shot.

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I remember last years rut was awesome with deer running all over the place. Was positioned in the corner of the property, all the activity with the bucks was between 40 and 80 yards away, although a couple of does (one a white one) walking right by my stand. I placed it back in the same place at the beginning of the season. Had one spike about 25 yds away and everything else was in the middle of the flat, between 40 and 80 again. So, I moved it to the flat. Seen the same 8 pointer a couple of times out of the old location. After blowing the last opportunity at the new area, I can only imagine with all the deer running around, going crazy like they did last year, it'll be hard to set up properly without them being on all four sides of you. I'll take a look and see if I have enough black outfits and just keep the one side closed. (maybe just a slit to to look out). Hopefully the snow will still be on the ground on Saturday, my tent will still be there, and the deer will cooperate and put on a show. Good Luck !!!!

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