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Anyone weigh Blackhorn 209


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I've started weighing the charges of Blackhorn 209 instead of volume charging.... Anyone else doing this?? For the life of me off the top of my head I can't think of the weight but used 110 grain volume charge to start it... then just loaded up a bunch of speed loaders with it... Very consistent I've found...

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110 gr. by volume is supposed to equal 77 grains by weight. However, that (110gr) volume didn't work out quite to 77 grains by weight with my (volumetric) measure vs. my scale. I just used 77 gr. on my scale to keep things consistent. This amount shot well in my T/C Triumph with Barnes bullets and Harvester sabots but I still had to swab between shots for best accuracy.

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I've asked the same question on another posting band did get a very good response. At the range, I used a patch lightly lubed with Hoppes #9 followed by one dry patch. Haven't had to worry about cleaning between shots yet in the field. I haven't seen any deer!

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