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Syracuse.com - Son gets deer for his dad, who taught him all about the outdoors

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"As I sit here writing this, I am reflecting on all of the time Dad and I shared in the deer woods. Learning to field dress a deer, the missed shots, spooked deer and the successes."

11947538-large.jpg Submitted photo Jack Spriggs, of Mexico, poses with a nice buck he took recently in Granby. His story is one that really touched me and I feel honored that he allowed me to share it.

He wrote: " Although my dad is still with us, this would be the first Southern Zone opener that we have not hunted together in 30 years. Hunting, especially deer hunting, is the one thing Dad and I have always shared.

"Dad first took me into the deer woods when I was 14, two years before I could carry a gun. He has since been with me to introduce both of my daughters to deer hunting.

"This year was different. Less than a week before this years southern opener Dad lost another battle with the cancer he has fought for the last four years. The doctors told him that his bones were so brittle that the recoil from the shotgun could break his arm or shoulder. With too little time and cash alternate methods with less recoil like a handgun or crossbow were not an option. Dad took the news with the courage and dignity that he always does. Me, not so much.

" I hunted the beginning of the season with a vengeance. Determined to harvest a deer for dad. Finally, on Friday, the day after Thanksgiving, it happened.

"There I was, sitting in dad's stand, in the pre-dawn light listening to what was definitely deer movement. Footsteps and grunting first coming in my direction then moving away.

"Over and over it came and went until finally I could see the distinct silhouette of a deer and antlers. As it faded off and out of sight I remember thinking "Well, maybe next time."

Twenty minutes later it appeared again without making a sound, as big bucks do, standing on the old logging trail, 25 yards in front of me. I settled the crosshairs and squeezed the trigger. The buck lurched, turned and ran back in the direction he came from.

"As I sat in the stand with tears in my eyes and a lump in my throat I whispered, 'That one's for you, Pop.'

"My wife and I loaded the buck into the back of my truck and took it straight to Dad. The glimmer in his eyes and the pat on my back said I'd done good.

"As I sit here writing this I am reflecting on all of the time Dad and I shared in the deer woods. Learning to field dress a deer, the missed shots, spooked deer and the successes. If Dad doesn't hunt again it'll be okay. Not right, just okay."

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